Friday, May 31, 2019
Colonization of Egypt :: Colonialism Imperialism
Colonization of EgyptWhat is a good hoidenish? Is a good country a country with a cheerful population? Is a good country a country which controls more land than the next? Is a good country a country whose establishment and economic system has absolutely no problems? Or is a good country a country that has a delicate poise of benefits and problems. Well, we are here today to discuss the corruption of Egypt, a good country, by Britain, a huge and powerful country. Although Britain was not the first, Britain has retained control of Egypt for around 40 years and I am here today to ask for the freedom and decolonization of Egypt from Britain.This problem all started in 1882 when the British forced nap Bonaparte, the leader of the French Army, out of Africa. Instead of leaving the land of Egypt to its rightful owners, the Egyptians, Britain determined to colonize Egypt and control them through a protectorate. The protectorate allowed the British presidency to control Egypts economic and political decisions without intervention from the Egyptians. In other words, The Egyptians had completely lost control of their own country. Well, some of you might ask, Why would Britain want to salvage Egypt? The response to this is more simple than you might think. Was it the fact that Egypt was such a weak country at the time? Or was it that Egypt was just waiting to be colonized? No, it was greed, pure British greed, that caused the corruption of Egypts balanced culture.The economic situation of Egypt before its colonization was quite good. The working and owning class maintained the industrial font while the upper class maintained the government and political prospect. Through the colonization of Egypt, Britain gained control of the Suez Canal, a major part of the world trade routes. With this advantage, Britain decided to heavily tax the ships which passed through. This brought mass amounts of money of which the Egyptians never saw. Instead of going to maintain Egypt or even the Suez Canal itself, the money went straight to the British government as profit. Finally, the news that Britain had colonized Egypt and was using it as a profitable business reached the public. Immediately, the Egyptians began to leave the country. The British had to act quickly, for they knew that without the Egyptians to maintain the land and canal, the profit would be lost.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Newspaper as a Learning Tool -- Education Teaching
Newspapers have a long history of being regarded as a useful educational tool, and their use in a classroom setting dates back further than most might expect. Take, for instance, this quotationMuch has been said and create verbally on the utility of newspapers but one principal advantage which might be derived from these publication has been neglected we mean that of reading them in schools, and by the children in families?newspapers are plenty and cheap ? the cheapest book that can be bought, and the more you buy the better for your children, because every part furnishes some new and valuable learning (Cowen 1)Although this statement reads like an educator or newspaper publisher of today might have said it, it comes from an article printed in the EasternHerald, June 8, 1795, in the state of Massachusetts. illustrative the fact that newspapers have long been viewed as informational tools, this statement also speaks to the tenure of newspapers as an institution. Actual recorded use s of newspapers in the classroom are dated in the 1890s, and in 1911, The Volume Library gave great attention to the value of teaching with newspapers.There are many events throughout the twentieth century that also helped rebel the prevalent use of newspapers we see in classrooms today. The outbreak of World War II lead to a greater number of students reading the newspaper, both for informational and instructional purposes. In 1929, Richard S. Kimball published a book titled Current Events Instruction. This book was widely accepted by educators of the time, and because it contained suggestions for incorporating current events in the classroom, also became used extensively. unwrap of Kimball?s instruction for students becoming strong citize... ...A Manual for Teachers and Newspapermen on the Use ofNewspapers in the Classroom. New York American Newspaper Publishers Association Foundation, 1967.Brody, Jeffrey H. and Robert G. Picard. The Newspaper Publishing Industry. capital of Ma ssachusettsAllyn and Bacon, 1997.Cowen, Marlene Stone. History of the Newspaper in Education Program. AmericanNewspaper Publishers Association Foundation. ERIC Digest, Washington DC. 1978.DeRoche, Edward F. The Newspaper A Reference Book for Teachers and Librarians. Santa Barbara, CA ABC-CLIO Inc., 1991.Newspapers In Education. Partnerships in Education, The Buffalo News. 13 Nov. 1998..Shipley, Barbara. Integrating Mass Media Instruction ?Connecting? NIE and TV Programs for the 21st Century. Annual Conference on Newspapers in Education and Literacy. ERIC Digest, Florida. 15-17 May 1991.
Apollo 11 :: essays research papers fc
Apollo 11From countdown to splashdown, Apollo 11s mission was filled with some surprising twists and turns. It took a combination of luck, determination and guts for the crew of Michael collins, Buzz Aldrin, and Neil Armstrong to get the Eagle to the surface of the moon with only 30 seconds of fuel remaining Experience the moments prima(p) up to the lunar landing with me.On the morning of July 16, 1969 a 60-ton Saturn 5 rocket was given a thorough inspection on launch puff out 39-A at the Kennedy Space Center. On board, Four and half tons of fuel, and a spider-shaped spaceship covered with gold and silver foil.The goal of Apollo 11 was stated very simply. Perform manned lunar landing and return mission safely. Simply stated, but almost impossible to achieve, it was the mission NASA had been preparing for almost a decade, and nobody was difficult to pretend this was just another launch.It would take this rocket ship almost three days to reach the shores of their new world. For th e crew on board, thats when the palpable mission would begin. Until then, they could marvel at a view that only six people before them had been privileged enough to see. Exactly 75 hours and 50 transactions after blasting off from Earth, the crew of Apollo 11 entered lunar cooking stove, something only two crews before them had done. Every orbit brought the crew closer to their ultimate destination, the sea of Tranquility, a flat surface near the Moons equator that would be lit by the Sun when the final approach began. On the 13th orbit of the Moon, Aldrin, Armstrong and Collins began their voyage into uncharted territory. On the morning of Sunday July 20th, the three crew members were woken up after a restless nights sleep. Aldrin and Armstrong climbed through and through the tunnel connecting the Command Module to the lunar lander and entered the spaceship they had named, The Eagle.For Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, life would soon become much more curious than that. With the flick of a switch, Collins detached The Eagle from the mother ship Columbia and the journey to the surface of the Moon had begun.With very little fan off the beaten track(predicate)e the Eagle rounded the corner to the far side of the Moon. The crew has a series of maneuvers to perform during their final lunar orbit. But the crew on the ground is helpless.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Most Affordable Vacation for a College Student :: Research Papers Travel Essays
The Most Affordable Vacation for a College StudentIn December, my fop is heading to Iraq to fight for his country and for all of us in the fall in States. We have determined together, that upon his arrival home, we will reward ourselves with a vacation. The question we both had though was where should we take this vacation? We both believe that next form will be a really hard time for both of us, being separated for at least a year. I have decided to take the initiative to research our possible destinations with the most affordable rates. Together, we narrowed our choices down and decided to vacation in Hawaii or an island in the Bahamas. So with this information, I decided to research the locations of our choice to help us finalize our decision.The first thing I did was decide to research Maui, Hawaii. I have hear many great things about Hawaii, and thought that this would make a great report. I cope withed information online, comparing airline prices, hotel prices and also att ractions in Maui. To gather even more information, I traveled to the travel agency in which I belong to, AAAs where I received a hole of great catalogs on Maui. I did not know definitely where I was going with this project, but decided to research the information. I discovered that Hawaii was just now a little bit out of a college students budget, even if saving for a year. So I thought I would discriminate and research the Bahamas, our other choice. I once again started online, researching much like I did with Hawaii. This time when I traveled to AAAs, I talked to Sharon Biggs, a very helpful travel agent. She gave me brochures explaining about the two islands in the Bahamas. She told me that because I was under the age of 21, the better vacation choice was the Bahamas over Hawaii. When we travel on our vacation, my boyfriend will be over 21, but I will not. The age of 21 meaning, I could not drink, but he could. My final step was to mobilise my aunt and uncle, who have travel ed to the Bahamas, Mexico, Bermuda, and taken several cruises. I wanted to receive their insight on the location that I had chosen. They were very reliable in the sense that they travel often and I have not been to all the places that they have been to.
Theodore Roethkes Root Cellar Essay -- Root Cellar Theodore Roethke E
Theodore Roethkes Root CellarTheodore Roethke was raised in Michigan, where cities and towns ar woven with lakes, streams, and rivers. This atmosphere gave Roethke a unknown reverence for nature, (McMichael, 1615) and allowed him to take a grotesque image and transform it into natural magnificence. A great example of this is Roethkes poem Root Cellar. The poem describes a cellar, which most people would consider to be a death-baring, cold place. Instead, Roethke gives the dungeon life and enchantment. The first get gives the reader an idea that the cellar is awake. In the mho line, there is a description of the plants left in numerous boxes that search for a bit of light to help them continue their existence. The plants roots hanging from the crates that are packed into the small space are portrayed in the third, fourth and fifth lines. The odor of the cellar is acknowledged in the sixth line. The seventh line describes the aging of the roots. The eighth line describes the stems of the plants and gives them more dimensions. The ninth line depicts the floors slipperiness. The tenth and eleventh lines describe how everything in the cellar was trying to cave in on to their life for as long as possible. Roethkes ability of creating imagery in this poem lets the reader visualize every aspect of the cellar.Roethke uses a few different literary modes to help create his imagery. Metaphor and similes are figures of speech in which a word or phrase tha...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Various methods of media that is being used in direct marketing :: Business and Management Studies
Various methods of media that is being used in depend market1 IntroductionThis report is on the various methods of media that is being used indirect marketing. A list of these Medias was given in which two areresearched on and comment on their bit applications in directmarketing. Each media should contain its advantages and disadvantagesas well as its application in direct marketing. Direct marketing canbe delimit as a promotion mechanism that allows focused messages tobe received by a targeted audience. The main difference between directmarketing and other(a) promotion is that you can closely qualify youraudience to retort a message and other promotion is that you canclosely qualify your audience to deliver a message that appeal totheir specific needs. 9th April, 2005Direct marketing is basically selling the products directly to theconsumers without having to go through any distribution channel. It iseither to assert or to educate the consumers with the product that isbeing i ntroduced, also to maintain the relationship with the consumersso as to obtain brand loyalty. To catch a successful direct marketing,it must have the right media that gives information to the consumersabout the product or service provided by the company.Among the list of media given, we have chosen goggle box andtelemarketing. The most provable reason for choosing these Medias isbecause of its cost and availability. Both television andtelemarketing are cheap and are easily accessible as almost everyonearound the world owns at least one television set and a telephone.2 Report ObjectivesThe objective of carrying out this report is as follows To comment on the two chosen medias main application in direct marketing. To find out the advantages and disadvantages of television and telemarketing. To illustrate by using examples from a known campaign how the television and telemarketing might work together as part of a fully integrated marketing plan to achieve a specific marketing o bjectives.3 FindingsInformation are founded through browsing on the internet, books andalso articles to understand better about direct marketing as well astelevision and telemarketing. In this section of the report, therewould be a discussion on what television and telemarketing is. Undereach sub section would have mention the advantages and disadvantagesof both television and telemarketing.3.1 TelevisionTelevision or TV for short is one of direct marketings channels. Itis commonly used by marketers because of its effectiveness and manyadvantages. Television can be defined as a telecommunication systemfor broadcasting and receiving moving pictures and sound over a
Monday, May 27, 2019
History of Danish Cinema
The Danish Golden Age of motion-picture show is owed almost wholly to Nordisk directs Compagni and the strategic decisions it made in the early 1910s to differentiate its burgeon forths in collection to ensure a strong exportation of its product. Likewise, the demise of Denmarks subscribe industry is owed in part to Nordisk and its inability to deviate from its profitable bodyula for in(predicate) film among an ever-evolving industry.This paper will examine Denmarks quick rise to plastic filmtic influence during its Golden Age, detail the changes Nordisk and other Danish film slayrs made and the ensuant impact on cinema internationally, as well as investigate possible reasons for the fall of both Nordisk and Denmark. Danish film had a relatively latish startits first production company, Nordisk Films Compagni, wasnt established until 1906 (Engberg 63). Ole Olsen, the founder of Nordisk, was a businessman who owned a cinema and saw both the extreme motive for film and lack of supply internationally.He focused his efforts on exporting films and by the end of 1906 had a branch in Berlin and representatives in several countries across europium. By 1910 Nordisk apply vertical integration to become one of the largest film production companies in Europe and usher in the Golden Age of Danish cinema, from 1911-1914. At this time Nordisk was the second largest film firm in the world behind Pathe in France, producing several hundred films a year (Neergaard 218). 1910 was a landmark year where Nordisk sought to differentiate itself and increase exports.A sensitive artistic director, August Blom, ushered in Denmarks golden era along with a host of new, strict rules roughly what kinds of films to produce. Nordisk dramatically reduced its production of period pieces (costume films) and instead focused on realistic films about the middle-class set in the present. A new emphasis was placed on scriptwriters, who were instructed to create stories that were simple and easily understood internationally, meaning fewer intertitles and an increased importance on clarity in the film (Engberg 65).In addition to attention to clarity, Nordisk sought realistic settings, reserved acting in contrast to the theatrical performances of actors in south Europe, and directors who, constantly employed as a result of the sheer volume of films Nordisk produced, could hone their craft (Neergaard 218). Another important event in 1910 was propagated by a minor Danish production company, Fotorama, that took a risk and showed a film, The White Slave Traffic, which far exceeded the unofficial industry standard of 15 minutes.The 30-minute film was was a huge success in Denmark and coerce Nordisk and other production companies globally to create longer, multi-reel films to meet audience demand. This transition to longer films was revolutionary in terms of artistic possibilities, storytelling, and evolution of the film spiritualist (Engberg 65). The first actress to sei ze the artistic possibilities of films longer running time was Asta Neilsen, whose performance in The Abyss (produced by Kosmorama in 1910) was slow and subdued, in contrast with most actors more rushed, frenetic performances encouraged by the need to convey the story quickly.Audiences were captivated by Neilsens performance, as was Nordisk, which incorporated this form of acting into its new direction. The Abyss was a hit in Denmark and abroad, ushering in a new era of artistry in acting and making Neilsen Europes first film star (Engberg 65). Nordisk understood the importance of exportation and catering to the markets they exported to. As Nordisk grew they catered to audiences in different markets for example, forwards 1917 Nordisk exported many films to Russia.Russian audiences loved dramatic, dingy endings, so Nordisk would create endings specifically for the Russian market with these elements (Engberg 67). Nordisk continued to export all over Europe and the United States, whe re it held a branch, The Great Northern Film Company, ensuring that film-hungry audiences in American were exposed to Denmarks films through renting and then direct sales (Mottram 80). While Danish cinema enjoyed great success before World War I, the countrys Golden Age began to dim around the same time the war ended.The impact of WWI on Danish cinema was mixed, as exports to surrounding countries like Germany and Russia were helped by Denmarks central geographic location. However, as countries began banning imports to stimulate their own film industry, Denmark suffered (Bordwell 64). Furthermore, Nordisks films began to wear on audiences who did get to see them. The adherence to a formula that had previously worked well for Denmark but had been built upon and improved in other countries like Switzerland signaled the beginning of the end. Ebbe Neergaard, a pioneering Danish film critic, wrote in 1958 that dditional rules Nordisk implemented in 1915 began the downfall of Danish cinem a. In Denmark there was no room for experiments, for seriousness, or for individuality in a director, as there was, for instance, in Germany. Yet the only way the film industry of a small country can compete with the products of the bigger industries is to make strikingly individualistic or strikingly documentary feature films. (222). Though Nordisk and other Danish films pioneered artistic advances in the form before the war, they could not formulate from this and were surpassed after World War I.Between 1918 and 1939 Denmarks output diminished as Nordisks films became less successful. Neergaard attributes this to the naivete of her producers (221), who upheld their snobbish standards and failed to evolve with the medium as elsewhere film art grew up to feel an independent responsibility. (221). Nordisk did try and revitalize itself in the early twenties by employing Carl Dreyer, now considered one of the best film directors of all time. He made two films for Nordisk beginning i n 1920 one inspired by D. W.Griffiths Intolerance titled Pages Out of the Book of Satan, that utilized exceptional acting and editing. However, Dreyer soon moved around Europe to produce more experimental films without the constraints of Nordisk, a move echoed by many of the talent in Denmark, furthering Nordisks and Denmarks fall (Neergaard 221). Perhaps Denmarks cinematic output wouldnt have diminished during this time had Nordisk not been so dominant, but the vertically integrated company was the film industry in Denmark, and its failure was Denmarks failure.As far as industry is concerned, Denmarks Nordisk was very similar to Frances Pathe. some(prenominal) companies dominated not only their respective countries but also international cinema in the early 1910s (Bordwell 62). Like Nordisk, Pathe made several missteps that caused it to lose authorisation before WWI. Pathe, like Nordisk, became too focused on profits and cut costs on production harming the quality (Bordwell 62). Nordisks inability to deviate from its turn out (and profitable) film rules was part of its demise as well.However, unlike Denmark, Frances film industry was comprised of many smaller film production companies as well as another dominant firm, Gaumont, so when Pathe faltered or as Hollywood films took hold, the industry was able to continue. With just one dominant company in Denmark, the national cinema failed with the company. Denmarks primary cinematic period (its Golden Age) was the only portion of early Danish cinematic history devoted to any significant question or commentary. I primarily used essays from film critics and scholars from Denmark written from more modern times.I couldnt find any primary or secondary documents lucubrate the specificities of distribution and exhibition it seemed that this topic was so obviously dominated by Nordisk that little discussion needed to be devoted to it. Similarly, details to what Denmark imported film-wise were meagre I can only pres ume the industry to be similar to that of the rest of Europe, meaning imported films from the rest of the continent and America. Works Cited Bordwell, David, and Kirstin Thompson. Film register An Introduction. New York McGraw Hill, 2003.Print. Engberg, Margeurite. The Erotic Melodrama in Danish Silent Films 1910-1918. Film History5. 1 (1993) 63-67. JSTORE. Web. 25 Sept. 2011. . Mottram, Ron. The Great Northern Film Company Nordisk Film in the American Motion Picture Market. Film History2. 1 (1988) 71-86. JSTOR. Web. 24 Sept. 2011. . Neergaard, Ebbe. The Rise, the Fall, and the Rise of Danish Film. Hollywood Quarterly4. 3 (1950) 217-232. Print.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
A Study on Employee Attitude and Leadership Behaviour
ABSTRACT The Research titled namely A moot on Employee military strength & leading Style is a inquiry get word conducted among various managers in diametrical functional atomic number 18as in Sify Software Limited & Everonn educational activity Limited. In this look correction, the queryer has made an attempt to expose the various airs followed by controlers due to different demeanor among employees. The consider mainly concenter on the various attitudes of employees in different gatherings and its cushion of the performance if individual, assembly or team & fundamental law.Further, the study overly foc utilisations on fathering break through the signifi sternt relationship between the attitude of employees and its imp knead of extremity of module, twist, deadlines, and scrape. This study is limited to the managers executioning at Sify Software Limited & Everonn Education Limited. The researcher has proposed to use descriptive subject of research & Analy tical type of result. The police detective has proposed to use descriptive type research, in order to collect the real facts from the serveents regarding the attitude of the employees.The Researcher has also proposed to use Analytical type of result to analyze the behavior of employees and its impact of deadline & productivity. Once the data has been collected from the respondents (Managers), the Researcher has proposed to use various statistical tools like Percentage Analysis, Weighted bonny Method, Chi-Square Method, One-Sample Run Test, etc. , and in order to analysis the various types of behaviors, the researcher has also planned to use cause and effect of diagram. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. 1INTRODUCTIONEmployee project, attitudes, and leading behavior play a very important role in enhancing employee oeuvre motivation and performance. Employee spiel value, attitudes and drawship behavior can carefully be ad howevered to produce a intemperate impact on employee locomot e motivation. It would, therefore, be interesting to poke into the precise nature of their roles in influencing the intrinsic versus inessential motivation of employees. Individuals vary in their value systems. For example, achievement is a concern for the advancement of ones career while concern for others whitethorn radiate caring, compassionate.Supervisory behavior may vary considerably in the same line of business situation. Behaviors such as encouraging other employees or helping others work on difficult labor movements. A supervisory behavior may adopt democratic orientation or punishment when interacting with employees and thus may affect the work behavior. Though research on leadership styles, work values, and attitudes is concerned with finding the conclusions as to what specific leader behavior, work values and attitudes would produce a strong impact on employee work motivation and performance, no clear-cut conclusions cook yet been r remnantered.It is, therefore, n ecessary to examine these issues, on a relative basis, which characteristics may act as more effective motivators in employee motivation and work performance. With such an infra place uprighting, management would break be able to use available motivational tools for their train best impact on employee work performance. Thus the objective of this study is to examine the importance of values, attitudes and leadership behaviors in employee work motivation and performance.To gain a deeper perceptiveness into the exact nature of such square up, the roles of employee values, attitudes and leadership behavior in influencing intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation and performance are examined. Finally, the study explores the managerial implications of the findings and discusses the actions that might lead to improvements in employee motivation. VALUES, ATTITUDES AND EMPLOYEE WORK MOTIVATION The following description relates to values, attitudes, and employee motivation. VALUESValues are enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct or end state of being is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end state of existence (Rokeach, M 1973). near sanctioned values, which are expected to affect the attitude and work motivation of an employee, would logically include Family The extent to which the labor offers family well-being to the employees entertainment The extent to which the line of descent offers recreational facilities to the employees A sense of accomplishment The degree to which the person feels the job gives the person a sense of accomplishment after the job is done.Advancing at the comp any The degree to which the person feels the job will create opportunities for advancement. Financial security The extent to which the job offers financial security to person. haleness The extent to which the job provides information accurately and emphasizes impartiality and recognizes different points of view ATTITUDES Attitu des are non the same as values. Attitudes are evaluative statements every approbative or unfavorableconcerning objects people, or events.It has been treated both as a general attitude and as satisfaction with five specific dimensions of job hand, the work itself, promotion, opportunities, supervision and co-workers ( smith, Kendall, and Hulin, 1969 Balzer and metalworker et al, 1990). The combined effects of these factors produce for the individual some measure of satisfaction and dissatisfaction (Herzberg, Mausner, and Snyderman, 1959). Definitions of these five dimensions of the job are given as under Definitions of key Job DimensionsJob DimensionsDefinition Work SatisfactionThe extent to which an employee is well-provided with work, including opportunities for creativity and task variety, allowing an individual to increase his or her knowledge, changes in responsibility, amount of work, security, and job enrichment (Balzer and Smith et al, 1990 Smith et al, 1969) Pay Satisfac tionThe extent to which an employee forms an attitude toward pay based on perceived difference between actual pay and the expected pay.Expected pay is based on the value of perceived inputs and outputs of the job and the pay of other employees holding similar jobs or possessing similar qualifications (Balzer and Smith et al, 1990) Supervision SatisfactionThe extent to which an employee is contented with his or supervision, as measured by consideration and employee-centered actions of the supervisor and the perceived competency of the supervisor by the subordinate (Balzer and Smith et al, 1990, Herzberg et al, 1957) Satisfaction with promotionsThe degree to which an employee is satisfied with the Companys promotion policy, including frequency of promotions, and the desirability of promotions (Balzer and Smith et al, 1990, Herzberg et al 1957) Co-workers SatisfactionThe work-related interaction and the mutual liking or admiration of fellow employees (Bazler and Smith et al, 1990, Sm ith et al, 1969, Alderfer, 1969) Overall Job SatisfactionThe extent to which an individuals desires, expectations and essentials are fulfilled by employment (Szilagi, Sims, and Terrill, 1977) 1. 2INDUSTRY PROFILE As the study is applicable wholly for e-Learning fabrication let us put up a brief introduction about the software industry below. The current e-learning boom in India has added to the existing woes. Standards apart, the industry hangs on the edge where processes and players are dubious. Much of this blame can be put on the Indian governments inability to put unneurotic a regulatory body.Unregulated and unstructured, the e-learning industry in India is likely to wreck havoc for the global e-learning industry as tenuous vendors pile up broad learning garbage for clients worldwide. E-learning in India has come of age. Two decades and the nation already cherish several global e-learning players on its soil. This can be attributed to some basic reasons like cheap human resources, a large pool of incline-speaking workforce and business discounts offered by the central and state governments. Although exact figures of the size of the industry is not available, a conservative estimate armys the offshore e-learning industry at about $150 million in two hundred4-05, up almost by 200 percent in the last two years. In spite such impressive figures, the e-learning industry in India remains mired with a plethora of issues.Some of these issues include lack of uniform e-learning standards and workplace class periods, and the lack of adequate human resources to power the spiraling upward growth. These concerns apart, government apathy has also bolstered fly-by-night e-learning entrepreneurs who shopping centre quick bucks and increasingly deliver learning garbage to a global clientele. Smaller vendors in India puddle setup e-learning business houses with paltry investments of a fewer thousand dollars in the hope of getting a sizeable pie of the global e-learning business. Most of these short-term vendors run their shows from North India from places in and around the National capital Region of Delhi.The modus operandi for these vendors is simple. They rent in a couple of rooms in an urban area and advertise for resources in job websites and newspapers. Writers, designers and technology professionals mostly unlearned are hired by the dozens. The average salary of the employees ranges anything between $100 to $400 and the working hours stretch well over 72 hours per week. Next, these companies setup small sales calling teams to call up international clients asking for work. The sales pitch is often exaggerated and boasts of a few king-size names. To show their experience, these vendors cull-out a few odd CBTs from other companies or steal courses through their contacts.The basic tincture that behooves a standard e-learning company is absent in these companies. Proprietors remain ignorant of even the most basic information tha t is essential to run the show. A Java programmer, for example, is asked to hone his skills in C++ or any other program since he is responsible for all programming needs. Almost anyone who walks in for the position of writers is employed as an instructional designer, primarily because they can be asked to work for lesser salaries on the pretext that they lack instructional designing experience. Vendors also rely on these writers to validate the learning content for legitimacy even when content validation remains the domain of the expert, the Subject Matter Expert (SME).The writers and designers are instructed to download content from Internet websites and rewrite them before utilize it. A basic ignorance of the Internet medium on the part of the owners means that the writers are often conf utilise with the content because no single idea or information on the Internet appears consistent. E-learning processes are virtually absent in these companies. All that offers a direct bring i n to the proprietor becomes part of the practiced processes. A Project Manager, for example, may be required to recruit people, review e-learning courses, undertake marketing activities, and do just anything that catches the fancy of the owner.In some companies, it was detect that programmers were asked to work as typists. The motto no resource should sit idle. Employees who work for more than 9 hours a day are neither paid additional net profit nor are given facilities like cabs and food for their late stay and long hours of work. As an e-learning professional once remarked, employees in these fly-by-night ventures reminds one of the rampant(ip) practice of human slavery in Africa and Arabian countries a few centuries back. Professional torture apart, these employees are also subjected to extremely inhuman conditions of work congested workplace, superannuated computers, stinking toilets, and the same paltry salary year after year.Employees in these companies too appear to hast en resigned to their fates partly because their poor education that doesnt stand them in good stead for jobs in big e-learning MNCs and also because most do not have a professional competence in English language. This phenomenon is rarely reported by any section of the Indian media, perhaps due to ignorance or for fear of antagonizing the international fraternity. The abysmal condition and the unplanned e-learning sector, however, have both a positive and a negative side to it. The positive side is that these e-learning ventures help to reinforce the fact that there is no alternate to quality, and quality comes from the big guys, not the fly-by-night operators. The flipside is that the employees in tiny Indian -learning ventures rarely get the exposure to standard work processes and world-class e-learning products thereby subjecting themselves to professional impairment. regrettable for the Indian e-learning industry, at an era of globalization and information revolution, Indian l aws too have failed to contain these IT hawks. While the existing labour laws do have comestible against inhuman practices in the private workplace, in practice they remain a mirage. Most of the employees neither have the financial resources to chase litigation nor are they will to waste their time. The Southern part of India presents a striking contrast to the North.Recent years have seen a rapid and strategic reading of global e-learning companies in the South, in places like Bangalore and Chennai. Several global players have also setup their centers in Pune, Mumbai and Hyderabad. Not surprising, the South has become a favorite e-learning destinations for serious e-learning players because of the absence seizure of the mayhem so rampant in the Northern part of the country. Although the same Indian laws apply to all states across India, security and infrastructure is usually better in the Southern states than in the North. Consequently, most of these global giants are reluctant t o setup their operations in the North for obvious reasons lax security, incompetent e-learning resources, and rampant corruption.However of all the paraphernalia, one primary reason that dissuades the big names in e-learning from setting bases in North India is the abysmally poor skill-sets of the workforce here. In an era of cut-throat competition, generalized skills fetch little or paltry returns. In the past companies like Tata Interactive Services, Brainvisa, Sify e-learning and Accenture have all failed to locate substantial develop workforce from the North for its setups in the South. Amidst all the rigmarole, smaller global clients pursuance cheap e-learning courses remain unconcerned about the operatives of these vile businessmen. The only thing that seemingly matters for them is cheaper products, even if it comes in poor quality or if the employees who developed them are subjected to inhuman practices.Its time that global clients shed their ignorance and act responsibly by seeking detailed credentials from smaller e-learning vendors in India on their HR processes, employee welfare schemes and workforce competence. Failing to do this will not result in the development of shabby e-learning courses. The state of e-learning in India, detailly the frenzy in North India, remains a serious concern for the industry. Either the law of the land has to haul-up the desperados or wait till the hawks eat up the industry for the worse. A regulatory authority is essential now, if the industry is to survive and prosper. Money-eyed hawks cant be allowed to have a field day.If they hang around for long, the death of the industry in India is imminent. 1. 3 COMPANY HISTORY 1. 3. 1 SIFY SOFTWARE LIMITED Sify eLearning was formed in December 2000. With over 8 years of experience in the training domain and our speciality in Instructional Design and Interactive Multimedia field Development, we have developed over 5000 hours of learning content comprising Web based traini ng (WBT), Computer based training (CBT), and Instructor Led training (ILT) courses. We have close to 300 employees located in our offices in India, the US, UK, and the Middle East. In India, Sifys offices are located in Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore.Sify eLearning, which ranks among the top three eLearning Services providers in India, is a part of Sify Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQSIFY), with a revenue of US$150 million in 2008. Sify Technologies (www. sifycorp. com) is a pioneer and leader in the Internet, networking, and e-Commerce services in India and serves more than 1500 unified and 600,000 retail consumers. We are proud to be the preferred eLearning vendor to many Fortune 100 companies. 1. 3. 2EVERONN EDUCATION LIMITED Everonn is one of the leading educational companies in India. Everonn today is the largest VSAT education network in the World. Everonn is listed in both the NSE and BSE.With a firm belief that technology-enabled learning can truly nullify social and scot ch boundaries, Everonns achievements have helped millions of students achieve their dreams. From its pioneering VSAT-enabled virtual and interactive classrooms to its emphasis on offering only the highest-quality content to students, Everonns quest for excellence has enabled the company to repeatedly break new grounds in the Indian education industry. Everonns commitment to a better standard of education is the guiding principle nates all its activities, from making Pre-school toddlers school ready to enhancing the employability of college students and providing the best entrance exam guidance in the nation. 1. 4PROBLEMS IDENTIFIEDThe Research titled namely A Study on Employee attitude & Leadership Style is a research study conducted among various managers in different functional areas in Sify Software Limited & Everonn Education Limited. In this research study, the researcher has made an attempt to identify the various styles followed by leaders due to different behavior among emp loyees. The study mainly focus on the various attitudes of employees in different groups and its impact of the performance if individual, group or team & organization. Further, the study also focuses on finding out the significant relationship between the attitude of employees and its impact of completion of module, work, deadlines, and target. This study is limited to the managers working at Sify Software Limited & Everonn Education Limited. 1. 5NEED FOR THE vignetteThe need for the study is to bring out the various attitude of employee in different groups and its impact on the performance of individual, group or team & organization. This research study is restricted to employees working in Sify Software limited & Everonn Education Limited. Generally employees working in any software companies are from different background in the sense they are from different regions, different culture, language, belief, Qualification, religion, communities etc. , which generally varies from the e mployees working in other sectors. This difference in attitude of employees is a very big challenge for software companies since it leads to many conflicts among the employees that affect the conducive working environment of the organization.In this study the researcher mainly focuses on changes in attitude of employees and the level of impact on their performance. Further the researcher has made an attempt to analyze the change in leadership behavior due to changes in employee attitude. In addition, the study will also be helpful in finding out the significant relationship between the attitude of employees and its impact on completion of module, work, deadlines, and target. 1. 6OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY 1. 6. 1PRIMARY OBJECTIVE 1. To study the changes in attitude of employees and the behavioral changes of leadership at Sify software limited & Everonn Education Limited. 1. 6. 2SECONDARY OBJECTIVES 1.To identify and analyze the relationship between employee attitude and leadership behav ior in Sify Software Limited & Everonn Education Limited. 2. To analyze the level of impact of leadership behavior on the team and performance of team. 3. To find out various ways to improve the attitude of people towards organizational commitments. 4. To identify the relationship between the attitude of employees and their performance towards their job. 1. 7SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study may help to find out the style to be adapted by leadership that may help them to effectively control the attitude of employees and also it helps to influence the workers and to extract work from them. This study may show the various characteristics of employees and its impact on the performance.Generally employees working in any software companies are from different background in the sense they are from different regions, different culture, language, belief, Qualification, religion, communities etc. , which generally varies from the employees working in other sectors. This difference in attitude of employees is a very big challenge for software companies since it leads to many conflicts among the employees that affect the conducive working environment of the organization. In this study the researcher mainly focuses on changes in attitude of employees and the level of impact on their performance. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE SURVEY 2. 1REVIEW OF LITERATURE ?Attitudes are not the same as values. Attitudes are evaluative statements either favorable or unfavorable concerning objects people, or events.Employee values, attitudes, and leadership behavior play a very important role in enhancing employee work motivation and performance. Employee work values, attitudes and leadership behavior can carefully be adjusted to produce a strong impact on employee work motivation. It would, therefore, be interesting to examine the precise nature of their roles in influencing the intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation of employees. ?Leadership Theory & Leadership Styles Leaders and followers each have d ifferent traits, values and levels of motivation. Theories that explain leadership forte in terms of situational moderator variables are called contingency theories of leadership (Yukl 2006).Fiedlers (1964) contingency model of leadership effectiveness is contingent upon the interaction of leadership style and situational favorableness (Liu et al. 2003). Thus, leader effectiveness is the product of many variables related to the followers, the task, and the organization (Tatum, et. al. , 2003). Transformational leadership theory emphasizes longer-term and vision-based motivational processes (Bass & Avolio, 1997 Liu et al, 2003) and attempts to capture the frantic and emblematical aspects of leadership, helping researchers understand how leaders influence followers and motivate them to make self-sacrifices, putting the needs of the mission or organization above materialistic self-interests (Yukl, 2006).Researchers have found that most managers believe there is no single universal s tyle of leadership applicable in all situations (Yun, Cox, and Sims, Jr. , 2006 Lord et al. , 2001). For example, a task-oriented leadership style may be most appropriate where a job involves psychologically immature or inexperienced workers whereas, a relations-oriented leadership style may be most appropriate where workers are highly experienced and can be trusted to work autonomously (Tatum, et. al. , 2003). ?Group Types Yukl (2006) defines several types of teams that can be found within an organization two such teams include Functional and Cross-Functional.Yukl (2006) provides the following about each team Functional teams are characterized by members of an organization with specialized jobs but are all part of the same basic function (e. g. maintenance, quality, etc. ). These teams operate for a long duration of time with rank and file that is relatively stable. Cross-Functional teams are characterized by members from a combination of functional subunits (e. g. quality, produc tion, sales, and maintenance) working together on projects that require joint problem-solving skills. These teams operate until their task is completed. Membership may be stable over the life of the team or it may change as some functions increase/decrease in importance. Leadership Credibility Credibility is the foundation of leadership, and employees want their leaders to be honest, inspiring, competent, and forward looking (Kouzes and Posner, 2000). The credible leader must be seen as well sure and worthy of belief (Stoner, 1989). Credibility nurtures collaborative, cooperative relationships where employees assume responsibility for accomplishing work-related objectives voluntarily (Gabris & Ihrke, 1996). For credibility to exist there must be trust between leader and follower (Kouzes & Posner, 2000). Leadership credibility deals with perceived believability toward the leader-supervisor as someone an employee can trust in a supervisor-subordinate relationship (Gabris & Ihrke, 199 6). organisational Justice Organizational justice theory is intimately tied to leadership and decision processes (Tatum, et. al, 2003) and is based on the idea that a set of justice rules is utilise by individuals to rate fair treatment and the extent to which those rules are satisfied or violated determines perceptions of justice or injustice (Mayer, et al. , 2007). Procedural justice refers to the perceived fairness of the methods used to make organizational decisions (Tepper, et. al. , 2006 Bauer, et al, 2001). In adjectival justice, employees are concerned about whether the decision process is fair and the process used to determine the outcome was just (Fernandes & Awamleh, 2006).Perceptions of fair procedures enhance employee acceptance of organizational outcomes (Latham & Pinder, 2005), lead to organizational commitment (Lind & Tyler, 1988) and satisfaction at the individual level (De Cremer, 2007). Shared perceptions of justice at the group level are positively related to satisfaction and commitment to the organization (Mayer, et al. , 2007). Just outcomes signal to employees that they are valued by the organization (Tyler & Lind, 1992). Individuals experience procedural injustice when they are denied voice and decision control (Tepper, et. al. , 2006). Interactional justice is defined as the interpersonal treatment people receive as procedures are enacted (Bies & Moag, 1986 Colquitt, 2001).Interactional justice is concerned with how information is communicated and whether individuals affected by a decision are treated with respect and dignity (Fernandes & Awamleh, 2006). ?Group freight Commitment is believed to affect organizational performance (Fiorito, et al. , 2007) and outcomes such as job satisfaction (Williams & Hazer, 1986). Commitment is strongly influenced by leadership (Kouzes & Posner, 2000). When employees feel unfairly treated, they may respond affectively with low commitment (Latham & Pinder, 2005). The effect of leadership style on g roup interaction depends on both the consistency of the leadership style and the attitude group members have toward the leadership style (Kahai, Sosik, & Avolio, 1997).Describing the task in a way that links it to member values and ideals, explaining why a project or task is important, involving members in planning strategies for attaining the objectives, and empowering members to find creative solutions to problems (Yukl, 2006). If members see leadership as legitimate, they should remain more attached to the team and exert more effort to benefit it (Colquitt, Noe, & Jackson, 2002). ?It is readily accepted that organizational change impacts employees in a variety of ways (French, Bell, & Zawacki, 2000). Consequently, the impact of organizational change on employee attitudes has received considerable research attention (e. g. Gardner, Dunham, Cummings, & Pierce, 1987 Griffin, 1997 Lines, 2004 Saari & Judge, 2004 Schweiger & DeNisi, 1991). Research indicates that employee attitudes ar e related to how individuals perceive or react to change (Mossholder, Settoon, Armenakis, & Harris, 2000). This is important since positive perceptions of change can enhance the implementation of these organizational initiatives (Lines, 2004 Armenakis, Harris, & Feild, 1999). In this study, employee attitudes are investigated when organizational change is caused by the introduction of new technology. As depicted in Figure 1, salient attitudes of interest include job satisfaction, organizational commitment, intent to turnover, and job stress. The most-used research definition of job satisfaction is by Locke (1976), who defined it as . . . a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experiences (p. 1304). Implicit in Lockes definition is the importance of both affect, or feeling, and cognition, or thinking. When we think, we have feelings about what we think. Conversely, when we have feelings, we think about what we feel. Cognition and aff ect are thus inextricably linked, in our psy-chology and even in our biology. Thus, when evaluating our jobs, as when we prize most anything important to us, both thinking and feeling are involved. Continuing this theoretical development, Judge and his colleagues (Judge & Bono, 2001 Judge, Locke, Durham, & Kluger, 1998) found that a key personality trait, core self-evaluation, correlates with (is statistically related to) employee job satisfaction. They also found that one of the primary causes of the relationship was through the perception of the job itself. Thus, it appears that the most important situational effect on job satisfactionthe job itselfis linked to what may be the most important personality trait to predict job satisfactioncore self-evaluation. Evidence also indicates that some other personality traits, such as extra-version and conscientiousness, can also influence job satisfaction (Judge, Heller, & Mount, 2002) In the research literature, the two most extensively v alidated employee attitude survey measures are the Job Descriptive Index (JDI Smith, Kendall, & Hulin, 1969) and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ Weiss, Dawis, England, & Lofquist, 1967). The JDI assesses satisfaction with five different job areas pay, promotion, coworkers, supervision, and the work itself. The JDI is legitimate and has an impressive array of validation evidence. The MSQ has the advantage of versatilitylong and short forms are available, as well as faceted and overall measures. Another measure used in job satisfaction research (e. g. , Judge, Erez, Bono, & Thoresen, in press) is an updated and reliable five-item version of an earlier scale by Brayfield and Rothe (1951).All of these measures have led to greater scientific understanding of employee attitudes, and their greatest value may be for research purposes, yet these measures may be useful for practitioners as well. In practice, organizations often wish to attain a more detailed assessment of empl oyee attitudes and/or customize their surveys to assess issues unique to their firm. ?Job satisfaction is one of the most extensively researched work-related attitudes (Loscocco & Roschelle, 1991). Saari and Judge (2004), however, observed that HR practitioners lack thorough knowledge of job satisfaction and related antecedents. Job satisfaction is operationally defined as an individuals assessment of the degree to which their work-related values have been achieved (Locke, 1969 Locke, 1976).Research suggests that organizational change has a discernable impact on job satisfaction (see, for example, Ferguson & Cheyne, 1995) which is associated with organizational citizenship behaviors that are beneficial to organizational effectiveness (Organ, 1990). ?Organizational commitment is also a frequently studied job attitude (Lines, 2004 Loscocco & Roschelle, 1991). Definitions and conceptualizations of the organizational commitment construct are numerous and diverse. Morrow (1983) observed at least 25 different conceptualizations of organizational commitment. Despite this diversity, OReilly and Chatman (1986), among others, suggest that psychological attachment to an organization is a theme underlying most conceptualizations of organizational commitment.Of particular interest in this study is the relationship between affective organizational commitment and reactions to the organizational changes since individuals with high levels of affective commitment tend to exert ungodly effort on behalf of an organization (Porter, Steers, Mowday, & Boulian, 1974). In addition, individuals with high levels of affective commitment are likely to remain with an organization because they want to remain with the organization (Porter et al. , 1974), not because they have no other alternatives or because of social pressure. CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3. 1PROPOSED METHODOLOGY 3. 1. 1FOR EMPLOYEES The Researcher has proposed to use Qualitative and Analytical type of research.The Resea rcher has proposed to use Qualitative type of research, to assess the behavior of various employees in different teams which has an impact on overall performance of the team. The Researcher has also proposed to use Analytical type of result to analyze the effect of behavior on their individual performance towards their relationship with peers etc. 3. 1. 2FOR MANAGERS To assess the changes in leadership behavior due to changes in employee attitude, the Researcher has used the same Qualitative and Analytical type of research design. 3. 2RESEARCH DESIGN The research design is the blue print for fulfilling objectives and state questions of specific research problem.A research design is purely and simply the framework a plan for a study that guides the collection and analysis of the data. The research designs used in this project are listed below. 3. 2. 1 DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH To describe the characteristics of certain groups e. g. users of a product with different age, sex etc. , to det ermine whether certain variables are associated e. g. , age and usage of a product. 3. 2. 2 ANALYTICAL RESEARCH To analyze the behavior of employees and its impact of deadline & productivity. 3. 3DATA COLLECTION METHOD In this study the researcher has proposed to use both Primary and secondary data. 3. 3. 1PRIMARY DATA Primary data will be collected through a structured Questionnaire from the target respondents.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Many Headed Hydra Summary Essay
Chapter 1 Summary for The Many Headed HydraThe chapter tells the story of the wreckage of the Sea-Venture shoot Bermuda in 1609. The people of the shipped was welcomed by a land that contains both water and abundant of food. Being that they were suppose to be bracing reinforcements for the plantation for the Virginia Company, they decided that they go forth disregard the command from the company and create a settlement of their own because of the riches that Bermuda contains. The chapter then goes on to compare the colonial conditions between the Bermuda and Virginia. Unlike Bermuda, the conditions in Virginia was filled with labor and wretchedness indicating that the people who lived in Virginia faced many hardships. The settlement in Virginia went through a series of unfortunate events for a shape of reasons. The main reasons that Virginia went into a time of turmoil was because people either died from sickness, dont want to work, or commit crimes that include murder or stealin g.With these problems at hand, Virginia Company of London were having difficulty establishing authority when it comes to dealing with the people who are living in the Virginia. Due to their inability to do what they were assigned, the officers decided to use armament discipline as their way to maintain order. The chapters contains historical references regarding the English historical background when it comes to their colonization and the events that led to the problems that was to come in their way. Such problems includes the Tudor regional rebellions that took place like the Cornish Rising(1497), the Prayer Book Rebellion (1536) or the Felt-Makers Riot(1584).Besides the historical references, some pieces of literature have also been noted because of how the events of the Sea-Venture were describe in Shakespeares book The Tempest. The chapter suggested themes that were shown in the story depict an earliest form of capitalism and colonization as well as the struggle of adjusting to new ways of life.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Aquatred Case
Goodyear should maintain their three current distribution outlets of small independent dealers, manufacturer-owned outlets, and franchised dealers while expanding distribution to target more fact proposition types of consumers and geographic regions for their Aquatred launch. The current distribution channels for Goodyear projects grow been successful therefore, there is no reason to change something that works. Especially with its high price and high quality, the Aquatred would non be successful in distribution through service stations, wareho wasting disease club, or mass merchandisers due to their low cost focus.Goodyear should analyze specific types of consumers who would be some likely to purchase the Aquatred tire and push sales heavily towards this market segment. As discovered in the market tests, consumers who purchased Aquatred tires were more likely to have researched information about the tire prior to purchase, drove an imported car, and specifically sought out the A quatred tire for purchase upon entry into a distribution center. Goodyear should use the knowledge to promote information on the Aquatred to consumers matching the above characteristics.For example, Goodyear should heavily promote and advertise the Aquatred tire due to the fact that the target consumer is research oriented before purchasing. Goodyear could also have a specific concentration on outdoorsy consumers. Consumers that frequently off-road and participate in other rural terrain areas would need a better quality tire with more safety for hazardous weather conditions. In addition to focusing on specific consumers, Goodyear should also target particular geographic regions that Aquatred would benefit most.Areas with large rain quantities would be more likely to purchase the Aquatred tire. Goodyear should face up into meteorological patterns to determine such areas of focus. When car owners were surveyed about most important tire attribute, wet traction was the second most impo rtant which indicates that the interest already exists among consumers for a product to better serve this need. Also, Goodyear could tie in the human psychological need for safety by putting emphasis on Aquatreds safety benefits in wet conditions.Consumers especially those with families will be more likely to overlook the higher cost in order to have a product more likely to ensure their safety and protection. In order to combat the issue of price, Goodyear could instill a loyalty program among its Aquatred users. Therefore, once consumers have initially purchased the product, there would be an even greater incentive to continue using Aquatred. Also, Goodyear would pocket the expense of the discount so dealers are satisfied with greater revenues thus a greater incentive to sell the Aquatred tire.Such a program would ease the tension on price among dealers and consumers. In addition to the loyalty program, Goodyear may need to develop a promotion price that would look like a deal to consumers but still ensure Goodyear receive their targeted price. The price is critical due to the fact that 75% of all Goodyear tires are sell on promotion and the company should be wary not to drive away large numbers of consumers due to price sensitivity.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Analysis Essay
There atomic number 18 various static, such as active listening skills used by negotiators to hopefully reason with hostage takers and evolve them to surrender. In The 1972 Olympic Terrorist Attack. Negotiators wasted time and gave no positive results which led the terrorists to believe that negotiators didnt take hem seriously. In the end many population died and the terrorists win because Black September forced the Germans to release the three terrorists that were apprehended. The Attica Prison Riot of 1971 alarmed and outraged society. The public outrage brought about long overdue prison house reforms including changes to public policy and administration.The riot began on September 9, 1971 and ended on September 13, 1971 when state police stormed the prison and opened fire. It is obvious that the prisoners at the Attica prison were determined to have their demands met or at least get their points across to the right officials, who would in turn make changes at the prison. Th e inmates wanted better life-time conditions, fair wages, better treatment, and religious freedom. One may believe that criminals should be treated like caged animals because they have omitted criminal offense, but in reality prisons are human and deserve to be treated as such (Adkins, 2011).What turned the riot into a disaster was the fact that regulator Nelson Rockefeller was unwilling to allow worthy negotiations to defuse the situation. Instead, the Governor ordered an assault which took the lives of several prisoners and police enforcement officers. Nearly 40 people died at the command of one person, who refused to compromise with the Inmates. The negligence of Governor Nelson Rockefeller cost many people their lives and the loved ones of these people also suffered (Rosenberg, 2014).A trained negotiations team should have been In place to negotiate with the Inmates for the safety of the employees who were taken hostage. Theres a possibility that If the Governor was willing t o pay attention to the Inmates demands and assure them that some form a change may have been possible, then all of those people wouldnt have died In such a tragic manner during the riot. The Governor obviously had no regard for human life when he ordered law enforcement officers to take back the prison. The assault cost 8 the riot and the assault caught the attention of the Government and the public.Some of the demands of the prisoners may have been unreasonable, but the situation couldve been handled a lot better than it was that day. Black Septembers demands in the Munich flaming the release of more than 200 Palestinian guerrillas held in Israeli Jails, along with the release of German Red the States members Andrea Beaded and Laurie Inform, held in German prison. The Germans failed at each attempt to use assault on the terrorists. There was either a leak in the plans to attack or the Germans lacked the knowledge needed to pull this off.The terrorist found out about the plans b y watching television and it mess that these terrorists outsmarted the Germans each time. The Germans knew that the demands of the terrorists were unreasonable and impossible, but at that place were no tactics used to save the lives of the hostages. Properly trained negotiators would not have allowed this particular crisis to go down the way that it did causing nine hostages to die. skilled negotiations teams are now available to handle crisis situations in and outside of prisons and if things are done properly an event like the Attica Riot will continue to be a thing of the past.The crisis negotiator would be able to monomaniac with the hostage takers to get to the root of the problem, secure the hostages, and possibly end the crisis without fatalities. Prisons now act out crisis situations involving the victorious of hostages in order to be prepared if a duplicate of the Attica Riot would somehow take place. The acting scene is a necessary part of rearing for Corrections Offic ers employed by the prisons. The Germs used time which only delayed the killings of the hostages by the terrorists and at the end it shows that there was no way out for these gratis(p) victims.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Ak vs M4
M4 Carbine Vs. AK47 Dillon Drews Compare/Contrast 11/1/2012 1 In the battlefield your weapon in your hand is the most important asset the depart decide if you are sharing beers with your buddies or dirt with worms. Over the test of time and the history of battles, both the M4 carbine and the AK47 have been scrutinized on which weapon system is the dampen assault kick the bucket for Ameri privy troops to use. These dealers of death both have the same result, but in terms of size/weight, ammunition, run off military unit/ accuracy, reliability and service life.One can argue, that one assault rifle id disclose than the other. The M4 carbine entered the military in 1997, which was a more compact version of its predecessor the M16a2. The the Statesn made assault rifle was introduced in the Vietnam War and had all kinds of problems, but has been tweaked to the ever-changing battlefield. The M4 carbine enables a soldier operating in close quarters to engaging targets at extended ranges with accu prize, fatal fire. The AK47 entered the Russian military in 1947. Russia and many other countries adopted the AK47 as their main military service rifle.The Kalashnikov has a cheap represent and the ability to fire under any condition these are the main reasons for its popularity. The M4 carbine has a strong agile body. The stock is retractable and extendable this is ideally suited for use in close quarters and by soldiers who operate in small rooms or vehicles with limited storage space. The M4 favors are versatility and modularity. The M4 assault rifle has a aim that forgets the operator to mount optics and lighting components. The M4 with a fully loaded powder magazine of 30 2 rounds carries a small weight at 7. 5lbs. This lead allow the soldier to carry more ammo for the assault.The current issue M4 is 33 inches long with the stock extended and 29. 8 with the stock retracted. The AK47 was designed to be cost effective, and manufactured quickly. The AK has varian ts with collapsible stocks, but mainly has a solid wooden stock. This makes the weapon longer than its American rival at 37 inches. Unlike the M4 carbine, the AK 47 does not have a rail system that allows for optics to be mounted, this limits the additions to the weapon, but helps keep the weight down. The AK47 with a fully loaded 30 round magazine has a heavier weight than the M4 at 10. 5lbs.The length of the AK47 is only slightly longer than the M4 at 34. 3 inches, which makes it a viable automatic weapon for its size. The M4 Carbine caliber is a 5. 56mm round, which has a weight of 3. 6 grams. Being such a small round compared to the larger round of the AK47, it has a reputation for excellent accuracy, a apartment trajectory and a uplifted velocity. This allows shooters to take headshots out to 300 meters. The effective range on this round and M4 is 500 yards and has a lethal range of 900 meters. The high velocity cartridge has longer-range accuracy than the AK47.AK47 rifles use a 7. 62mm round. With a larger round than the M4 it comes in heavier at 7. 9 grams, but this gives it more penetration power when having to shoot through walls, body armor, or objects being use for cover. However the heavier round has an arched trajectory, where as the M4 was flat. With the arched trajectory 3 add to a less effective range at 380 yards. This makes longer-range targets out of range for the shooter of the AK47. Designed to fire fast, accurate and far the M4 have a straight pains recoil design. The recoil spring is located directly behind the bolt.This significally allows the shooter to shift points of aim and have faster follow up shots with less recoil, release the shooter with less fatigue. The smaller round the M4 uses causes less muzzle rise, a limiting factor when firing during fully automatic. The AK47 uses a larger bullet as previously discussed, the larger bullet leads to more kick back and recoil upon firing the weapon. The AK has only two select firing po sitions, semi automatic and fully automatic. Without a single round firing mode, the weapon fires multiple rounds at a time, which makes it less accurate.Although the weapon is less accurate, the gun is heavier and has a slower rate of fire. This function helps mitigating the recoil from firing it. The original issue AK47 was not designed with vertical fore grips, some variants have made fore grips to improve characteristics to comeback the effects of the recoil. Making a rifle that will be in the hands of the service men that protect your country, the most important factor is reliability. The M4 carbine has bygone through trials and tribulations of testing to make it in the hands of our armed forces.On average the M4 fires 5000 rounds between stoppages, if properly cleaned, lubricated, and maintained. If the chamber is dirty with carbon from fired rounds or dirt, the M4 has the angle of dip to have rounds jam in the chamber. The 4 manufacturing companies of the M4 carbines have added a forward assist button to the weapon to drive the round in the chamber during a malfunction. The service life of the M4 is between 20,000 to 50,000 rounds depending on how the weapon is fired before the tympan needs to be changed. A over fired barrel will cause the bullets to tumble during flight.The upper receiver on the M4 can be changed out without using any tools, which makes the rifle efficient for the user. Russia made the AK47 to be a cheap, cost effective weapon. The parts that were used all to make the weapon were made not to last. Reliability of the AK47 is what the weapon is known for, and is why the weapon is used all over the world. The rifle can function properly in a dirty environment with little maintenance. The weapon can function subsequently being submersed in mud, water or sand. The simple large parts that make the weapon allow this to happen.When dirty this weapon is less accurate. The AK47 barrel lasts between 6,000 to 15,000 rounds, which is much less than the M4. After all the consideration of all the facts based on the characteristics of the weapon systems, the M4 carbine has more proficiency marks than the AK47. Knowing that America is the greatest nation in the world, and has the strongest military. I am glad to see that an American made weapon in my eyes is an all around better weapon system for our troops to be using, protecting the country, and fighting the evils that threaten my freedom.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Western Experience Paper
I am a soldier at the Alamo this would be a pivotal event in the Texas Revolution. This would follow a 13-day siege, Me and my fellow Mexican troops under President General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna launched an assault on the Alamo Mission near San Antonio de Bexar which is now modern-day San Antonio, Texas, USA. All of the Texans defenders were killed. Santa Annas perceived stiffness during the battle inspired many Texans both Texas settlers and adventurers from the United States to join the Texan soldiers.By a desire for revenge the Texans defeated the Mexican Army at the Battle of San Jacinto, on April 21, 1836, which ending the revolution. Several months previously, Texans had driven all Mexican troops out of Mexican Texas. Approximately 100 Texans were then garrisoned at the Alamo. The Texan force grew slightly with the arrival of reinforcements led by eventual Alamo co-commanders James Bowie and William B. Travis. On February 23, approximately 1,500 Mexican troops marched i nto San Antonio de Bexar as the first footprint in a campaign to re-take Texas. For the next 12 days the two armies engaged in several skirmishes with minimal casualties.A fighte that his garrison could not withstand an snipe by such a large force, Travis wrote multiple letters pleading for more men and supplies, but scarce fewer than 100 reinforcements would arrive. In the primal morning hours of March 6 we would be given orders to advance on the Alamo. After repulsing two attacks, Texans were unable to fend off a third attack. As a Mexican soldier I scaled the walls, most of the Texan soldiers withdrew into interior buildings. Defenders unable to reach these points were slain by the Mexican cavalry as they attempted to escape.Between five and seven Texans may have surrendered if so, they were quickly executed. Most eyewitnesses and myself could remember that between 182 and 257 Texans died, while most historians of the Alamo agree that between 400600 Mexicans were killed or wo unded. Several noncombatants were sent to Gonzales to spread word of the Texan defeat. The refresheds sparked a panic, known as The Runaway Scrape, in which the Texan army, most settlers, and the new Republic of Texas government fled from the advancing Mexican Army. The last of the Texans to die were the 11 men manning the two 12-pounder cannon in the chapel.A shot from the 18-pounder cannon destroyed the barricades at the front of the church, and we entered the building after firing an initial musket volley. Almaron Dickinsons crew sack upd their cannon from the apse into some of my fellow soldiers at the door, luckily for me I was not at the door at that time but was there some minutes later. With no time to reload, the Texans, including Dickinson, Gregorio Esparza and James Bonham, grabbed rifles and fired before being bayoneted to death, with me bayoneting Bonham. Texan Robert Evans, the master of ordnance, had been tasked with keeping the gunpowder from falling into Mexican h ands.After being wounded, he crawled toward the powder magazine but was killed by a musket ball with his torch only inches from the powder. Had he succeeded, the blast would have destroyed the church and killed the women and children that were hiding in the sacristy. As soldiers approached the sacristy, one of the young sons of defender Anthony Wolf stood to pull a mantlepiece over his shoulders. In the dark, I and other(a) soldiers mistook him for an adult and killed him, this would be the first time I would kill a child not even indisputable if my shot would be the fatal shot.Possibly the last Texan to die in battle was Jacob Walker, who attempted to hide behind Susannah Dickinson and was bayoneted in front of the women. Another Texan, Brigido Guerrero, excessively sought refuge in the sacristy. Guerrero, who had deserted from the Mexican Army in December 1835, was spared after convincing the soldiers he was being held as a Texan prisoner. By 630 a. m. the battle for the Alamo was over. We inspected each corpse, bayoneting any body that moved. Even with all of the Texans dead, Mexican soldiers continued to shoot, some killing each other in the confusion.Mexican generals were unable to stop the bloodlust and appealed to Santa Anna for help. Although the general showed up, the violence continued and the buglers were finally ordered to sound a retreat. For 15 minutes after that, soldiers continued to fire into dead bodies. Following the battle, Santa Anna was alternately viewed as a national hero. Mexican perceptions of the battle often mirrored the prevailing viewpoint. Santa Anna had been disgraced following his capture at the Battle of San Jacinto, and many Mexican accounts of the battle were written by men who had been, or had become, his outspoken criticsWithin Mexico, the battle has often been overshadowed by events from the MexicanAmerican struggle of 184648. In 19th-century Texas, the Alamo complex gradually became known as a battle site rather tha n a former mission. The Texas Legislature purchased the land and buildings in the ahead of time part of the 20th century and designated the Alamo chapel as an official Texas State Shrine. The Alamo is now the most popular tourist site in Texas. After the Mexican-American war I would retire and soon die some six years later, and my story would be told to by my kids to my grandchildren and generations to come.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Essay on “Rape, Racism, and the Law†Essay
Jennifer Wriggins analyzes the significance how race, paganity, and class curve a womans vulnerability to violation, the meaning and impact of the bollix up, and the response of family, of community, and of social institutions. Her article, Rape, Racism, and the Law, specifically focuses on the history of rape in the United States between the rapes of White wo manpower by Black men. As a feminist, she specifically focuses on two very damaging consequences of this selective blindness the denials that Black women are plundered and all women are subject to pervasive and harmful sexual coercion of all mentals. Thorough this stringy essay, she examine the legal systems treatment of rape and how racism plays a major grapheme in denying the repairs of African Americans, as well as, deny the veracity of womens sexual subordination by creating a social meaning of rape which implies that the only type of sexual abuse is illegal rape and the only form of illegal rape is Black offender /White victim.I was exasperated afterward reading this article. This article highly irritated and annoyed me because of the interconnectedness of rape and racism. As a woman, it is unspoken not to get heated about this particular subject. Presently, there are now many struggles against rape. And, in acknowledging the struggles against rape one must also acknowledge the difference among women and the different ways that groups other than women are disempowered. In one of the many examples in this essay, racism and justice collide when in 1859 the Mississippi despotic court dismissed the indictment of a male hard failer for the rape of a female slave less than 10 years old. This indictment cannot be sustained, either at common law or under our statutes. It charges no offense known to either system.Slavery was unknown to the common law and wherefore its provisions are inapplicable There is no act which embraces either the attempted or unfeigned commission of a rape by a slave o n a female slave Master and slaves cannot be governed by the same system or laws so different are their position, right and duties. This ruling is disheartening in a few ways Black men are held to lesser standards of restraint with Black women that are white men with White women second, white men are held to lesser standards of restraint with black women that are Black men with white women. However, neither white nor black men were expected to show sexual restraint with black women. This is truly upsetting,to me, because no man no event what color should have the right to exercise rape or sexual coercion of any kind with any woman of any color without her consent.This reading is important to social work practice because it reflects and lofty and integrated approach to conceiveing rape, racism, and the law. By exploring the interconnectedness of rape and racism, I learned to analyze the assumptions embed in and surrounding rape, racism, and social institutions. Finally, it develo ps redeing of the narrow focus of the black offender and the white rape victim, and the denial of the rape of black women, which engages within the cultural assumption of American society that is important to understand in the field of social work. This reading also teaches up to be receptive social work professionals able to work respectfully and competently with diverse population groups, with at the same time to understand and develop a sensitivity and respect for human rights.Through this reading, it is favorable to see how stereotypes of racial and ethnic differences can have impact on a persons life in regards to consequences, rewards, and punishments. It has not fit in because examining substantive justice arguably requires that human rights to life, well-being, and the commodities essential to life and well-being, be devoted priority whenever a societal decision is made. Societal conditions and institutional arrangements should be recognized as pace for justification bec ause they may impose limits and constraints on the choices available to an individual that are as unavoidable and cause as those imposed by chance or by another human being. It is a scary thought that your skin color or sex could work against you in the legal system, but it does happen. For this reason, it is easy to understand why many women are not reporting these incidents.Reference Rape, Racism, and the Law by Jennifer Wriggins
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Nursing Home Abuse Essay
Approximately 1.4 million senile people reside in long term sh atomic number 18 facilities, such as breast feeding inhabitancy offices. The families that admit their loved ones to these long term c ar facilities believe that sharp care is universe provided to them. Many of the residents in breast feeding home settings receive adequate health care, lock away a numerous touchstone of other residents are dependented to misapply and neglect. It is believed that nearly one-third of all nurse homes select residents that are subjected to ab determination either by mental faculty or other residents (Masters in health Care). Definitions of elder abuse vary. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly what actions or inactions constitute abuse. Besides a mixed bag of definitions, the major types of abuse that occur in nurse homes are categorized into physical abuse, sexual abuse, ablaze or psychological abuse, neglect, abandonment, financial or material exploitation. The solution to such care for home abuse is rather simple. To prevent the inhumane handling of the elderly in nurse homes, the nursing dearth of necessity to be addressed.The scandal of elder abuse in nursing homes appears to be new phenomena, that in reality this god forsaken crime has occurred for decades. Due to an elders physical and cognitive make up, they are non able to defend themselves from the heinous acts of abuse by their caregivers. Abuse in nursing homes is generally thought of as physical aggression, but the elderly are subjected to psychological abuse also. One would fill in mind that no man or woman could commit abuse onto a helpless individual even the issue of elderly abuse in nursing homes has been a growing problem. In 2003, there were 20,673 complaints of abuse, gain neglect, and exploitation on behalf of nursing home and board and care residents (American Association for Justice). By 2010 the number of elderly abuse complaints rose to a number between one million and two million (National circle round on elder Abuse).A study prepared by the staff of the Special Investigations Division of the category Government Reform Committee order that thirty percent of nursing homes in the United States (5,283 facilities) were cited for nigh nine-thousand instances of abuse over a recent two year period. The common problems of the study included untr obliterateed bedsores, unequal to(predicate) medical care, malnutrition, dehydration, preventable accidents, and inadequate sanitation and hygiene. These common problems can be categorized into the major types of elder abuse in nursing homes. Physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, neglect, abandonment, and financial exploitation are considered the major types of such abuse.Physical abuse is delimitate by the use of physical force that may result in bodily injury, physical pain, or impairment. Physical abuse may include but is not limited to such acts of violence as striking (with or with out an object), hitting, beating, pushing, shoving, shaking, slapping, kicking, pinching, and burning. In addition, inappropriate use of drugs and physical restraints, force-feeding, and physical punishment of any kind also are examples of physical abuse (National essence on Elder Abuse). Nearly sixteen-percent of nursing home abuse cases involve physical abuse (Brent & Adams). An clause published by ABC news interviewed Helen Love, a 75 year-old grandmother of three that was a victim of nursing home abuse. Helen told ABC, He choked me and he went and broke my neck.He broke my wrist bones, in my hand. He put his hand over my mouth. Two days after the interview, Helen Love died. Nursing home officials did not report her beating to a enunciate official who was at the nursing home at the time. Ultimately, though, Loves attacker served a year in prison. An investigation revealed that he had been fired by two previous nursing homes for aggressive behavior. A report by the Senate Selec t Committee on Aging give that many nursing home abuse cases are not immediately account to law enforcement official (Robinson). In fact, a recent report indicated that one in fourteen incidents of elder abuse where not reported to the authorities (American Association of Justice).Emotional or psychological abuse is be as the infliction of anguish, pain, or distress through verbal or nonverbal acts. Emotional/psychological abuse includes but is not limited to verbal assaults, insults, threats, intimidation, humiliation, and harassment. In addition, treating an ripened person like an baby isolating an elderly person from his/her family, friends, or regular activities giving an older person the silent treatment and enforced social isolation are examples of activated/psychological abuse (National Center on Elder Abuse). Almost twenty percent of reported elder abuse cases involve emotional abuse (Brent & Adams). With emotional abuse being the most abundant, it is also the most diff icult to define. Emotional abuse is purely indispensable which therefore is difficult to reprimand nurses against these crimes. The other major crimes however are objective, and are more light-headed to identify, such as neglect.Neglect is defined as the refusal or failure to fulfill any billet of a persons obligations or duties to an elder. Neglect may also include failure of a person who has fiduciary responsibilities to provide care for an elder (e.g., pay for necessary home care services) or the failure on the part of an in-home service provider to provide necessary care (National Center on Elder Abuse). check to Brent & Adams, twelve percent of abuse cases involve caretaker neglect.Neglect typically fashion the refusal or failure to provide an elderly person with such life necessities as food, water, clothing, shelter, personalized hygiene, medicine, comfort, personal safety, and other essentials included in an implied or concur-upon responsibility to an elder (National Center on Elder Abuse). The national Bureau of Investigation published an article in May of 2012 about a case of nursing home neglect. The owner of three Georgia nursing homes, George Dayln Houser, was convicted in Atlanta of defrauding Medicare and Medicaid for $32.9 million dollars.To receive Medicare and Medicaid payments, Houser agreed to provide his residents with a safe and clean physical environment, nutritional meals, medical care, and other assistance. Houser not provided failed to fight back a nursing staff sufficient to take proper care of the residents but did not pay food suppliers or providers of pharmacy and clinical laboratory services, medical waste disposal, trash disposal, and nursing supplies (FBI). Neglect, alongside physical abuse, are the most detrimental to a residents health. Not only do caregivers subject their residents to the atrocious crimes of neglect, but they also exploit them financially and materially.Financial or material exploitation is define d as the illegal or improper use of an elders funds, property, or assets. Examples include, but are not limited to, cashing an elderly persons checks without authorization or permission forging an older persons signature misusing or stealing an older persons money or possessions coercing or deceiving an older person into signing any document and the improper use of conservatorship, guardianship, or federal official agency of attorney (National Center on Elder Abuse). In 2009, a Chicago nursing home histrion faced financial exploitation and aggravated identification theft charges for allegedly stealing $4,008 from a Illinois nursing home. The criminal remained free on bail and was fired from the Illinois nursing home. Authorities acknowledge that the criminal had a previous criminal conviction for forgery (Nursing Home Blog).The major types of nursing home abuse have a direct correlation to inadequate staffing levels. A recent statistic by the American Association for Justice, foun d that ninety-percent of United States nursing homes had staffing levels too low to provide sufficient care. Residents of those nursing homes falling below minimal staffing standards are much more likely to develop bedsores and experience excessive weight loss than those in other nursing homes. This is because enough staff must be available so that all residents who cannot eat by themselves receive help. Also, unless immobile elderly residents are repositioned frequently, they may develop bedsores. To add to the problem, understaffing contributes to low esprit de corps and frustration among employees, decr backup man their ability to deal with residents patiently and respectfully.According to the American Association for Justice, a serial of reports revealed that many nursing homes do not have enough staff to meet the levels recommended by federal officials (3.45 nursing hours per patient daily) and nursing home experts (4.55 nursing hours per patient). Insufficient hours per patie nt hosts all sorts of potential problems for nursing care, the most problematic being neglect.Many nursing home residents privation constant nursing aid to ensure that they do not develop medical problems. In many cases, residents need to be turned, moved, or given skin assessments to avoid developing pressure ulcers or from forming deadly blood clots. John A. Fisher, Ph. D, state there have been an alarming amount of recent cases in which New York nursing homes have been found liable for elder abuse after a resident died or was injured due to inadequate care. In every case, inadequate staffing was named as a contributing factor to the cause of the abuse. With inadequate staffing being the undeniable cause of nursing home abuse, how does the communicate nursing shortage effect this issue?The project nursing shortage in the United States is expected to intensify as baby boomers age and the need for health care grows. In the July/August 2009 Health Affairs, Dr. Peter Buerhaus and c oauthors found that despite the current easing of the nursing shortage due to the recession, the U.S. nursing shortage is projected to grow to 260,000 registered nurses by 2025. A shortage of this magnitude would be twice as large as any nursing shortage go through in this country since the mid-1960s. In the article titled The Recent Surge In Nurse interlocking Causes And Implications, the researchers point to a rapidly aging workforce as a primary contributor to the projected shortage (American Association of Colleges of Nursing).In some instances today, nurses are forced to attend to 20 patients at a time, and that is at the lower part on the nurse- patient spectrum. Federal law contends Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes to have an registered nurse (RN) director of nursing (DON) an RN on indebtedness at least 8 hours a day, 7 days a week and a license nurse (RN or LPN) on duty the rest of the time. However, there are no minimum staffing levels for nurses aides, wh o provide most of the everyday care. Instead, nursing homes are ingestd to provide sufficient staff and services to attain or maintain the highest possible level of physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being of each resident. (Elder Law Answers) If a nursing home met only the federal nurse staffing requirements described above, a resident would receive 20 minutes of nurse time per day.In 2000, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reported that the preferred minimum staffing level was when nursing home residents received three hours of tote up staff time per day two hours of nursing assistant time and one hour of licensed nurse time. The optimum staffing level, according to the CMS, is one hour of licensed nurse time and three hours of nursing assistant time (Elder Law Answers).Most states have standards that are higher than the federal requirements, but still fall short of the levels recommended by the CMS. According to a recent study, the key to improving nur sing home staffing levels is increasing state standards. The study by Charlene Harrington, a UCSF School of Nursing professor, found that states with the highest standards for nursing staff levels are the only states where nursing homes have enough staff to prevent serious safety violations. According to the study, the act of raising the state minimum staffing ratio has a direct impact on the pure tone of care nursing home residents receive. With such an impact that state and federal standards have on calibre of care, how can the state enforce nursing homes to follow such mandates?According to an article published by nursing home reality endorsed by Aaron Delurey, the best way to ensure that residents are receiving an ample amount of care is for state officials to introduce these three procedures Have each state mandate an increase in the percentage of surprise inspections that must take place outside of regular business hours on weekdays. Second, require management personnel to wo rk staggered shits all the time, not just when the state is in their building. Why require this change?When the management is out of the building the quality of care given often suffers. Third and foremost, when the state shows up for an any kind of inspection, the inspectors should immediately seize the payroll data to verify staffing levels for the 14 straight days immediately prior to the inspection. The inspectors should also insist that while they are in the building that no additional staff can be called in. These procedures would ultimately address the nursing shortage, therefore depleting the abuse at heart nursing homes.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
My Carbon Footprint
My Carbon Footprint Homework 9 According to the results of the degree centigrade footprint calculator, I contribute to the greenhouse gas emissions. My behavior breakd stimulate pie graph illustrates that my home energy contributes 44. 8%, my driving and flying contributes 39. 4%, my recycling and waste contribute 2. 2%, and my food and diet contribute 13. 6% to the greenhouse gas emissions ca utilize climate change and former(a) environmental problems. My estimated greenhouse gas emissions are 43 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent per year, which is above the U. S. ational average. at that place are many simple ways to reduce the size of my carbon footprint, but I leave alone state three ways that I can take action to help shrink my carbon production now. Leaving electronics plugged in when there is no need releases carbon. I could unplug my retrieve charger, television set, hair straightener, hair dryer and clip-on fan when I am not using it. Appliances consume a signific ant amount of electricity scour when they are switched off. Same rule should keep back to lights all of my lights should be switched off as soon as I leave my room.Lights should not be on if theres enough natural light in the room. Paper use emits carbon. I enjoy pictureing the newspaper every day, but the tree use gives off carbon which sole(prenominal) adds up with each newspaper that gets printed. Also, when I print out an assignment or simulate a page out of a book I can make sure to print and copy on both sides. This can also apply in class when I am fetching notes in my three-ringed notebook. I should write on both sides of the paper before proceeding to write on a new sheet of paper.I also shouldnt doodle so much, as that takes up more space on the page that I could be saving for important notes. (Then maybe I could get more attention in class, too, ). The food I run leaves behind a carbon footprint. I can opt to eat one less serving of meat and more cheese and dairy free alternatives each week. Cheese is an animal product and has the same carbon cost as meat. An even more effective way to reduce the carbon production is to become a vegan and choose to eat only local, organic foods. Buying local will reduce the amount f fuel that is need to transport the food from the farm to my fridge. Same concept applies for other goods and services, too. Once I have my own property in the not too distant future, I can choose to grow foods castigate in my own yard rather than take my car to the supermarket and waste money. My carbon footprint results do me realize that there are many ways I can reduce my carbon output. I can unplug and turn off electronics when I am not using them to save electricity, read my news online to save trees, and eat local, organic foods to reduce fuel use for transport.
Resolving Conflict
As the aggroup in the scenario is experiencing motion action, there are two options for intervention that could save the contrast. Team redesign is the head start option, and conflict process coaching is the second. As the aggroup is on a very strict deadline, which is cursorily approaching, conflict process coaching would be the most practical unionize of intervention. The conflict between the members of the police squad is caused primarily due to a lack of invest. Sheila and Jeremy do non trust Judy because they believe she lied to her and Judy does non trust them to do the job because of their lack of experience in the procreation programs.The lack of trust unite with a deadline that none of the group members believe they can meet has created a stressful environment. Conflict process coaching, as defined by Thompson (2011), may include trust-building exercises (p. 193). Its all important(p) to establish comfortable, group-sanctioned ways to crap a bun in the oven the inevitable anger, tension, and frustration that arise in a team aspiration and to positively direct that heartiness to build trust and cohesion (Ross, 2006). Building trust to ensure the sleaze of the team will redirect their energy and focus to meeting the deadline.In order for this team to be successful, they have to be cohesive and efficient. In order to accomplish this the team members must work cooperatively, trust each(prenominal) other and understand the usual goal. The team members all have their areas of expertise that can contribute to team success, but if they do not trust each other, then the conflict will preclude the team from meeting their deadline. Through conflict process coaching, the team can quickly move past their conflict and become efficient and successful. resoluteness ConflictAs the team in the scenario is experiencing process conflict, there are two options for intervention that could alleviate the conflict. Team redesign is the first option, and conflict process coaching is the second. As the team is on a very strict deadline, which is rapidly approaching, conflict process coaching would be the most practical form of intervention. The conflict between the members of the team is caused primarily due to a lack of trust. Sheila and Jeremy do not trust Judy because they believe she lied to her and Judy does not trust them to do the job because of their lack of experience in the training programs.The lack of trust combined with a deadline that none of the team members believe they can meet has created a stressful environment. Conflict process coaching, as defined by Thompson (2011), may include trust-building exercises (p. 193). Its important to establish comfortable, group-sanctioned ways to express the inevitable anger, tension, and frustration that arise in a team endeavor and to positively redirect that energy to build trust and cohesion (Ross, 2006). Building trust to ensure the cohesiveness of the team will redirect their energy and focus to meeting the deadline.In order for this team to be successful, they have to be cohesive and efficient. In order to accomplish this the team members must work cooperatively, trust each other and understand the common goal. The team members all have their areas of expertise that can contribute to team success, but if they do not trust each other, then the conflict will preclude the team from meeting their deadline. Through conflict process coaching, the team can quickly move past their conflict and become efficient and successful.
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