Monday, September 30, 2019
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
If the porters can organize their industry, hold their ranks, prove their fighting ability in the interest of the working class, it will have a profound effect on the attitude of white organized labor. And it will have a profound effect upon the organizable capacity of Negro workers in other industries. These men who punch our pillows and shine our shoes and stow our bags under the seats bear in their hands no little of the responsibility for the industrial future of their race (The Nation, June 9, 1926).Most observers would have thought it quite unlikely during the early 1920s that the sleeping car porters, those seemingly obsequious men, always bowing and scraping in the presence of whites with their hands held out for a tip, would ever have been able to start a union. Even more preposterous was the thought that they not only would start a union, but that their organization would become a nationally recognized symbol of the New Negro, a leader in the struggle of black people to att ain their rightful Place as part of the American working-class.Not only were porters servile and easily frightened men, people would say, but the vast majority of them worked for the Pullman Company, a giant among American capitalist enterprises. The company was the largest single employer of blacks in the country, and most black spokesmen believed that black people owed the Chicago-based corporation a debt of gratitude. Moreover, the Pullman Company was notoriously anti-union. Should porters attempt anything so foolish as forming a union, the company would crush the incipient movement before it ever began (Perata 45-47).However, by the end of World War II, Randolph and the brotherhood were major forces within American labor and society. The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP), was the first African American labor organization to affiliate with the American Federation of Labor (AFL). The BSCP, founded by the labor leader Asa Philip Randolph in 1925, organized black Pullman ca r porters. Far more than a labor union, the BSCP was also a pivotal organization in the twentieth-century civil rights movement. Randolph was president of the BSCP from 1925 to 1968.Although he also held general organizer credentials, his role within the BSCP was largely that of public spokesperson and agitator, with practical matters being left in the hands of men like the BSCP organizers Milton Webster, Ashley Totten, and C. L. Dellums. The labor movement had done more for advancement of blacks than any other institution in America. Between 1928 and the 1935 convention, the laws governing labor-management relations bad changed dramatically. In July 1935, President Franklin D.Roosevelt signed into law the Wagner-Connery Act, which guaranteed workers the right to organize. But more important to the BSCP, Congress had passed the Amended Railway Labor Act of 1934 which guaranteed railroad workers that right. Moreover, that act required corporations to negotiate with unions that could prove that they represented the majority of a particular class of workers, and created the National Mediation Board to protect workers' interests. The emancipation of slaves following the Civil War did little to resolve their precarious social and economic status.As late as 1910, 83. 3 percent of African Americans resided in the South. The vast majority were engaged in agricultural work, with black artisanship suffering erosion when Reconstruction ended and Jim Crow systems became dominant. One of the few corporations to employ large numbers of African Americans was the Pullman Company, the maker and supplier of luxury cars for railroads. Founder George Pullman hired ex-slaves as servants for his cars as early as 1870, and by the turn of the century, Pullman was the single largest employer of black labor.Of the 12,000 porters employed by Pullman in 1925, all were black except for about 400 Mexicans and a handful of Asians. What emerged was a complex relationship between black employ ees, the Pullman Corporation, and rail passengers. From its origin the BSCP had three goals. First, of course, union leaders wanted to gain recognition from the Pullman Company as the official representative of porters and maids so as to improve their wages and working conditions.Second, and of equal importance, at least to Randolph, the BSCP was the means by which black workers would break down barriers to equal membership in organized labor. Thus, Randolph and his colleagues set their sights on an international charter from the AFL. The union's third goal stemmed from the first two. A union under black leadership strong enough to gain recognition from the Pullman Company and to wrest a charter from the AFL would serve as an example to other working-class blacks of the possibilities for improving their lives. Many of the black men (including J.Finley Wilson, president of the Improved and Benevolent Order of Elks of the World; Perry Howard, perennial Republican national committeeman from Mississippi; and Benjamin E. Mays, who became president of Morehouse College and of the Atlanta school board) who went on to make names for themselves worked for Pullman at one time. The harsh irony is that such men accepted jobs at Pullman largely because the company offered the best opportunities available for black men. Indeed, a porter's annual pay of $810 plus tips in 1925 far exceeded that of a black school teacher.In addition, porters were considered cosmopolites, men of the world who flitted back and forth across the country, visiting regularly places most blacks could never dream of seeing. Black women were instrumental in advancing the brotherhood from its earliest days. A small number of black women employed as maids by the Pullman Company took out memberships in the BSCP, but women were most active in auxiliaries. Wives and other female relatives of Pullman employees started to establish local auxiliaries in 1926, and that same year several auxiliaries combined to form the Colored Women's Economic Council.Women's auxiliaries were instrumental in raising money for the brotherhood in the days before an AFL charter boosted the organizational treasury. They also performed important community functions such as offering financial assistance to families left destitute when the Pullman Company dismissed black wage earners (Chateauvert 197). The BSCP took advantage of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's election in 1932. New Deal legislation outlawed company unions and granted workers the right to bargain through their own elected units.In 1934, the Railway Labor Act was amended to include sleeping car employees. Women continued their feverish activity on behalf of the union, and women's auxiliaries became so numerous that a coordinated network of Ladies Auxiliaries of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters emerged in 1938. Increased political, legal, and organizational activity gave Randolph the necessary leverage to call for a union election. In June 1935, despite massive layoffs by Pullman, the BSCP won collective bargaining rights by a nearly eight-to-one margin.BSCP officials not only sought legitimacy for their own union but looked on the union as a vehicle for the advancement of all black workers. During the Great Depression the Brotherhood participated in various grass roots activities and workers' actions. The union joined in the numerous protests throughout the country over the plight of the Scottsboro Boys, nine young blacks convicted of rape in Alabama, and was a leader in the successful efforts of organized labor and civil rights organizations to prevent the confirmation of judge John J.Parker, whom President Herbert Hoover nominated for the Supreme Court in 1930 (Santino 34). The BSCP alone tied together Parker's racist and anti-union sentiments. And though they would not go so far as to support Communist activities, Randolph and other BSCP spokesmen encouraged black workers to form workers' councils so as to demand equitable relief funds from the U. S. government, especially after the origin of the New Deal. The BSCP was the very first African-American labor union to sign a collective bargaining agreement with a main U.S. corporation (Santino 67). All applicants were required to take the General Test the United States Employment Service. Each applicant was also given an intensive interview with an employment service counselor to determine whether he might have a substantial potential in the trade regardless of his ability to meet the minimum standards. Under the collective bargaining agreement, appointments as apprentices were to be made from among the highest scorers. Randolph's career is one of the most interesting in contemporary black history.As an opponent of participation in World War I and an angry critic of the Wilson administration, Randolph's writings earned The Messenger the title of ‘the most able and the most dangerous of all Negro publications' (Pfeffer 67). During the int er-war years he devoted himself to trade union organization and gained prominence as the leader of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. Not only did he secure recognition of the union from the railroads, but in 1936 took it into the American Federation of Labor as an international union.This union's founding and struggle for recognition was a dramatic episode in the history of black workers (Harris 78). The black leaders of the period, including Du Bois and Randolph, who believed in programs of interracial cooperation also believed that such a policy of working with whites must be accompanied by a campaign of public enlightenment about black people. To win whites to the cause it was necessary to correct the black image in their minds. Beyond an appeal to the conscience of whites, or to their democratic ideals, it was necessary to remove the misconceptions they held about blacks.In the mid- 1930s the Brotherhood won two notable victories-the receipt of an international charter fr om the American Federation of Labor and recognition by the Pullman Company as the bargaining agent for the porters and maids. Strengthened by its international union status and by its victory over the Pullman Company, the Brotherhood had become a dominant force in Negro circles by the late 1930s. References Chateauvert, Melinda. (1997). Marching Together: Women of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Harris, William. (1977).Keeping the Faith: A. Philip Randolph, Milton P. Webster, and the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 1925-37. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Perata, David. (1996). Those Pullman Blues: An Oral History of the African American Railroad Attendant. New York: Twayne Publishers. Pfeffer, Paula F. A. (1990). Philip Randolph, Pioneer of the Civil Rights Movement. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. Santino, Jack. (1991). Miles of Smiles, Years of Struggle: Stories of Black Pullman Porters. Urbana: University o f Illinois Press. The Nation, June 9, 1926, p. 3.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Before and After the Cellphone Essay
Cellphones have gradually become an imperative part of peoples lives today. 70% of the world’s population have cellphones. These days, people and their mobile phones seem to be inseparable. Texting or calling someone when we wake up has become a usual habit just like brushing our teeth in the morning. For many of us, it’s hard to imagine a time before cellphones. Having a cellphone has changed our manners, the way we communicate, and our safety. Before cellphones there seemed to be more peace and quite. People seemed to have manners. Today people don’t always remember their manners when using their cellphones. People constantly carrying on personal conversations in a public place can be very annoying. Some people talk really loud and don’t care that everyone around them can hear every word they are saying. It can be extremely disturbing to someone when they are walking in a mall or down a street and someone starts speaking right beside or behind them. They turn to respond, only to find out he or she beside them has an earbud active. Before we had cellphones people would actually write letters. During my elementary school days it was â€Å"cool†to pass notes. We actually used complete sentences and words that were in the dictionary. Also before cellphones if someone was to leave the house, they didn’t make a phone call unless they popped 10 cents into a pay phone. People never received any calls away from home. People actually had to be out of touch with friends and family when they weren’t at home. Now that we have cell phones letters are rarely sent. Today note passing is rare. If kids want to communicate during school they simply just shoot each other a text message. Also, today if someone is to leave the house, making a phone call is easy. With a quick dial on a cellphone people can make a call at any time. Cellphones have not only changed the way we communicate but they have changed our safety. Texting and driving has become common and has caused many deaths in the United States. It was reported in 2005 that cellphone distraction causes 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries in the United States every year. Another safety issue with cellphones is privacy. Say someone’s at an airport, or on the bus. Several people are on their cellphones, some talking business, and others talking about personal information. Any information shared has now become available to anyone else who might have been around to hear their phone call. Others may now know their address, information about their family, or financial records. Before cellphones life were more safe. Before cell phones people didn’t have to constantly worry about someone overhearing their conversation. Also people didn’t have to worry about others driving them off the road because of the careless mistake of texting while driving. The cellphone is loved by many and hated by the few for ruining society. Although cellphones have changed society I have a hard time imagining my life without one. Cellphones have had a major impact on our lives and have vastly changed our manners, the way we communicate and our safety. Many of these changes are apparent, while others we may not even be aware of.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Communication to mitigate disasters Research Paper
Communication to mitigate disasters - Research Paper Example gger than 1.5 x 2 kilometres because we are unable to adequately control the focus of the map from On the other hand, the vertical distance from 4788 Brentwood Drive is smaller than 1.5 kilometres whether northward or southward. The relatively short vertical distance attempts to offset the relatively bigger horizontal coverage of the map. On checking, however, the area covered by Figure 1 is about 6.9 square kilometres versus the 7.07 square kilometres implied by a 1.5-kilometres radius from 4788 Brentwood Drive. Based on the formula pi x radius-squared for area, a 1.5 kilometres radius implies 7.07 square kilometres. The website, which is controlled and managed by the Burnaby City government, is developing a menu for estimating the population of a sector of Burnaby. However, the author conducted several hours and days of attempts to estimate the population of the area covered by Figure 1 using the menu and failed. Possibly, the website is not yet ready to execute the population estimation function at the time of author’s attempt to access the website although the website was updated last 17 September 2010. However, if we use the latest edition of the Burnaby Quick Facts that was produced in 2008, the material documented that one square kilometre of Burnaby has a population density of 2,275.6 individuals as of 2006. Thus, it appears reasonable to estimate that the area covered by Figure 1 has a population of roughly 15,702 persons as of 2006. Of course, we can project the population up to 2010 based on the population growth figures but there is no need for us to do that. In a 2004 report, the United Nations Development Programme defined risk as â€Å"the probability of harmful consequences or expected loss of lives, people injured, property, livelihoods, economic activity disrupted (or environment damaged) resulting from interactions between natural or
Friday, September 27, 2019
'French argues that 'An awareness of the impact of (national) culture Essay - 1
'French argues that 'An awareness of the impact of (national) culture on people in work organisations' is important in tod - Essay Example According to Samovar et al (2009), culture has been subjected to numerous and often-complex abstract definitions as writers labored to incorporate and explain array of cultural components and objectives. They continue to say that, what was considered earliest definition of culture by British anthropologist Sir Edward Burnett Taylor in 1871, explained culture as â€Å"the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by a man as a member of society (Tylor, 2007) Blad (p. 7) explains that, it is important to note that the characteristic that define state autonomy and global market integration are found in both cases. He continues to say that, the comparison of inter-related state-building projects allows us to not only understand the role of distinct national culture but also how sub-state autonomy is enhanced through global political economic integration. According to Entezar (2008, p. 24-25) ‘culture ca n be studied in two different ways. One can either study specifics in order to determine the general patterns (inductive) or study the general patterns to identify the specifics of a culture (deductive). The second approach is adopted by Hofstede in his dimensional analysis of culture.’ She continues to explain that, ‘every culture deals with power ambiguity, individualism, and gender that are universal and exist in all cultures. Here again these dimensions are filtered through the value systems of various cultures.’ In the argument that, â€Å"awareness of the impact of national culture on people in work organizations and its importance in today’s world†, I will argue for it. Theories of National Culture Ernest Gellner’s theory of nationalism, initially articulated in a chapter of Thought and Change in 1964, rigorously questioned the putative casual power of a pre-existing culture in formation of nations and nationalism. In what is now a fam ous reversal of commonsensical understandings of the relationship between culture and nationalism, he insisted no â€Å"the nation†, a bounded national culture that creates nationalism, but the other way round. (Hall et al 2010, p. 516) Lussier & Achua (2010: pp 391) explains that whether organizational or national, culture is a product of values and norms that people use to guide and control their behavior. Culture affects the relationship between members and leaders of a nation based on shared values. They continue to explain that, on national level, a country’s values and norms determine what kinds of attitude and behaviors are acceptable or appropriate. The people of a particular culture are socialized into these values as they grow up, and norms and social guidelines prescribe the way they should behave toward one another. From the above explanation by Lussier and Achua, we can see that, in a nation, a specific conduct that people should relate to each other, ther e is a specific way that people in management position should relate to their subjects. These codes of conduct dictate how they relate and behave. For instance, the eastern countries, they have a unique dressing manner. In that, all women should be in a certain type of cloth. The same is seen in other countries with Islam religion. Another example is the African countries; the traditional Africans had a unique way of dressing their leaders with different types of clothing. The leaders could be donned with animal skin, to
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Comparative Criminology - Prostitution in China and the USA Essay
Comparative Criminology - Prostitution in China and the USA - Essay Example The interpretavist approach is sceptical of universal interpretations and brings the variations as a result of cultures to surface. Interpretavist approach is based on orientalism whereby, they focus more on bringing out the differences. On the other hand, positivism is based on Occidentalism that denies differences and aims on establishing generalizations and similarities. (Maguire, 2007 & Cain, 2000, 239-260) Therefore, the aforementioned approaches to the subject have been deemed very useful in further elaborating it; however, using an example to demonstrate the subject will provide empirical evidences and knowledge regarding the subject. Therefore, in order to shed greater light on the matter, the following substance of the prose will examine the exact nature; similarities and differences between the criminal behaviour as a result of cultural and epidemiological variations. (Cain, 2000, 239-260) II. Prostitution in China and the United States of America Prostitution is the act of providing sexual services in return for a monetary payment, and is one of the oldest known professions. Individuals involved in this profession are called ‘prostitutes’ and the legality of this activity varies from country to country. Prostitutes and brothels, which are special establishment that are the foreground of prostitution, pervade societies from the world over. Though, it exists in every society and culture but the main focus will remain on China and America. As it is mentioned earlier, prostitution is one of the oldest known professions; therefore, the most fundamental similarity between both countries would be that the sex industry has been in existence for a very long time. In both countries, women are largely involved in... The essay "Comparative Criminology - Prostitution in China and the USA" examines the exact nature, similarities and differences between the criminal behavior as a result of cultural and epidemiological variations. Prostitution is the act of providing sexual services in return for a monetary payment and is one of the oldest known professions. Individuals involved in this profession are called ‘prostitutes’ and the legality of this activity varies from country to country. Prostitutes and brothels, which are a special establishment that is the foreground of prostitution, pervade societies from the world over. Though it exists in every society and culture the main focus will remain on China and America. Prostitution is one of the oldest known professions; therefore, the most fundamental similarity between both countries would be that the sex industry has been in existence for a very long time. In both countries, women are largely involved in prostitution cases; though in the last few decades male prostitution has also surfaced and they also include people who have immigrant status in the country. The sex industry in China and the United Stated of America has been on the boom, prior to the massive attention it has attracted from the media and the way it is portrayed by them. After the communist revolution in China, the ruling faction in China established a resolve to eradicate prostitution and brothels from China, a social issue that had become quite rampant in both urban and rural regions of the country.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Personal goal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Personal goal - Essay Example They are a great way to grant your life a meaning and boost your activities to enhance all the things that surround you  (Johnson, 65). After a clear understanding of all these aspects, it becomes easier to set career goals and make aware decisions regarding personal and professional developments. Through acquiring a business management degree, my career interest is to select and attain an International Institute of Business Analyst (IIBA) certification to further excel my career. I will work as a project manager to gain practical exposure. After few years of working in the same field, I will achieve a Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) certification along with Six Sigma (Lunenburg, 95-100). With the advent of globalization, the human resource has observed a significant trend in many organizations. Being a project manager, I would envision myself being assigned in different countries to carry out various projects. It is not astounding that related to the emerging interes t in an implementation of project management, I would be working in diversified projects with much more challenging jobs in comparison to today’s market. The effectiveness of globalization lies in the persistence and certain delivery of work and projects. After a basic planning has been elaborated and directed, functional aspects including managing implementation, projects and collaboration between offshore and on-site groups attain higher importance. Managers continue to expand experimental learning’s, specifically when it comes to interpretation planning into practical programs. Implementation of the Body of Knowledge will be supplemented by an approval of globalization, which is also my goal to achieve. One year from now, I would be acquiring specialized project management knowledge in a global context and within five years of time, I would be excelling with practical implementation of what I have learned and practice those theories in the international scenario. Af ter 10 years, I aim to be in the top managerial positions working with diversified backgrounds which will continue till I get the destined status in my field of operations (Morisano and Hirsh, 255–264). Globalization generally relates to various dynamics that can impact career or personal goal development process. Since I am looking forward to excel in the project management field, it will be drastically altered through globalization trends. Globalization has directed to multi-faceted, multi-cultured project groups that works across boundaries, across time zones, and in multiple dialects. It is now quite familiar to witness project groups utilizing internet-based tools for communication, instead of conventional group calls. Through globalization, I would be facing currency fluctuations all around the world that could raise the cost of material, data transfer between different nations can be extensively complex, and generating backup plans should any of the staff face difficul ties in other states is becoming more crucial (Johnson, 65). Globalization is a conceptual phenomenon. It does not relate to a rigid thing. It is a societal procedure. Hence the conceptual framework of globalization is not easy to determine. To make precise, it is necessary to elaborate the entire theory in which our idea about globalization is integrated. Conceptualization requires drawing theories from reality. There are numerous dynamics of globalization that creates direct influence on personal and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Threats confronting the U.S. in 2030 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Threats confronting the U.S. in 2030 - Assignment Example According to the report, demand for these resources will likely grow by over 40% owing to the rapidly expanding global population, it is postulated that these demand will become difficult and in some places impossible to address. Shortages are likely to be caused by a variety of factors that are already in play today such as rapid negative climate change and the possibility of an energy crisis resulting from dying up of oil and other natural energy deposits. These changes are expected to affect the Middle East and Africa especially in regard to water, these regions already have water problems today and it is thus not difficult to predict that without drastic policy changes both therein and globally, the trend will continue to its logical conclusion; which is the water and food crisis. Another of the issues that are to be found in the report has to do with economic revolution in which the dominance of traditionally superior nations and blocks such as the US and EU may challenge. America may not necessarily be the economic super power it has been since the end of the cold war by the year 2030. The report suggests that China, owing to its rapid per-capita growth and industrialization, could overtake the USA to become the world’s leading financial powerhouse. The EU could also suffer from the possible withdrawal of Greece in the aftermath of the pre-2008 financial crisis from which it is still trying to recover, nevertheless, the report suggests that should Greece decide to withdraw, that could be disastrous for the bloc and may even result in a collapse. Recent history and current events have shown how the use of communication technology has enabled people to challenge governments, especially despotic ones and resulted in the toppling of several autocrats suc h as Egypt’s Mubarak and Gadaffi. While the reports predicts citizens may have more power to reach such ends in
Monday, September 23, 2019
Abstract about Barriers to KMS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Abstract about Barriers to KMS - Essay Example The reasons why people shy away leveraging KMS will also be found out in this dissertation. The important of this research is investigate the barriers preventing people to effective use of KMS in PwC(Thailand). The concept of knowledge management will be looked at from a keen eye perspective and after dwelling this concept, the limitations will also be taken into account. The dissertation is divided into several integral sections, each has its own importance and there is something substantial in each section of the dissertation. The case of Thailand will be taken into account in this dissertation; the PwC will be closely monitored in various sections of the dissertation. A well researched conclusion will be arrived at which will sum up all the important points and which will also give a good insight on all the research questions presented in the beginning of the dissertation. The limitations of the dissertation will also be discussed at the end which will focus upon the restrictions that were faced when conducting research on the subject.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Thoreau vs Dickinson Essay Example for Free
Thoreau vs Dickinson Essay When thinking of both philosophy and poems in the transcendentalist era who are the main figures that come up? Two of the main figures Dickinson and Thoreau came up with writing based on nature and life. They wrote similarly, yet quite differently as shown in the following two quotes. â€Å"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, discover that I had not lived-Thoreau and â€Å"Tell the Truth but tell it slant†¦The Truth’s superb surprise†¦ With explanation kind The truth must dazzle gradually Or every man be blind. -Dickinson.†The similarity between these two pieces, more specifically between these two quotes is a very specific theme that is imbedded, most likely for no particular reason. The theme is quite simple actually; it’s the reaction of one to a specific situation. Even though this theme wasn’t literally fixed or imbedded in these quotes on purposebecause it is not the overarching theme that is part of these quotes, it has been created naturally. Since the overarching theme is human nature a smaller theme as such can arise. The language that is presented in the above quotes is similar because it is figurative. When Thoreau says that â€Å"I had not lived†he doesn’t mean I have not lived literally. The real meaning is I had not discovered much about life in the time that I was given to do so. When Dickinson says â€Å"Or every man be blind†she is not literally telling her audience that one will literally be blind, but he will be oblivious to what is. The language in these quotes is also different as well because Dickinson uses capitalization for emphasis and Thoreau uses personification. An example of such is â€Å"†¦what it had to teach†¦Ã¢â‚¬ A person can literally teach you, but life cannot. The word â€Å"teach†personifies life and is used to put and emphasis on the fact that you can really learn what life is about when observing it. Dickinson uses capitalization for one main reason. As a unique person and writer she has created her own language and emphasis by capitalization is part it. Personification is also a major part of how Thoreau writes. He was a transcendentalist; therefore, he thought and wrote a lot of nature, both human and nonhuman, and life itself. By using personification he puts together his thoughts on nature with what is not actually part of it. As shown in the two quotes above these techniques or rather these strategies in Dickinson’s and in Thoreau’s writing have literally become a part of their writing style.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
How Do We Communicate Nonverbally Essay Example for Free
How Do We Communicate Nonverbally Essay Communication is the process of sharing information, ideas and feelings through the use of spoken (verbal), written, or gestures (non verbal). Along the way in the evolutionary process, where we gained in the areas of technology, education and travel, we’re somewhat lagging in the art of nonverbal communication. We’re trained to prefer words to communicate, often overlooking tell-tale nonverbal cue, which can range from a nod or a smile to a momentary frown and fist clench or a seemingly nonchalant shrug of the shoulders. Research has proved over and again that 93% of communication is conducted nonverbally, of which 38% is through vocal tones ( the intensity and pitch) and another 55% is through ones facial expressions. Body language is the oldest language but its components are significantly varying across cultures and geographical boundaries. For instance, the â€Å"OK†gesture in the American culture is a symbol for money in Japan. The same gesture is obscene in some Latin American countries. People are generally comfortable with others who have â€Å"body language†similar to their own. When one persons nonverbal language matches that of another, there is increased comfort and the barriers in communication are significantly reduced. However, the communicating process can also be hampered by conflicting words. You could be saying one thing but your body would be telling the receiver something completely different. This discrepancy in verbal and nonverbal communication is the reason that causes confusion. Experts advise that when confronted with such a conflict, listen, but with your eyes! The importance and impact of nonverbal communication cannot be stressed on enough. You can understand a person entirely just by reading his body language. He can give away his personality, his feelings, his fears, his perception of himself and of someone else, his leadership style – in short, all there is to a person are honestly communicated through the nonverbal signals he gives off. Whether we choose to emphasize the former or the latter, the silent language is much louder than it first appears. Sources: ( 1 ) ( 2 )     Burgoon, J. K., Buller, D. B., Woodall, W. G. (19996). Nonverbal Communication: The unspoken dialogue (2nd Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill
Friday, September 20, 2019
Developing Independence in Client with Disabilities
Developing Independence in Client with Disabilities Critical Perspective on Diversity Introduction Mandy, a 44-year-old female with moderate learning difficulty, epilepsy, and with a congenital deformity of her limbs has restricted mobility, and limited manual dexterity. Mandy’s condition has caused her to be cared for by her parents since she was born, with the exception of two incidents. Mandy’s father was well informed, he managed to obtain for Mandy full benefit entitlement as well as a substantial payment from the independent living fund before he passed away. Mandy’s mother is the primary caregiver, and the funds that her father set into place before he died pays for her share of living expenses, food, medication, and related allowable expenses. Additionally, the money that Mandy receives permits her to have a carer visit the home for two hours, five days a week, to assist in helping Mandy’s mother. The carer assists in helping to move and wash Mandy as well as dress her and other tasks as a result of the advancing age of Mandy’s mother, wh ose health is deteriorating. The loss of her mother’s husband has left her in a state of long term grieving, for which she has been taking anti-depressants as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. Mandy’s mother has always been there for her, but she is approaching 60 years of age. Over the years, Mandy’s mother has become rather rigid in her beliefs concerning what Mandy can as well as cannot do. Mandy attends a respite care unit at a long stay hospital and has informed her key worker she wants to leave home as things there have become tense and Mandy does not get along with her mother presently as she did in the past, owing to her new condition. Mandy’s respite care is a short term break for patients from their caregivers as well as vice versa, whereby in Mandy’s situation, she is away from home as opposed to someone coming to the house (Rett Syndrome Association, 2006). Respite care is an official program that is a part of the ‘National Strategy for Carers’ that specifically is designed to provide carers with a break from devoting their time to the individual they look after, which is seen as an important component in maintaining a healthy relationship between the caregiver and the patient (Department of Health, 2007a). Prime Minister Tony Blair, in a forward to the ‘National Strategy for Carers’ document stated â€Å"The national strategy for carers – the first ever by a Government in Britain – sets out what we have been doing, and what we are going to do. It offers practical help in ways which are needed, and which will work. Carers will have better information. They will be better supported. They will be cared for better themselves†(Department of Health, 2007a). And while Mandy’s mother performs her care giving activities out of love for her daughter, the implication is clear. The publication for the government informs us that the important service rendered by carers is performed primarily by paid caregivers, representing three-fifths of the total number of people that are looking after an individual with a disability (Department of Health, 2007a). The publication states that women are more likely to be carers than males, and that throughout the United Kingdom there are over 855,000 individuals that care for someone over 50 hours a week, with over 5.7 million, representing one out of every six households (Department of Health, 2007a). In Mandy’s mother’s case, it represents just the ten-hour break she gets on a weekly basis. Respite care is one of the initiatives under the program-implemented buy the government to provide assistance to carers. As mentioned, Mandy has told her key worker that she would like to leave home. Because Mandy attends a respite care unit, there are no cost implications as it is a part of the national program under the National Strategy for Carers (Department of Health, 2007). Mandy’s disability allowance, as is the case with all social care allotments, requires residency in the United Kingdom, as per the following requirements 1). That the applicant must normally be a resident in Great Britain, 2). The applicant must not be subject to immigration control, 3). The applicant must be in Great Britain when making the claim, and lastly 4). That the applicant must have been in Great Britain, the Isle of Man, and either Jersey and or Guernsey for at least 26 weeks of the last 52 weeks (Directgov, 2007a). As Mandy qualifies and has qualified under the preceding, her desire to change her circumstances from home assisted living to a long stay hospital requires a local council assessment (Directgov, 2007b). The preceding is a part of the regulations and requirements in order for the local council to assess as well as work at the support the patient needs for such a change. As Mandy is learning impaired, and her mother has stated that she is the one who decide s what Mandy can or cannot do, Mandy will be filing for the change in carers without the aid of her parent. The learning disability impairment makes the preceding a difficult proposition for Mandy to take on herself, thus she will need help. Her key worker at the respite care unit has offered to help Mandy and thus in order to do so, needs to contact the disabilities teams social worker that is assigned to Mandy’s case, or simply the disabilities team itself, as well as the ‘Valuing People Support Team’ (Care Services Improvement Partnership, 2007a). The Valuing People Support Team was established by the government to address an unintended yet real concerns and problems faced by people with learning disabilities attempting to either be their own voice, or to be heard in the social care system regarding their own personal desires and wishes (Department of Health, 2007b). Prime Minister Tony Blair aptly sums up the purpose of the Valuing People Support Team in stating that People with learning disabilities can find â€Å"†¦ themselves pushed to the margins of our society †¦Ã¢â‚¬ as a result of unintentional circumstances in being able to find â€Å"†¦ the right care, health services, education †¦Ã¢â‚¬ and other aspects (Department of Health, 2007b). He continued that â€Å"At best they feel obstacles are constantly put in their way by society†(Department of Health, 2007b). The foregoing is easy to understand when one realizes that an individual with a learning disability has problems in not only fi nding out things to help themselves, they have problems in completing the paperwork and other facets of the system that has been put there to help them, but in many instances in the past did not as a result of the gap between their learning disabilities and communicating their needs to the system without the help of family members or other parties who either might not desire them to take such an action or simply do not have the time to assist them in wading through the process (Department of Health, 2007b). The Department of Health describes people with learning disabilities as being the most vulnerable as well as socially excluded individuals in the British society (Department of Health, 2007b). In terms of social services, as well as other branches of governmental aid, individuals with learning disabilities faced, in the past, poorly coordinated services, poor planning, and most importantly they had little choice and or â€Å"†¦ control over many aspects of their lives†(Department of Health, 2007b). The publications continues that day services, the contact point for people with learning disabilities, were â€Å"†¦ not tailored to the needs and abilities of the individual†, the last point being ‘abilities’ as the operative word in this instance. People with learning disabilities may be able, over a period of time, or instantly, to verbalise their wants, needs and desires, however, under a system with so many departments and layers, getting in touch with the right department represented a problem. Under the Valuing People Support Team they have a governmental agency that is their road map as well as navigator and operative arm to help them through the system as quickly as possible to the services they needs and or desire. If one thinks about it, the Valuing People Support Team also serves another highly important service, one of being in the position of patients accessing the system. Through a governmental agency helping people to use the system their experiences will provide a wealth of feedback from cases via which to monitor the effectiveness of the entire spectrum of services offered and provided by the government in this area, and make recommendation that have power. This inside system handling of the problems of users of services through its cases is the ideal manner by which to not only put the system on its toes, it represents the perfect feed back mechanism via which to implement improvements and change. In Mandy’s case, this means the first break from one of her parents in her entire life. A prospect, if one is to put themselves in her shoes, that must seem quite intimidating and fearful, in that she has to put her trust in what can be termed as strangers to treat her as family and see to her best interests as her father did. The Valuing People Support Team operates under four key principles, which are 1), Rights, 2). Independence, 3). Choice, and 4). Inclusion as its operational foundation Department of Health, 2007b). Applying these to Mandy’s situation enables one to see the fit and vision of the preceding. The idea is to provide them with choices, thus giving them control over their lives as opposed to being immersed in a society whereby their prospect of finding the appropriate services and or information is left to a ‘well-informed carer’ such as Mandy’s father who waded through all of the necessary steps and information gathering processes to obtain the full benefit for his daughter. In terms of where Mandy is today, in desiring to take control over her life, she needs that same type of assistance, something that was difficult to find. In order to accomplish the objective of providing individuals with learning disabilities with the options to access the system in the manner in which it is intended to work, the Valuing People Support Team was established to function as a ‘well-informed carer’. In the instance of Mandy, the Valuing People Support Team white paper set forth that it understands and has been established to help learning disabled individuals to access housing and other services that fit their needs. In this instance it entails the shift of Mandy from home care assisted living to hospital stay assisted living. Acting in a real sense as her advocate, the Valuing People Support is there to walk Mandy through the maze of social services to aid her in the achievement of her objective. As per its web site, under the Care Services Improvement Partnership, the Valuing People Support Team is there to work with 1), Learning Disability Partnership Boards, 2), Local people and organizations, and 3), Gov ernment Departments (Care Services Improvement Partnership, 2007a). The ‘Team’ 1) offers support as well as advice to people who want to and or are seeking to change services, 2) help people to get together for the purposes of talking and sharing ideas, 3) to listen to what people are saying, and 4) to feed this information back to the government to enable them to have the direct information from the users of the system so that things can be changed and improved for the better (Care Services Improvement Partnership, 2007a). In Mandy’s instance, the Valuing People Support Team as an advocacy department that has been specifically set up for patients with problems like herself (Care Services Improvement Partnership, 2007b). Advocacy The preceding represents the solution to Mandy’s problem, an advocate to listen to her concerns, counsel her as to her options, obtain agreement from Mandy as to the direction she would thus like to take knowing and understanding her options, and then to take the appropriate action based upon the foregoing. The advocacy services segment of the Valuing People Support Team offers the following services 1) self advocacy to enable individuals to speak up for themselves, 2) citizen advocacy whereby people can get to know an individual that has a learning disability and thus be able to get their wishes understood as well as heard, and 3) a short term issue based or crisis advocacy whereby a person is usually paid to speak up for someone regarding a particular issue and or when that person is in a crisis (Care Services Improvement Partnership, 2007b). The Advocacy Toolkit was set up to aid individuals in waking through what this service offers and how it can help. In Mandy’s i nstance, she received the help of her key worker at the respite care unit to get her to the Valuing People Support Team, which is the same course of action that would have been taken by the disabilities team. The disabilities team would have also been able to aid and assist Mandy in the getting to her destination. These teams, disabilities, represent service groups in the individual councils that are positioned within the individual authorities, whose service parameters are limited, however, they are there to assist. A typical disabilities team web site indicates its purpose as being a point of contact regarding disabilities issues that affects young people from partner organizations and other agencies (connexions, 2007). It is in place to offer and provide specialist services to young people between the ages of 13 and 25 who have a statement of special education need. They function as well as offer a limited and lower level specialist service in the pattern of the Valuing People Support Team that is on a lower level, yet in the same vein. Specifically they offer 1) support as well as guidance to personal advisers concerning individual cases, 2) training to personal advisors concerning di sability issues, 3) a direct service for young people that have complex needs, 4) an innovative working arrangement with partner organizations to help young people identify need as well as secure funding, 5) independent advice, along with guidance and information regarding local as well as national special needs provisions, 6) working with individuals as well as groups as advocates and brokers, 7) and provide access to other personal advisors whereby they can help to fulfill requirements as well as guidance as set by the government concerning young people that have a learning disability and or any other type of disability (connexions, 2007). The disabilities team would have not been able to assist Mandy in obtaining her objective of changing her carer, as a result of her age, but could have referred her to the Valuing People Support Team in order for Mandy to complete the process. Advocacy, as stated by Valuing People is that the government’s purpose and aim in putting this service into place was to provide a range of independent advocacy services in each area that permits people with learning disabilities to be able to choose the service(s) that best meet and fulfill their needs. The independent nature of the advocacy services represents one of, if not its most important features and facets as it ensures impartiality on the part of the patient (Care Services Improvement Partnership, 2007b). In addition to advocacy services, the Valuing People Support Team handles many, many other services, including arrangement to place someone at an appropriate residence. Specifically, the Valuing People Support Team states that a long stay hospital does not represent a good place for people with learning disabilities to live in (Care Services Improvement Partnership, 2007c). This option for Mandy is closed as all learning disability patients at long stay hospitals were moved as of March 2006 (Care Services Improvement Partnership, 2007c). Thus, the Valuing People Support Team will need to work with Mandy to hear her needs, wants and desires and advise her on her options. Mandy could not be in better hands than these, as they oversee the full range of services that are available within the health care and social services system. The fact that the Valuing People Support Team oversees the full range of services under the health and social care makes it invaluable to patients as well as t hose seeking help for the first time. It represents a resource that aids all of the departments in getting the person to the right area quickly and avoid moving people around form service to service, and or having them call, hunt and become frustrated in obtaining the assistance and help that they need. . Conclusion Mandy’s situation is in no way unique! There are others that have either similar and or drastically different problems who need empowerment in order to avail themselves of assistance and help when either in trouble or seeking the right governmental services for their condition. The existence of the Valuing People Support Team would be helpful for an immigrant without papers under hospital care in finding out exactly what their options are in terms of support, aid and immigration as a result of a recent event that ended them in that position. Specifically, the case of a gentleman named Boris who arrived in England twenty years ago and never secured his papers. Having had a reversal in circumstances, Boris has been living illegally in England and would up in a hospital as a result of kidney failure. His circumstance in living in an unheated room at the rear of a commercial establishment was unsuitable for return to after his hospital incident that requires follow up care. And as a result of his status, housing options were not open. The Valuing People Support Team represents a resource to aid Boris and the hospital to help this individual. The Valuing People Support Team represents an important governmental resource to aid the citizens of the United Kingdom in wading through he huge maze of services regulations and requirements that is the system of health and social services care. It is helping Mandy and countless others, and will be of aid to Boris as well Bibliography Care Services Improvement Partnership (2007b) Advocacy. Retrieved on 1 May 2007 from Care Services Improvement Partnership (2007c) Long Stay Hospitals. Retrieved on 1 May 2007 from Care Services Improvement Partnership (2007) What is the Valuing People Support Team? Retrieved on 1 May 2007 from connexions (2007) What is this service. Retrieved on 1 May 2007 from Department of Health (2007a) National Strategy for Carers. Retrieved on 1 May 2007 from Department of Health (2007b) Valuing People. Retrieved on 1 May 2007 from Directov (2007b) Care Homes and hospital. Retrieved on 1 May 2007 from Directgov (2007) Disability Living Allowance – what else you need to know. Retrieved on 1 May 2007 from Rett Syndrome Association (2006) Guidance Note 1: Respite Care or ‘Short Term Breaks’. Retrieved on 1 May 2007 from
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Golden Apples Essay -- Literary Analysis, Welty
In Eudora Welty’s novel, The Golden Apples, the author presents a combination of short stories to give the readers an insight into the intricacies of human relationships. In doing so, in â€Å"June Recital,†Welty utilizes the separation technique, once again, to give multiple perspectives depending on the different time periods and characters. Moreover, by implementing the textual structure and significance of the MacLain house from the â€Å"Shower of Gold,†the two stories, although separate, have a strong bond and share similar significance to one another. As a result, with dense and detailed descriptions and vernacular languages, Welty succeeds in providing the reader with a three-dimensional analysis of the events which occur in the â€Å"June Recital.†The separation of the story into four sections and the utilization of line-breaks within each section contribute to the whole story such that it provides different perspective and the combination whi ch leads to ultimate understanding. In â€Å"Shower of Gold,†a preceding story of â€Å"June Recital†in The Golden Apples, the narrator provides the background of Snowdie and King MacLain, and the incidents behind the MacLain house in Morgana, Mississippi. The house has gloomy background, as Snowdie MacLain has been left alone by King MacLain. Snowdie, therefore, was the talk of the town. As a result, the house has been the background for sorrow and loneliness in the past. Furthermore, the house was devoid of love and departures and arrivals were common. All of the above features and past histories of the MacLain house was passed on to Ms. Eckhart when she rented the house for her living and piano lessoning purposes. It is significant to recognize how although the two stories are separate in terms of... ...assie, is the grand finale of â€Å"June Recital.†As Loch â€Å"dreamed close to the surface, and his dreams were filled with color and a fury that the daytime that summer never held†and Cassie â€Å"says aloud, ‘Because a fire was in my head’†(97). These two are important to recognize as Welty combines the two perspectives to create a perfect description and portrayal. In conclusion, in â€Å"June Recital,†Welty successfully brings upon the themes of the past, social codes, and prejudice. The separation of stories in The Golden Apple, the separation of sections in â€Å"June recital,†the separation by the line-breaks, and the separation of perspective and narrative may lead to a haste conclusion that the story overall portrays separation. However, by introducing the two supplement and counterpart perspectives, Welty successfully combines the story to bring about a unified message.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Gertrude of Shakespeare’s Hamlet Essay -- Essays on Shakespeare Hamlet
The Gertrude of Shakespeare’s Hamlet     Is Gertrude, in the Shakespearean drama Hamlet, a bore? A killer’s accomplice? The perfect queen? A dumbie? This paper will answer many questions concerning Claudius’ partner on the Danish throne.  In her essay, â€Å"Acts III and IV: Problems of Text and Staging,†Ruth Nevo explains the deleterious effect of Gertrude’s behavior on her son’s relationship with Ophelia:  His mother has predisposed him to believe in women’s perfidy, has produced in him a revulsion from sex and the stratagems of sex; he was unable to draw Ophelia’s face by his perusal; she has refused his letters and denied him access; now returns his gifts. What form of devious double-dealing shall he expect? (49-50)  Gertrude is indeed not the ideal mother. Lilly B. Campbell comments in â€Å"Grief That Leads to Tragedy†on Queen Gertrude’s sinful state:  Shakespeare’s picture of the Queen is explained to us by Hamlet’s speech to her in her closet. There we see again the picture of sin as evil willed by a reason perverted by passion, for so much Hamlet explains in his accusation of his mother:  You cannot call it love, for at your age The hey-day in the blood is tame, it’s humble, And waits upon the judgement; and what judgement Would step from this to this? . . . O shame! [. . .]  And of the Queen’s punishment as it goes on throughout the play, there can be no doubt either. Her love for Hamlet, her grief, the woes that come so fast that one treads upon the heel of another, her consciousness of wrong-doing, her final dismay are those also of one whose soul has become alienated from God by sin. (97-98)  Gunnar Bokland in â€Å"Hamlet†describes Gertrude’... ...hamlet/other/jorg-hamlet.html  Nevo, Ruth. â€Å"Acts III and IV: Problems of Text and Staging.†Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Rpt. from Tragic Form in Shakespeare. N.p.: Princeton University Press, 1972.  Pitt, Angela. â€Å"Women in Shakespeare’s Tragedies.†Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint of Shakespeare’s Women. N.p.: n.p., 1981.  Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. No line nos.  Smith, Rebecca. â€Å"Gertrude: Scheming Adulteress or Loving Mother?†Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. of â€Å"Hamlet†: A User’s Guide. New York: Limelight Editions, 1996. Â
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Response to “People Like Us†Essay
In the essay â€Å"People Like Us†, Brooks states that maybe we are indeed a diverse nation when considered as a whole, but when you look at us on the community level, we are homogenous. Brooks describes numerous ways in which Americans separate themselves from one another. Overall, I agree with the points made by Brooks and can draw many similarities to my own life. For example, when Brooks describes how our towns or cities can become racially homogenized. â€Å"People Like Us†begins by Brooks giving some examples of how people isolate themselves. Many people think of race when they think of diversity, but that is not the only aspect described by Brooks. He takes a look at racial, geographical, background, and work place diversity. People are very capable of finding the seemingly smallest differences between themselves. They will even make some of their biggest life choices based off of these differences. By drawing these subtle distinctions we continue to surround ourselves with people more and more like us, causing certain areas to have certain characteristics. Brooks goes on to state that our cities and neighborhoods are becoming more and more like themselves. He says that when a place becomes grouped with a certain trait or attribute it gets multiplied and becomes more and more true. Brooks goes on to say that this isn’t some tragedy that we are trying to avoid. In fact, he goes as far as to say that we love this segmentation, and that it actually makes us happier. We feel more comfortable when we are surrounded by people who we consider to be like ourselves. Brooks then says that even though we seem to strive for racial integration we are, in some cases, becoming more segregated. Reformers have been at work for years to end housing discrimination, but trends are showing that, even though people of different races can live amongst one another, they are choosing not to. People separate themselves by race. By doing this, they begin to give certain places a reputation for being home to a specific race. As these reputations start to develop they become facts reinforced by people choosing to live with people like themselves. Next, Brooks supports his idea by describing the ways in which we can be divided into demographics based off of where we live geographically. There are many companies that direct potential business owners to the best place for them to market their product based off the tendencies of those who live there. He explains that it really is quite amazing how easily we can be split into these groups. Once again, our tendencies to associate ourselves with those who are similar to us are made apparent. Brooks moves on to explain that not only do we separate ourselves by minute differences, race, and geography, but also by our own backgrounds. People will group themselves based off of their education level or class, for example. If someone has had a similar past to you, you will be more likely to want to be around them. People are drawn to one another based off past experiences. Perhaps the places in America that speak the most of diversity are actually some of the least diverse, Brooks explains. He is talking about our country’s elite universities. It seems they go on and on about striving for diversity, and claim they readily accept it. Brooks illustrates that this is not the case, especially for the educators. Our universities’ faculty members seem to be almost exclusively liberal. Brooks displays concerns for how we seem to isolate ourselves with those who are like us. He points out that when we so deeply immerse ourselves in communities that reflect ourselves, we fail to see the other sides. We do not get the other points of view. Our own ideas and beliefs are only reinforced. I agree with many of the points made by Brooks in his essay. I can personally relate to his statement that we tend to congregate with people of our own race rather than branching out. I grew up in the small community of Independence, Iowa. We had a population of roughly five-thousand people. Almost all of that population was accounted for in the numerous white families. When I was growing up it was very rare to see someone in town who wasn’t white. I never really had much exposure to people who didn’t look like myself. In fact, the only minority in my class was a Mexican boy whose parents were immigrants. Even though my town had an obvious lack of racial diversity, the thought of why had never crossed my mind. When I was in fifth grade a black family moved into town with a boy that was put into my class. He did all of the same activities as me and even lived in my neighborhood. We quickly became friends. Over the years, I got a front row seat to many instances of people who were not tolerant or understanding of other races. My friend would often get singled out at school by other kids because his skin color was different than ours. Sometimes, people would even shout racial slurs at him when we were walking down the street. These events got me to think about why we were a predominately white community. It wasn’t just some coincidence. It was that way for a reason. Most of the members of my community chose to live there because we were mostly white. People of different races scared them or made them uncomfortable. Being with people who were like them gave them a sense of belonging and comfort. He and his family being there ruined their security blanket. They brought in experiences, ideas, and lifestyles that were different from their own. Waterloo, Iowa is a city that was roughly twenty minutes away from me. In my area it was known as the â€Å"black town†. There is a large black community there and it held a reputation for exactly that. When I was a sophomore in high school my friend and his family moved there. They said it was because of more job opportunities, but after reading Brooks’ essay I wonder if the ideas described by him somehow applied. I now think that that maybe they moved there because Waterloo held a reputation for being home to people more like them. This is exactly what Brooks meant when he explained that places’ reputations for being home to a certain race only get intensified. I believe that Brooks’ points about our tendencies to group ourselves with similar people are valid. When I look round at my own life I can see examples of what he was talking about. Brooks’ ideas do a good job at explaining why many aspects of our lives are the way they are. He states that we should ask ourselves if we even care that we have this sort of sheltered life. Brooks says that maybe there is nothing we can do about our tendencies for homogeneity, but perhaps we can try to lead diverse lives. In conclusion, I think we enjoy living in our own little homogenized groups, and because of that we will never become a truly integrated and diverse country.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Function and Role of Law in Business Essay
Abstract This paper will define the functions and roles of law in both business and society. Giving examples of such relationships from past and future experiences from the author pertaining to current and past job or industry. While it is beyond the scope of this research paper to do a complete analysis of all the laws and functions pertaining to business and society we will cast a broader look at the significant points that can add value to the paper. Functions of Law in Business and Society The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives a definition of law as â€Å"a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority†(Mirriam-Webster, 2012), thus we infer that the controlling authority in the context of this paper is either the federal or state government and its lower portions in the legal community. It is important to mention that most of the positions in the federal and state legal division of government are either officials that have been elected by citizens of the United States of America (i.e. District Attorneys, Judges, etc.) or qualified candidates that have the appropriate qualifications to meet the criteria as defined by job descriptions (i.e. board certified lawyers, trained investigators, etc.). Concerning the legal system in the United States of America (US), the main function of law is stated from the textbook, Business Law: The Ethical, Global, and E-commerce Environment, 13th Edition (Mallor, et al, 2007, p. 11), the most important functions of law include the following: 1. Peacekeeping. 2. Checking government power and promoting personal freedom. 3. Facilitating planning and the realization of reasonable expectations. 4. Promoting economic growth through free competition. 5. Promoting social justice. 6. Protecting the environment. While we have put to paper the functions of law, they have different roles for business and society. The needs of business laws are seen differently from the perspective of owners and the process of litigation Functions of law in the context of societies perspective are limited to the outside of business law. While one law can be applied to both business and society how they are interpreted can be different and usually is. Role of Law in Business The current status of business law is a complicated labyrinth of state, federal and municipal statutes that work together to ensure predictability and fairness. The overall purpose of business laws include an assurance of fairness, encourage competition through the protection of property rights and ensures that all parties involved understands their obligations and duties while doing business transactions. While the complexity of business laws in the US are daunting, at best, but the effort to create an equitable business community has established laws that lets a small business or a multi-million dollar corporation do transactions in a common level. As a capitalist society we view the right to private ownership is a corner stone of our communities. From entrepreneurs to generations old businesses we view the laws of business in the US as the assurance a business needs to be able to succeed. Roles of Law in Society There are certain roles that law imposes within our society to be able to function in an equitable manner. Maintaining social control is an important part of the laws, making sure that we can maintain a regulated community that does not recognize anarchy. Through this social control we also maintain and protect public order. Without out we can’t maintain a civilized society. An equitable law helps us to resolve disputes in an orderly manner while also facilitating changes that are inevitable as society changes. Within these changes one of the roles of law in society is bringing justice to our communities. Through an established system, laws can dispassionately produce justice in fair and predictable manners. Author Experience of Business Law As a freelance website designer and developer, including Internet marketing, laws pertaining to the world wide web have been fought about and are still in the infant stages. The Internet is a multi-national entity, transcending boundary lines that are not clearly mark as it is. There is no physicality to where the Internet can be maintained and the creators made it that way on purpose. An example of new laws fought over and established in the US is state taxes. States in the US were losing tax revenue as customers where not buying products locally and using sites like Ebay and Amazon to procure products in-state, but not paying taxes. Eventually state laws established who should pay state taxes on purchases, developers had to start developing new systems within the electronic commerce (ecommerce) systems to be able to accept state specific tax withholdings within their payment system. The law had to be revised to make it equitable within businesses that sold products in a brick and mortar environment and businesses that sold their products in the world wide web. References Mallor, J., Barnes, A., Bowers, L., & Langvardt, A. (2004). Business Law: The Ethical, Global, and E-commerce Environment, 13th Edition. Retrieved on October 8, 2012, from University of Phoenix Resource. Law – Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved Oct 08, 2012, from Sean, M. (2011). The Legal Environment of Business: A Managerial Approach. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Media and Anti Corruption
In some countries, such as Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Albania to a much lesser extent, the independent media has brought to the fore numerous corruption cases, exposing high officials. It has also been a major force behind mobilizing public opinion against corruption, as in the case of Bulgaria. At the same time it has exerted indirect pressure on the respective governments to take steps to limit corruption practices. The Bulgarian independent media, which has been marked by intensified anti-corruption reporting, stands out with its permanent engagement in the public debate about corruption and the efforts to curb it. It is characterized by improved quality coverage of corruption issues, expansion of the public dialogue in the media through inclusion of opinions of other civil society sectors and individuals and increased follow-up of reported cases, all of which speaks for a trend towards greater professionalism in its anti-corruption efforts. However, the limited role of the independent media in some countries should also be noted. In some, such as Bosnia Herzegovina, this has been due to the fact the media is mostly state controlled. In others, such as Albania, corrupted individuals have instigated distrust in the media, which lacks the professionalism necessary for investigative journalism and has fabricated and then denied its facts in corruption cases. A serious impediment to the greater role of the independent media is the fact that it is rarely truly independent. There is a problem of media ownership, symbiosis between business and media, the relations between the authorities and the owners of the media. On the Balkans the media is often financed by international organizations and thus has to rely on foreign help because of the small market size, in the case of Bosnia Herzegovina, or by certain business lobbies in the case of Albania. There are also cases of media close to current or former governments, in Bosnia Herzegovina, for instance, which can impede investigative journalism and its favorable impact on the efforts to combat corruption. Since it is also often regarded as a political tool by the owner, either the state or a private entity, the pressure exerted on journalists can often lead to biased coverage and impede impartial corruption investigation, which is illustrated by the Romanian press. A further hurdle to a greater role of the media is the fact it often lacks access to essential government information. For instance, in Romania, because of few laws giving access to public information or lack of their enforcement, the independent media has to rely on unofficial channels in corruption cases. Because of this unofficial information, which may be incorrect, the official authorities are even more unwilling to cooperate with the media on corruption scandals. The analysis of the media possibilities to investigate and report corruption represented the objectives of the Freedom House Assessment Report on media responses to corruption in some countries in the region summarizes the main difficulties: – Lack of independence – Lack of access to basic government information – Punitive libel law and prosecutorial abuse – Weak advocacy groups – Disincentives to investigative journalism – Lack of experience and training opportunities – Public cynicism regarding corruption
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Gender Discrimination Essay
Gender discrimination is an important issue in the workplace in today’s world. Female employees are facing gender discrimination in the form of different dimensions. This discrimination is disturbing their performance. The main aim of this study is to see the effect of these gender discrimination dimensions which include glass ceiling, salary gap and discrimination in facilities on the productivity of female employees with the mediating effect of job commitment and job satisfaction. The research is focused on the private education sector. The population frame is the female teachers in the private education institutes. A sample of 130 female teachers is collected for this study. The framework is developed for our study for checking the impact of glass ceiling, salary gap and discrimination in facilities on the productivity of female employees. The hypotheses are developed and after the data analysis some of the hypothesis are rejected and some of the hypothesis are not rejected. The hypotheses that the glass ceiling, discrimination in facilities and salary gap has negative impact on employee productivity is accepted which made us to conclude that these discrimination has a big impact on employee productivity and ultimately organizational performance. This study will give some guidelines to the managers and policy makers in any organization that how to reduce these discriminations. Key words: Gender discrimination, Glass ceiling, Employee productivity, salary gap, discrimination in facilities, job satisfaction, job commitment, Paper type: Research Paper 1. Introduction 1.1 Significance/Rationales of study The study came up with the solutions to the problem of gender discrimination at work place. This study will help the people to be aware of this dominating problem of gender discrimination and its reasons. This study can also identify the positive and negative effects of discrimination on the world of business and personal lives of people. Gender discrimination is a wide phenomenon which is affecting every political, social and economic life. In this era where everyone think that there should be equal rights for men and women, there are some occurrences of people who are being discriminated because of their gender. It is not an issue, which one can easily tolerate or ignore. Gender discrimination is understood as the unequal treatment against people of either sex, but statistics shows that women are the one who are more discriminated just being a female (Lila Adhikari, 2008). Gender issues were first pointed out in 1950s, but it’s been highlighted in organization and management studies in between 1980s and 1990s. In this duration many studies on effect of gender discrimination on employees were conducted. One study shows that gender discrimination is inversely proportional to job commitment and satisfaction which means it reduces the employee’s productivity which ultimately affects the organizational productivity (Zahid Ali Channar, 2011). Many factors have been identified which are responsible for gender discrimination in work place, which are education, promotion, marriage and child bearing and environment. If we look in context of promotion, a wide practice used is glass ceiling, a process by which women are not promoted to high level of jobs (Bell, 2002). Last year report issued by a commission of glass ceiling that shows that there are only 7 to 9 percent of managers that are in senior positions are women at fortune 1000 (kom and catalyst, 2012). 81 % employers dislike to hire a female. 49 % not carefully planning their careers to benefit women and above of all a survey tells that only 1 percent CEOs or even less than 1 percent take it as first concern, the development of women (Mauricio, 2012). 1.2 Problem Statement HRM in any organization is related to staffing, motivating and maintaining the organization (Decenzo, 1998). 50 years ago, due to homogeneity of work force the HRM was very simple, but now-a-days the workforce is heterogeneous. Managing this heterogeneity required such a staff that can create an equitable environment so that no group has any kind of advantage or disadvantage on other group (Wayne, 1995). Heterogeneity in workplace gave birth to gender discrimination, which has become an intense situation in Pakistan and affecting the employee’s productivity (Qaiser Abbas, 2011). An employee perform difficult tasks for the survival and improvement of organization but gender discrimination reduces the employee’s satisfaction, commitment and enthusiasm and increases the stress level which ultimately affects the productivity of an employee (Zahid Ali Channar, 2011). These studies did not discuss that how dimensions of gender discrimination effect the productivity of employee. The dimensions of gender discrimination include discrimination in promotions, discrimination in salary and discrimination in facilities provided. So there is a need to explore the effect of different dimensions of gender discrimination on the productivity of employee. 1.3 Aim of the study This study investigates that how different dimensions of gender discrimination effect the employee productivity. It would be helpful for any organization in the process of policy making which will ultimately increase the productivity of an organization. 1.4 Research Objectives 1) To identify that whether gender discrimination has an effect on productivity of employees in private educational institutes. 2) To explore how the productivity of employees is affected by gender discrimination in promotion, salary and facilities provided in private educational institutes. 3) To examine the results of the survey. 4) To recommend some reformed measures to the policy makers for the future. 1.5 Research Questions 1) What is relation between the employee productivity and gender discrimination? 2) What is effect of gender discrimination in promotion, salary and facilities on the performance of an employee? 2. Literature Review This literature view is based on the evaluation of gender discrimination on employee’s productivity. The gender discrimination now exist most of the organization around the world. Gender discrimination may exist in different dimensions like discrimination in promotions, facilities and Salaries. In simple words gender discrimination can be defined as the unfair treatment or behavior based on gender. It is said to occur when an individual’s decision is based on gender. Gender discrimination was attempted to define by no law. If we look in the perspective of employment, it is giving more advantage to a particular group (Wayne, 1995). This thing results in the decreased productivity of employees. 2.1 Gender Discrimination in Global Perspective The first form of discrimination was found by the universal declaration of human rights (1948). Gender discrimination is now a social disease which is destroying the lives of women around the world. Sen (1991) shows us that if equal treatment and opportunities were given then there should be more 100 million females than are presently alive. Many steps were taken to eliminate the gender discrimination but none of them was proved to be effective. The Beijing conference that documented 12 most prominent areas of discrimination was a big step in eliminating the gender discrimination (UNFPA, 2005). It is proved from the studies that gender discrimination has an influence on the employee productivity. A study shows that if there is a proper policy of gender discrimination there will be a change in employee’s productivity (Naqi Abbas, 2010). 2.2 Glass Ceiling Women in workplace face a wide practice called glass ceiling. This is a practice in which women are ignored when making a promotion policy or promoting an employee. We can see that in every organization the executive posts are held by males. According to a study only 3 percent of the most paid executives are female and these posts are disproportionately held by men (Healy and Zukka, 2004). Women are mostly entrusted in small projects not the big one. They are being kept deprived from international assignment which is keeping away from their promotions. Nick (1991) had conducted the study on international careers of women. His study clearly shows that there is a glass ceiling effect. Women are not being encouraged to do new projects on new markets and they are being kept at junior manager positions. Gender discrimination is not directly related to productivity. The relation of employee productivity and gender discrimination is mediated by job satisfaction and job commitment. Employees who faces policies and practices of gender discrimination show less satisfaction with their job (Ensher et al, 2001). When individuals’ face gender discrimination in workplace they show a low level of job commitment so gender discrimination has a negative relation with job commitment and job satisfaction (Sharon Foley, 2005). Gender discrimination creates tension and reduces the satisfaction of people and it is the study of 139 Hispanic male and female (Sanchez, 1996). The productivity of a happy worker is higher than an unhappy worker (Rabins, 1999,). Employee satisfaction plays a vital role in its productivity and there is a significant relation of job satisfaction with employee productivity (Pushpakumari, 2008). Job satisfaction lead to organizational responsibility, mental health and finally employee productivity (Coomber, 2007). Another study shows us that the organizations who perceive greater gender discrimination report less satisfaction and commitment (Ellen A. Ensher, 2001). The hypotheses are given below: 1) Glass ceiling has negative impact on employee productivity. 2) Glass ceiling is negatively related with employee productivity. 3) Job Satisfaction is positively related with employee productivity. 4) Job satisfaction mediates the relation between gender discrimination in promotions and employee productivity. 2.3 Discrimination in facilities In a workplace an employee is provided with many facilities which helps them to complete their task which include computers, air conditioners, assistant and transport facilities etc. If on a work place if such kind of facilities are provided to a male employee and not provided to a female employee of a same post. The female employee will start to think that the upper management don’t care about them which will increase their stress level and the satisfaction level of that employee cold be decreased which will affect the employee’s productivity. The hypotheses are given below: 1) Gender discrimination in facilities has negative impact on employee productivity. 2) Gender discrimination in facilities is negatively related with job satisfaction. 3) Job Satisfaction mediates the relationship between gender discrimination in facilities and employee productivity. 2.4 Salary Gap Another dimension of discrimination is the Salary gap. Women usually get low pay then men in any job they are appointed. Ashraf and Ashraf (1993) study shows that there is a gap of 63.27 percent in salary in 1979, and in 1986 it decreases to 33.09 percent. This was the decline in every province. Discrimination is not the phenomenon of one or two countries, it exist in most of the developed countries like USA. A study showed that women dietitians in USA earn 45,258 dollars per year while men earn 50,250 dollars per year (Pollard, 2007). Managers at top level in organization mostly prefer their own interest rather than others. They think that superiors who have power on their careers will support them. According to Susan et al (1998) mostly top managers in any organization are the people who are more biased against females and these people save interest of their own. The study shows that job commitment is significant related with productivity, there exist high degree of correlation between commitment and productivity. Individuals that are highly committed proved to be more productive and have higher satisfaction and have no intention to leave the job rather than employee with low job commitment (Varsha, 2012). The hypotheses are given below: 1) Salary gap has negative impact on employee productivity. 2) Salary gap is negatively related with job commitment 3) Job Commitment is positively related with employee productivity 4) Job Commitment mediates the relation between salary gap and employee productivity. 2.5 Gender discrimination in Pakistan Pakistan is also one of the countries where gender discrimination is seen in most of the organizations. We all know Pakistan is a male dominating society and women are being treated unfairly in every field of profession. Gender discrimination has spread its root from public organizations to private organizations. Women are being kept at low level jobs and they are not promoted to high posts due to biasness of top level managers and policy makers. A study by Ghizala Kazi (2011) shows us that no women in the public organizations are in the scale of 20 or more. There are very few women above scale 15. Most of the women are under 15th scale, which shows the situation of discrimination in Pakistan. Many factors for this situation were identified like education, promotion, environment, child bearing and discrimination. If such kinds of discrimination is eliminated than the productivity of these women employees could be increased. There are evidences that the promotion of gender equality leads to a better performance and improved economy of concerned society. The societies who have greater female employment opportunities are less corrupt and have better governance (Klasen, 2006). This is not the end of discriminations in Pakistan. A women employee is also discriminated in Salary, which is a basic right of an employee that he should get compensated according to his work and post. In Pakistan you will see men and women working on same job level but different pay. In the report of poverty in Pakistan it is clearly proved that majority of women are concentrated in low paid jobs with very few opportunity for moving upward (Shah et al, 2004). If we look in the export industries of Pakistan which is a backbone in measurement of economy of Pakistan we will see the similar situation of discrimination. The study of Siddique (2006) surveyed the industries of export that are in Karachi, Sialkot and Faisalabad. The results from this study confirms the gender discrimination and shows that men were getting 20 percent more than then women working at the same post. It was also concluded that adjustment policies and change in labor market has a negative impact on females. To have maximum output from women employee the organizational culture of discrimination should be changed. Organizational culture affects the performance of employee. Organizational environment and culture can make the workplace attractive and supportive for a female employee. Attitudes of peers and support from family are also very significant for the female employee (Irfan, 2009). Many studies have discussed the gender discrimination as a general term but there is need to explore the discrimination in different dimensions and how these dimensions affect the productivity of employees. Gender discrimination has three dimensions which include discrimination in promotions, salary and facilities provided. So this study will be based on exploring the effect of dimensions of gender discrimination on productivity of employees. 3. Conceptual framework In the literature review of this topic the framework has been defined which show the relationship between the variables. Correlation is basically run to analyze the relationship between two or more variable. It also measure that how two variables move in relation to each other. It measures the strength and direction of linear relationship between two variables with respect to each other. The sign of the value shows the direction that whether it is negative or positive. Positive sign shows that the variables are moving in same direction means if one variable is increasing the other variable is also increasing and negative sign shows that if one variable is increasing then other variable is decreasing. The magnitude shows the intensity between variable. If the value is between 0.1 and 0.5 then the variables are weakly correlated. If the value is between 0.5 and 0.7 then the variables are moderately correlated. If the value is between 0.7 and 0.99 then the variables are strongly correlated. The value 1 shows the perfect correlation between variables. Table 5 shows the intensity and the direction of any two variables. Highest value of correlation is 0.753 which is between gender discrimination in facilities and glass ceiling. So the correlation between discrimination in facilities and glass ceiling is positive and strongly correlated. The relationship between DF and EP, and DF and JS, and JC and SG is negative. So it means that if you have more salary gap than your commitment to job will be less but its value is less than any else two variables, so we can say that job commitment will be less but with very small value, and if you have more discrimination in facilities then your productivity will be less. The remaining variables have positive relation with each other. The relationship is significant at 1% which means there are 99% chances that the relationship between all two variables will remain the same if the sample is changes and sample size and population remains same as shown in the table given below. 5.7 Regression This research is to check the effect of gender discrimination dimensions which are glass ceiling, salary gap and discrimination in facilities on the employee productivity. This research also includes two mediating variables job satisfaction and job commitment. Job satisfaction is mediating between glass ceiling and employee productivity and also discrimination in facilities and employee productivity. Job commitment is mediating between salary gap and employee productivity. For this 9 hypothesis were developed. For the purpose of checking the impact regression has been applied. The model has only one dependent variable so there will be one model of regression equation. There will be separate equation for mediating variable to check the mediating effect of variables between independent and dependent variable. In first model we run the regression equation between EP, GC, DF, SG, JC and Job satisfaction. 5.7.1 Regression Equation EP = 4.66 – 0.38GC – 0.86DF – 0.26SG + 0.017JC + 0.167JS The Above equation shows that if all the other variables remain unchanged or have value of zero then the productivity of employee remains at 14.66. It is the fixed value of employee productivity. The coefficient values tell the per unit change in the employee productivity so if we increase the value of GC, SG and DF then the value of employee productivity will decrease by 0.38, 0.86 and 0.26 respectively. If the value of job commitment increases by one then the value of employee productivity will increase by 0.017. The hypotheses of glass ceiling, discrimination in facilities and job satisfaction are accepted. If the value of job satisfaction is increased then the value of employee productivity will increase by 5.10 Kruskal Wallis Test The non-parametric test will be used that is kruskal-Wallis test. Whenever the assumption of levene test is not fulfilled the non-parametric test i.e. kruskal-Wallis test is used. So kruskal-Wallis test is applied to check the level of job commitment in the females who are earning less than 30,000 between 30,000 and 40,000 and more than 40,000. The table given below shows that the asymptotic value is greater than 0.05so test is insignificant. So there is no difference in the average of glass ceiling in all three populations. So we can conclude that there is no significant difference between the mean of all three population p = 0.509, with a mean rank of 73.45 for below 30,000, 65.20 for 30,000 to 40,000 and 73.00 for above 40,000. 6. Discussion This study is conducted to check the impact of gender discrimination on the productivity of employees. The study included three dimensions of gender discrimination that is discrimination in promotions, discrimination in facilities and discrimination in salary. With the help of previous studies it is found that all these discriminations have negative impact on employee productivity which is mention in literature view. The hypotheses were developed for this study. There are 12 hypotheses that are developed. First hypothesis is that glass ceiling has negative impact on employee productivity. This hypothesis is checked after entering the data into SPSS. He results show that glass ceiling does have negative impact on employee productivity. If women are not being promoted to higher job positions and if there is no such policies related to gender discrimination then the productivity of female employee decreases. Second hypothesis was that the glass ceiling is negatively related with job satisfaction. this hypothesis is checked through the correlation. The table 5 of correlation clearly shows that glass ceiling is negatively related with the job satisfaction and result is also significant so this hypothesis is supported. Third hypothesis is that the job satisfaction is positively related with the employee productivity. The table of correlation shows the positive relation between the two variables. So employee productivity increases as the job satisfactions continues to increase and if job satisfaction decreases the employee productivity also decreases. Fourth hypothesis is that the job satisfaction is mediating between glass ceiling and employee productivity. This hypothesis is checked through the mediation test which consists of four steps. This test did not support the hypothesis so this hypothesis is rejected. Fifth hypothesis is that the discrimination in facilities has negative impact on the employee productivity. This hypothesis is checked by regression. Discrimination in facilities has the negative impact on the employee productivity and it is also significant. So this hypothesis is also supported. The sixth hypothesis is that discrimination in facilities is negatively related with the job satisfaction. This hypothesis is supported because the correlation between them is negative in the table 5. So the discrimination in facilities increases then the satisfaction with the job decreases. The next hypothesis is that the job satisfaction plays the mediating role between the discrimination in facilities and employee productivity. This hypothesis is also checked by the mediation test the result is shown in the table 8 which shows that this hypothesis is not supported. It means that job satisfaction is not mediating between discrimination in facilities and employee productivity. The eights hypothesis that was developed is that salary gap has negative impact on the employee productivity. The hypothesis is not supported as it is checked by regression test which is shown in the table 6. It has negative impact but it is not significant means that if gap is more in salary then employee productivity decreases but not significantly. The ninth hypothesis is that salary gap is negatively related with job commitment. The hypothesis is checked with the correlation which is shown in the table 5 of correlation which shows that the relation between these two variables is negative. So salary gap reduces the job commitment of female employees. The next hypothesis that is developed is that the job commitment is positively related with the employee productivity. The relation is checked with the correlation and hypothesis is supported because results show that there is positive relation between salary gap and job commitment and it is significant. It means more job commitment the more employee productivity. The next hypothesis is that job commitment mediated the relation between the salary gap and employee productivity. This hypothesis is checked by the mediation test and it is not supported. The results show that job commitment does not play a mediating role between salary gap and employee productivity. The t test is also applied to check that whether the level of variables is also applicable on the population. The results are shown in the table 9. This table shows that all the values of p are significant so the level is also the same as the population. The level of job commitment is also checked in the three population related to different income groups that is below 30,000, 30,000-40,000 and more than 40,000. For this purpose the ANOVA is applied but for ANOVA the assumption of levene test should be fulfilled that is its value should be insignificant. The table 10 shows that levene test assumption is not fulfilled so the non-parametric test is used. The non-parametric test is the Kruskal-Willis test. This test is applied and the hypothesis is rejected as its asymptotic value is not significant. So it means that the there is no significant difference between the job commitment of females who are earning less than 30000, 30000-40000 and more than 40000. 7. Implication Through this study the impact of gender discrimination is checked on the employee productivity. The productivity of an employee is much important for an organization. So the management should consider the issue of gender discrimination as it is shown that the gender discrimination has negative impact on the employee productivity. As our sector for this research is the private education institutes which are very important sector for a developing countries so the management should consider reforming its policies. The management should make transparent, merit based recruitment and selection, it should also provide the training for better performance of female employee so that they can be promoted, they could be provided similarly facilities and different incentive so that they compete economically with the men as all these discriminations are effecting their productivity. 8. Limitation This study was only focused to the three dimensions of gender discrimination and employee productivity is the only variable that is measured that effect the productivity of organization. This research was only examining the education sector and the data was collected only from private institutions. The data was also 140 and it was collected only from the schools that are in the city area the educations institutes in the village was not collected so therefore the ability of generalizability of our findings were restricted and this can lead us to the biasness of respondents (Paul et al., 2003). 9. Conclusion This study provided an insight that how the dimensions of gender discrimination affect the productivity of employee. The data has been collected from different private education institutes through questionnaire. After the analysis that we have done on SPSS we can conclude that gender discrimination has a negative impact on the employee productivity which ultimately affect the performance of employee. The result of impact of salary gap on the employee productivity is not significant. 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