Saturday, January 25, 2020
Essay --
10. In approximately 250 words, describe the status of woman in Egyptian society. Consider the following: Content: †¢ Jobs and tasks for woman In Egyptian society, women were given good standing status in the home and were customarily accommodated in mud brick homes, which were very useful in carrying out various works in the home such as: making the good and other stuff. The women frequently visited the marketplace to obtain items, which were obligatory for daily life in Ancient Egypt. †¢ Positions of responsibility for woman In Egyptian society, women were much on the higher side when associated to other empires around Ancient Egypt. In cooperation with gender which belonged to the same class that will be treated alike given the circumstances of Ancient Egypt society. Let along Women in Ancient Egypt were privileged to all the given rights, which men had. However, women had the right to manage property, which belonged to belonged to them, and if she wished, she could sell the property to buy and property she wanted without there being a barrier between them. More importantly many of the attributes to recognize the significant role of women in Ancient Egypt society †¢ Rights of marriage and divorce In Egyptian society, one of the many rights that belonged to women was whether they chose to marry. Nonetheless woman in Ancient Egypt were not vital marry. Countless women who chose to marry did so at quite a young age. †¢ Unique female leaders Many women in Ancient Egypt were ahead of own time. Hatshepsut was the first women to have held a rank as pharaoh and then began her rule as a pharaoh in 1,500 B.C.E. In addition, Hatshepsut also took care of her people as well as constructed place of worship to the gods in addition to o... ... Nile River. The inundating period persisted from June to September, depositing on the river's banks a coating of mineral-rich sediment perfect for rising harvests. Subsequently the floodwaters had retreated; Egypt expected little precipitation, so agronomists trusted on the Nile to water their harvests. Ancient Egyptians cultured emmer and barley, as well as more than a few other cereal iotas, all of which were used to create the two important food staples of bread and stout. Papyrus emergent on the banks of the Nile River and was used to produce paper. †¢ The succession of the pharaoh Nevertheless, the label of Pharaoh was inherited, consequently ideal that it was passed down from father to oldest son. More importantly, there were voluminous circumstances where the successor would be assassinated or even die by "chance" as well as have some else take his place.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Develop Health and Safety and Risk Management Policies,
Legislative frameworks for Health and Safety and risk management within our work setting include: ?The Health and Safety at work Act 1974. This is in place to ensure that all people are kept safe at work or entering a workplace. We have the Health and Safety policy in place to protect all people. The staff are given a copy and this is reviewed to ensure that the nursery if keeping within the guidelines. ?Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. This is to make sure that all staff has access to first aid within the workplace.At Roselodge we have a first aid kit on each floor and the kitchen. This is checked regularly by the Health and Safety Officer to keep the stock correct. ?Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995. This is in place to give settings responsibility for reporting any injuries and illnesses to the HSE or local authority. Any of these are reported within the nursery and we ensure that accident forms are completed correct ly and that everyone is aware of the illnesses and exclusion periods.Control of Substance Hazardous to Health (COSHH) 2002.This is to ensure that workplaces minimise the risk of substances being hazardous to health. This is covered within the Health and Safety policy and all staff are made aware of the substances and how to correctly store these around the nursery. We have COSHH reports in case of an emergency with any of the COSHH products within the nursery. ?Data Protection 1998. This is to ensure that all personal information is kept safe and confidential. We have a confidentiality policy in place which all staff are made aware of. This is a written policy and reviewed.All information stored on paper is locked away and electronic information is password protected. ?Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. This is to keep people safe and be provided with the appropriate protective clothing when dealing with a situation that could cause cross infection, free of char ge. ?Food Safety Act 1990, Food Hygiene Regulations 2006. This is to ensure that risks with food handling are minimised. Food Safety policy is written and people are made aware. Hygiene facilities are available through-out the nursery and procedures are adhered to at all times.Staff dealing with food has attended training on Food Safety.Children Act 1989, Children Act 2004. This sets boundaries and gives help to local authorities so that they can regulate official intervention in the interest of children. We ensure that the children are kept safe and any concerns are deal with appropriately and efficient. Our setting has over 5 employees and to keep with the Health and Safety Act 1974 we have written policies in place and people are made aware. We review these annually or more regular if needed.We have recently updated the policies to come in line with the Early Years Statutory Framework. We have risk assessments that are reviewed annually or if an incident occurs then more regularl y. It is stated within the staff contract and job description that all must comply with the written Health and Safety policies in place. The staff are regularly updated on Health and Safety in the staff meetings. All staff follow the procedures and if there is a case that they do not then it could be a risk of losing their job or causing injury to themselves or others.HSE inspectors can enter the workplace at any time. If finding a problem or breach of the law is made, then we would need to follow the HSE Enforcement Policy statement: ?Informal – minor incident. We would be advised to comply with the law and be given written confirmation with the legal requirement and the best practice advice. ?Improvement notice – served when a serious breach of the law has been committed. The inspector discusses the improvement notice and clarifies the issues. Notice will be given and that will state what issue is, when it needs to be completed and why it has been served.21 days is g iven to remedy or time for the workplace to go to an industrial tribunal if they wish ?Probation notice – situation which could be a risk to serous personal injury. The issue will be immediately halted and job stopped and the staff will not be able to carry this out again until the issue has been rectified. Risk assessment and risk management are essential within a childcare setting. It is important for all involved to be aware of how to minimise risk and control risk, this supports the children to then be able to assess and take controlled risk within the workplace.These assessments are completed and reviewed annually, new risk assessments are made when necessary. Health and Safety checks are completed daily at the start and end of the nursery day. If any risks or hazards are highlighted, these are dealt with immediately or the hazard is removed so not to cause an injury to anyone in the workplace. It is essential that all staff are aware of how to control risk and understan d how to support risk taking safely. This is done in house training and discussions also through external courses.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Essay about The Crucible with Lord of the Flies - 1088 Words
Goldie Bignell The successful and what could have been successful societies in both Lord of the Flies and The Crucible eventually decayed and fell apart. There were struggles with good and evil in Salem and on the island that were the result of three main elements. Fear, misuse of power and fanatical religious beliefs were the cause of the two societies failure. In Salem, anything unusual or different from the norm was seen as alien and sinful. When Parris saw the girls dancing in the woods, he became afraid the other townspeople would blame him for letting the sacrilegious acts take place. Since he was the reverend, he was supposed to make sure everyone in town was following their religious paths. To avoid punishment, he blamed†¦show more content†¦Reverend Hale uses his authority in the crying out scene at the end of act 1 to make the girls accuse innocent people of telling them to do the witchcraft. He gives the girls answers to choose from when he questions them and they confess to things that Hale makes up. When talking about the kettle Hale says,Mr. Parris, you did not notice, did you, any living thing in the kettle? A mouse, perhaps, a spider, a frog-?(42). Though there probably was no frog, Abigail pleads that she didnt put it in the pot, but it jumped in by its self. Deputy Danforth threatens to arrest Giles Corey in contempt of court when court was not in session. Danforth then starts the court and continues to question Giles while they are in the lobby of the courthouse. Danforths annoyance with Giles ends up getting him arrested and later, hung. Since Abigail was now an official of the court, she would be thought to be telling the truth. In the courthouse Abigail puts on a show with the rest of the girls and pretends Mary Warren is sending a bird to attack her. They mimic Mary as if she was controlling them and Mary thinks she will get in more trouble. She then accuses John Proctor to take the blame off herself. John gets hung because of Marys charge against him. In Lord of the Flies, Jack uses his choir group as a loyal following that he can control and creates a dominant force. Jack tells the boys who are supposed to make sure the fire doesnt goShow MoreRelatedLord of the Flies and the Crucible1355 Words  | 6 PagesSavagery, insanity and murder, one would never think that â⠂¬Å"innocent†children were capable of such appalling things, but maybe we are wrong. In both Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, and The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, both of these authors wrote about children acting as just that and many characters became very similar to each other. Each society had potential in being successful, but both had major flaws that key characters discovered and then used to tear the fragile fabric that the societyRead MoreLord Of The Flies And The Crucible Comparison Essay1255 Words  | 6 PagesFear can cause people do some crazy actions. The book, Lord of the Flies, by William Golding and the movie, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller both have many character traits in common. They both show variations of how everyone in both The Lord of the Flies and the Crucible, experience having the fear of the unknown. Each character from both the book and the movie express it in a different way. The fear of the unknown can haunt many characters. Parachute ’s body and spectral evidence, Jack and AbigailRead MoreEssay on Comparing The Crucible and Lord Of The Flies1076 Words  | 5 Pages The successful and what could have been successful societies in both Lord of the Flies and The Crucible eventually decayed and fell apart. There were struggles with good and evil in Salem and on the island that were the result of three main elements. Fear, misuse of power and fanatical religious beliefs were the cause of the two societies failure. In Salem, anything unusual or different from the norm was seen as alien and sinful. When Parris saw the girls dancing in the woods, he became afraidRead MoreThe Crucible, The Lord Of The Flies, And The Book Thief1758 Words  | 8 Pagesones which already existed. To highlight this, I have selected the play, The Crucible, the movie, The Lord of the Flies, and the novel, The book Thief. For each I will analyse how each have affected my attitudes values and beliefs, how each have affected how I view the world and how each successfully use impactful aesthetic devices. ‘The Crucible’, was written during the McCarthy hearings of 1953 by Arthur miller. The Crucible is set in 1692 and takes place in the theocratic Puritan town known as SalemRead MoreBelonging the Crucible, Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm3249 Words  | 13 Pagesnot likely you will feel like you completely belong with them. In Arthur Millers The Crucible intolerance, hysteria and suspicion, greed (for wealth, land, power)and corruption of power turns a town against each other and highlights the different groups in the town and how they are linked or exiled from the rest of the town and how better understanding of each group could effect this. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding the different views and beliefs of Ralph and Jack and the need forRead MoreThe Lord of the Flies by William Golding776 Words  | 3 PagesThe novel Lord of the Flies presents the themes of evil and sin as an innate, inevitable and negative feature throughout the novel, similar to the play The Crucible. William Golding uses Lord of the Flies as an allegory to present evil and sin through different symbols within the novel, with boys being trapped on an island. Arthur Miller presents evil and sin through a contextual, Puritan society within various characters. Even though both writers present these themes, Golding presents it in theRead MoreHuman Nature In Lord Of The Flies Essay1230 Words  | 5 PagesHuman nature is the â€Å"general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind†. Between the Book, Lord of the flies and The Crucible, human nature is strongly portrayed through similar characters such as Simon and Mary Warren, Satan/Devil and the Beast, and Jack and Abigail. Simon and Mary Warren both share their wise and kind traits and being bringers of truth, while Satan/Devil and the Beast share the characteristic of exotic and the unknown, both are also able to bringRead MoreConflict Rises from Power Essay1568 Words  | 7 Pagesthe times of the tragic witch trials The Crucible is a drama that shows power resting on moral, legal and religious dynamics that lead to inner, social and religious conflicts. Marking Time an ABC miniseries explores the inner conflict of Hal as he struggles to maintain his power by being with a group he does not really fit into, it also shows how the youth of society challenge authority which leads to social conflict between the two groups. Lord of the Flies a novel by William Golding about the savagenessRead More Conflict rises from power Essay1531 Words  | 7 Pagesthe times of the tragic witch trials The Crucible is a drama that shows power resting on moral, legal and religious dynamics that lead to inner, social and religious conflicts. Marking Time an ABC miniseries explores the inner conflict of Hal as he struggles to maintain his power by being with a group he does not really fit into, it also shows how the youth of society challenge authority which leads to social conflict between the two groups. Lord of the Flies a novel by William Golding about the savagenessRead MoreReverend Hale is Not Guilty931 Words  | 4 Pagesreal-life example of this is when Michael Morton got sentenced to life in prison when he was falsely accused of murdering his wife. Twenty-five years later, he was eventually exonerated from prison by the use of DNA evidence. In Arthur Millers ​The Crucible, while the witch trials were underway, situations like this were common occurrences. The play which took place in Salem, Massachusetts, was centered around many innocent people getting framed for witchcraft by licentious people who wante d to place
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