Thursday, October 31, 2019
Uncertainty reduction theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Uncertainty reduction theory - Essay Example I did not want to speak up, because of the fear that I may offend my new friend, but still, I wanted to express my-self. However, through the axioms of the uncertainty reduction theory, I was able to create and maintain a positive relationship with my friend. Thee first principle that was applicable to my relationship, was based on the ideas that Berger proposed, concerning verbal communication. This is the first axiom of uncertainty reduction theory (Rodriguez, 56). According to this axiom, an increase in the level of verbal communication between strangers manages to reduce the rate of uncertainty. This was directly applicable in my relationship, because I constantly maintained a series of verbal communication with my new friend. The next axiom is non-verbal warmth. An increase in non-verbal communication has the capability of reducing uncertainty. This includes smiles, head nods, hugs, etc. These were widely used in my relationships, because I constantly smiled on my new friend, whenever we met. The third and the fourth axioms involved information seeking and self-disclosures. Under information seeking, the parties to the relationship are involved in looking for information about each other. These types of information include the likes, the dislikes, the culture, the age, and other attributes of their friend. This is important because it would help in creating a relationship that is based on the understanding of the other person. Self-disclosure involves disclosing information pertaining to ourselves to each other. This was an important to my case, because I managed to explain to my friend all about my-self, my family, my likes and dislikes. This played a great role in reducing uncertainty between my friend and my-self. Due to my self-disclosure, my friend was able to reciprocate, and disclose more about himself. This brings us to the fifth axiom which is reciprocity (Baxter and Barbara, 108). Under this concept, when the uncertainty is high,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Increasing Visual Comfort with Blue Light in Video
Increasing Visual Comfort with Blue Light in Video Adjusting the blue light of the video to increase the visual comfort belong to the changed of light environment Abstract: This paper is an approached method adjusting the blue light of the video to reduce the eye strainwhen people watching video on digital devices such as computer display, smartphone screen or tablet in different luminance of the environments light. The method is using the light sensor getting the luminance values of the light, then sending these values immediately to our program to process the frame of the video. The videos frames will be processed based on lightings values and given the new videos frames which are reduced the brightness light. The video with reduced the brightness and blue light will increase the visual comfort to the human eyes when people watch the video in different light environments from brightness to darkness. Keywords: blue light, eye strain, lighting environment, video, visual comfort. 1. Introduction In recently years, digital devices are very popular in the world because they are very useful in the humans life. The digital display of devices is produced from a variety of technology called light emitting diodes (LED). From this technology, the digital display exposes to blue light that is a primary factor causing the eye strain and visual discomfort. Some electronic device displays such as computer screen, laptop, smartphone device or TV emit a lot of the brightness light contained the blue lights which bring to people the eye symptoms. As we know that, the blue light has a short wavelength in the area of the visible light spectrum. The blue lights wavelength has a range from 380nm (nanometer) to 500 nm; it is one of the shortest and highest energy wavelengths. The sources of blue light include the sun, computer display, smartphone screen, television, fluorescent and LED lighting. The eye strain is asthenopia in the medical term. When people concentrate their eyes on the digital display overtime, they will get the symptoms of ocular as fatigue, tired eyes, blurred vision, headache, neck pain and dry eyes. In the report of the vision council, there is 44% activity associated with the digital device used for work and 43 % for recreational reading. Besides, nearly 30% of the adults spend more than half of waking hours (> 9 hours) using a digital device. By using the most commonly digital devices as computer, smartphone, tablets, television,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the symptoms of digital eye strain are 32,8%, that is the highest symptom. When doing the jobs or watching video on the computer more than two hours, people will get stress or some other symptoms. The reason is that some frames of the video have many brightness lights that will expose the blue lights to make people feel uncomfortable. In addition, if the people watch the same movie on day or night with the glare, they will tired eyes, general fatigue, blurring or headaches. As we are known that the brightness video is normal to the eyes at day because the daylight is brightness also, but it is glaring when watching at night or in darkness environment condition. To filter or adjust the blue light, there are many ways to decrease the brightness light and increase the visual comfort such as using blue light filter applications, changing text and background color on the screen, or using the glasses. These methods have some advantages and disadvantages. In our research, we propose the system to process the color of videos frame belonging to the luminance value of the light environment. Our method is set up a system to perceive the light environment. Based on the darkness or brightness light, we will process the collected value from sensor directly to the videos frame and display on the digital display after filtering blue light on the video. From this method, the color and histogram of videos frame will be rendered immediately when the environment changed. It means that if the video is taken from another environment, it will be processed adjusting the blue light to reduce the eye strain and enhance the visual comfort in the current environment o f light when the viewer watching. 2. Related works In previous researches, there are many research papers talking about the blue light that is affected to the human eyes. From the blue light exposed website, they are talking about what is the visible light and blue light. Then, they also talk how the important of protection the humans eyes from the harmful effects of the blue light rays. Besides, this website also presents which symptoms effect to the eyes such as blurry vision, dry and irritated eyes, neck pain and difficulty focusing. They apply the rule 20-20-20: watching every 20 minutes, focus and object about 20 feets and ways for 20 seconds. They also propose some solutions to filter blue light from digital devices. Kuang-Tsu Shih[3] and his coworkers show the solution to reduce harmful blue light and optimize the spectral transmittance and minimize the color distortion in the blocking harmful blue light while preserving image color appearance. Yong-Woo Kim[1] and coworkers introduce the method to decrease the visual discomfort by reducing blue light component. They survey perceived symptom before and after watching a movie and measure the eye-blink rates of the participants, saccadic movements and near the point of convergence in his analysis effects of the blue light. Yoon-Suk Kang[2] said that the brighter video gives more discomfort than the darker video after making the comparison on stereoscopic 3D display, auto-stereoscopic 3D monitor and HDM devices. Additionally, there are some research papers about reading luminance of the light and turn on the light in the darker environment or turned off it in bright. In the tutorials point, they introduce about the histogram of an image and help to know which image is dark or bright from the histogram. From the histogram equalization article, Robert Krutsch and David Tenorio[4] said that which histogram covers all the possible values in the grayscale used is a good histogram. It means that the histogram will be a good contrast and details in the image will be observed more easily. 3. Theory Information 3.1. Blue light and visual comfort Visual comfort is a metric that is used to rate the lighting senses. In the recently years, several people make the research about the visual comfort and the relation from the lighting environment to the visual comfort. According to the International Commission on Illumination (CIE), the standards on lighting environment with many parameters as relevant for visual comfort including color rendering index and correlated color temperature. Therefore, there is some research papers are considered on surfaces brightness and color, light distribution and appearance of light and luminaires. The Unified Glare Rating (UGR) system that is developed by CIE in 1995 to evaluate the visual comfort glare by lighting sources as follow: Where: Lb is the background luminance(cd/m2), Li is the luminance (cd/m2), Pi is the position of each luminance. From the CIE, the higher UGR value suggests the higher visual discomfort glare. Besides, the researchers consider that luminance arrangement, LED lights quantity and lighting source surface distribution can be the factor causing discomfort. They said that if the number of LED increases then the glare is decreased. In many case studies research, people recognize that the color affects to the visual comfort in the mood and performance. As we known, the visible light has a wavelength from 400nm to 700nm (nanometer). It is visible for the human eye and responsible for the sense of the sight. In this range, the longer wavelengths are a red light and the shorter wavelengths are blue light. The blue light has a wavelength spectrum of between approximately 380nm and 500nm. It is one of the shortest and highest energies of wavelength. Fig. 1. Light spectrum with visible light (400-700 nm) and blue light (380-500 nm) Where is the blue light? And, what effect of the blue light to the human life? The blue light actually exists anywhere. It is stored in the light of the sun and traveled through the atmosphere. Furthermore, the blue light is exposed from the digital devices such as PC monitor, smartphone screens, TVs, laptops, tablet displays, fluorescent and LED light. Today, the LED display is very popular. It is used the LED back-light technology to enhance the brightness of the screen and clarity. Unfortunately, the LED has the very height energy of the wavelength or blue light. Because of the development of PC, smartphone,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.the digital devices with this technology are used on them. Therefore, people will watch the blue light too much. Besides of some benefits of blue light as boot alertness, help memory and cognitive function and evaluate moods, if people get the blue light emitted from the digital devices, they will get stress and eye strain. There are many kinds of eye strain as blurry vision, dry and irritated eyes, difficulty focusing, headaches, back pain,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ They also increase the risk of depression, permanent eye damage or loss vision. There are the research from Harvard said that if people work the night shift and exposure to the blue light to get several types of cancer diabetes, heart disease or increased risk of depression. 3.2. Hardware circuit and Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) sensor In our research, the hardware used to process and transfer luminance of lighting environment is Arduino circuit board. Arduino is an important circuit board that communicates with the computer and other electric devices via USB port. It also gets output data from electric devices and sends to the computer to process. Arduino is very famous microcontroller board with many categories. Arduino Uno is used in our research based on the ATmega328. The board has 14 digital output pins including 06 digital pins used as PWM output. It has the operating voltage of 5V and limitation of the input voltage from 6V to 20V. Additional, DC current of each I/O pin is 20mA. Flash memory has a capacity 32KB. Arduino read inputs from a sensor, finger on the button, data from USB or a Twitter message, then turn it into an output as activating motors, turning on a LED or publishing something online. There are a lot of projects in many fields and worldwide community of makers using the board to set up their projects. To do something, you can tell what you want to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. Arduino is changing to adapt to new need and challenges with simple 8-bits boards to products for Internet of Things (IoT), wearable, 3D printing, and embedded environments. Fig. 2. Arduino board (left),LDR sensor (center) and characteristic of LDR sensor schema (right) LDR sensor is a light sensitive device. It is made up of semiconductor materials having high resistance. It operates based on the resistance. If its resistance is very high, the LDR is kept in dark and brighter when its resistance decreases. When the light is incident, it takes 8 to 12 ms for the change in resistance to taking place and takes one or more seconds for the resistance to rise back again. LDR has a low cost and simple in structure. People use it as a light sensor. It is used for lamps on street or light intensity meters, etc. 3.3. Making image contrast A histogram is a graph. It presents the frequency of anything that is provided in the dataset. The graph has two axes: y-axis presents the counting number of frequency and x-axis is the values of things in the dataset. In image processing, the histogram displays frequency of pixel intensity values. While x-axis is the gray of intensities, then y-axis shows the frequency of these intensities. The histogram is very useful in image processing. It can be used in medical to predict something from X-ray picture, adjusting the contrast of an image or using in thresholding, Therefore, equalization histogram is necessary to get the balance in the image. To enhance the contrast, we make the histogram equalization. After equalization, the intensity of the image is better distributed on the histogram. There are some methods to equalize the histogram such as histogram expansion, local area histogram equalization, cumulative histogram equalization, par and odd sectioning. Fig. 3. Histogram equalization 4. Algorithm and results In the previous section, the blue light is a primary to make the people getting eye strain and visual discomfort when they work on the digital display devices. The eye strain will make people get stress or some other diseases. If people work or watch image/movie long time on the computer or digital devices at the night, the eye strain and discomfort will be increased more and more. This is very dangerous to the human eyes and their mental. With the blue light exposed from the PC monitor, people work on the screen of the computer or the laptop will increase the stress or eye strain. Especially, it will be increased more and more visual discomfort if people watch image or video at the night. At that time, the light of environment is too dark, and the video may have much lights of the blue color. So, reducing the eye strain and increasing visual comfort that synonym to reduce the blue light on each frame of the video is very necessary in this case. The problem is how to reduce it? From our research, we propose the solution to help people reduce the eye strain when they watch the video in the darkness environment of light. Our solution is a system with two parts including electric devices and image processing program. Our systems structure is described in the following figure: Fig. 4. The structure of reducing blue light and increasing visual comfort system. In the process, if we have the video that is captured from brightness environments. As we known that, the brighter frames of the video caused more visual discomfort than darker video. So, when we watch the brighter video in the dark lighting environment, we will get more visual discomfort. How to know which is the brighter or darker lighting environment? We use the LDR sensor. LDR sensor with the resistor to get the intensity of the environment and Arduino board collects the values of LDR. On the other hand, we get the information from the input video (videos frames) via histogram. We process every pixel from the input video (videos frames) with the value collected by Arduino. In the next, we are mapping the pixels color after processed into (255,255,255). Then, we make the equalization histogram for the image to enhance the contrast. Finally, the new output video (videos frames) is rendered and reduced blue light in the new environment. In generally, our algorithm is presented as following: Read luminance value of current environment by LDR sensor (E). Calculate and send to the program value of (E). Read the desired video by sequentially frames. Calculate the value of (E) on each pixel of videos frames. Process color of the videos frames after calculating in the fourth step. Equalize histogram to enhance the contrast of the videos frames. Display new rendered video after reduced eyestrain or visual discomfort (increasing visual comfort). The LDR light sensor gets the lights luminance of the environment and process that value by using Arduino board. The computer read the video and the lightings luminance values sent from the Arduino board based on the lightings luminance values, we calculate the histogram and process above videos frames, then rerender that video suitable to the environment light. The output video is reduced the blue-light and reduces the eye strain of the viewer. Finally, the viewer will watch the video in less visual discomfort in the different lighting environments (from brightness to darkness). Based on the algorithm and processing video, we try to work on the day and night with the same video. For easy imaging, we choose an image frame of video and process on it with the luminance value from lighting environment. The result has some different images that are different to the original image. The results are depicted as follow: Original image frame Result image frame on the day Result image frame at the night in less darknessResult image frame at the night in very darkness Fig. 5. Output image frame in different values collected from light sensor For the 3D stereo images, we also process the left and right images belonging to the light values that are collected from the LDR light sensor via Arduino circuit board. In this case, re-rendered the images by calculating a color based on environment light is very important because it is strong effected to the eye. If the blue light is not reduced, the eye strain will be stronger and visual discomfort more increasing when watching 3D stereo movie. 5. Conclusion Today, the digital devices are very popular. It always exists parallel in the humans life. Therefore, watching video on the digital display devices in a long time will get stress, eye strain, and visual discomfort. Our paper has proposed the solution to the viewer when they watch the video by using light sensor-LDR. The LDR light sensor perceives the current light environment, the system processes to make an output video belonging to the environment that is reduced eye strain and visual discomfort. Our solution gives the result depending on correspondence environment brightness or darkness. References Yong-Woo Kim and Hang-Bong Kang. (2016). Analysis of blue-light effects in reducing visual discomfort from watching stereoscopic 3D video. Society for Imaging Science and Technology. Yoon-Suk Kang and Sungho Cho. (2016). Comparison of visual discomfort when viewing 3D videos with various contrast changes on a stereoscopic 3D display, an autostereoscopic display, and an HMD. Society for ImagingScience and Technology. Kuang-Tsu Shih, Jen-Shuo Liu, Frank Shyu, Su-Ling Yeh, and Homer H. Chen. (2016). Blocking Harmful Blue Light while Preserving Image Color Appearance. ACM Trans. Graph, Vol. 35, No. 6, Article 175, 10 pages. Takashi Shibata, Joohwan Kim, David M. Hoffman, Martin S. Banks. (2011). The zone of comfort: Predicting visual discomfort with stereo displays. Journal of Vision, 11(8):11, 1-29. Gordon Wetzstein, Wolfgang Heidrich1 and David Luebke. (2010). Optical Image Processing Using Light Modulation Displays. Computer Graphics Forum, vol 29, issue 6, pp. 1934-1944. Monica Sà ¤t. (2010). Colour And Light And The Human Area For Visual Comfort. Colour and Light in Architecture_First International Conference 2010_Proceedings, 285-291. Robert Krutsch and David Tenorio. (2011). Histogram Equalization. Technical Report, Microcontroller Solutions Group, Guadalajara, Rev.0. Paola Iacomussi , Michela Radis, Giuseppe Rossi, Laura Rossi. (2015). Visual Comfort with LED Lighting. The 6th International Building Physics Conference, IBPC. Energy Procedia 78 ( 2015 ) 729 734. The Vision Council. (2011). Protect your eyes from Digital devices. Digital eye strain report, unpublished. Effect of blue light technology, Eye Strain, Arduino Tutorial, Visual comfort probability, Authors Viet Tran Hoang is a PhD candidate in Global School of Media, Soongsil University, Seoul,Korea. He had received his B.S degree in Computer Science from Cantho University, Vietnam, in 2000. He hold a M.S degree in Information System Management from HAN University, Netherlands, in 2011. He is currently pursuing his PhD in Computer Graphics at Soongsil University, Seoul, Korea. His research interests include image processing, 3D real-time rendering and 3D stereoscopic rendering.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Jack Londons To Build A Fire: Theme Essay -- essays research papers
Jack London's To Build a Fire: Theme The significance of the words "dying and death" in Jack London's 1910 novel, "To Build a Fire" continuously expresses the man's dwindling warmth and bad luck in his journey along the Yukon trail to meet "the boys" at camp. London associates dying with the man's diminishing ability to stay warm in the frigid Alaskan climate. The main characters predicament slowly worsens one level at a time finally resulting in death. The narrator informs the reader that "the man" lacks personal experience traveling in the Yukon terrain. The old-timer warned the man about the harsh realities of the Klondike. The confident main character thinks of the old-timer at Sulphur Creek as "womanish." Along the trail, "the man" falls into a hidden spring and attempts to build a fire to dry his socks and warm himself. With his wet feet quickly growing numb, he realizes he has only one chance to successfully build a fire or face the harsh realities of the Yukon at one-hundred nine degrees below freezing. Falling snow from a tree blots out the fire and the character realizes "he had just heard his own sentence of death." Jack London introduces death to the reader in this scene. The man realizes "a second fire must be built without fail." The man's mind begins to run wild with thoughts of insecurity and death when the second fire fails. He recollects the story of a man who kills a steer to...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Automobile and Current Mercedes Benz
Mercedes-Benz (German pronunciation: [mÉ›Ê ˈtseË dÉ™s ˈbÉ›nts]) is a German manufacturer of automobiles, buses, coaches, and trucks. Mercedes-Benz is currently a division of its parent company, Daimler AG (formerly DaimlerChrysler AG, formerly Daimler-Benz). Mercedes-Benz has its origins in Karl Benz's creation of the first petrol-powered car, the Benz Patent Motorwagen, patented in January 1886,[1] and by Gottlieb Daimler and engineer Wilhelm Maybach's conversion of a stagecoach by the addition of a petrol engine later that year.The Mercedes automobile was first marketed in 1901 by Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft. The first Mercedes-Benz brand name vehicles were produced in 1926, following the merger of Karl Benz's and Gottlieb Daimler's companies into the Daimler-Benz company.[1] Mercedes-Benz has introduced many technological and safety innovations that have become common in other vehicles several years later.[2] Mercedes-Benz is one of the most well-known and esta blished automotive brands in the world, and is also the world's oldest automotive brand still in existence today.Mercedes Benz understands that its customers are not simply buying a car to get from point A to point B, so before they actually sell a car they must first sell an idea about that car. Mercedes Benz sells their ideas through promotion and advertising. Mercedes Benz wants to change the perception of their brand at the personal level and reposition their brand so that they are more appealing to young professional men of all ethnicities.Secondly, Mercedes Benz is communicating to its target market the idea that they are a more approachable, personal, fun, and energetic brand. This new message was evident in the Janus Joplin advertisement, in the sponsoring of the Elton John concert in New York, and the sponsoring of professional tennis. In the summer of 2003 Mercedes Benz launched an marketing event in 16 cities across the United States to promote the new C- Class to younger buyers. The campaign gave potential buyers a chance to test drive the C-Class product line on courses that simulated real life driving conditions and gain information from current Mercedes Benz owners in attendance.Mercedes BenzMercedes has decided to stress safety over luxury in its new marketing campaign. As the tables have turned in the economic downturn, so have consumer priorities. It is becoming more popular to brag about how little you just spent on a new car as opposed to telling your friends how ridiculously expensive your new car was.Steve Cannon, VP of marketing for the U.S., believes that the new safety technology Mercedes has to offer should play a bigger role in its vehicle sales. In an interview with Automotive News, Cannon said, â€Å"You have to give people the justification that says, ‘Yes, a Mercedes-Benz is relevant to me  it can save my life.' †At a time when hybrids and less expensive cars are hugely popular, Mercedes has to give Ameri ca a reason to shop for a Benz.Mercedes has just launched its all new E-class, equipped with several features previously only available in the top of the range S-class. Blind spot detection, lane-keeping assist, night view, and attention assist, which monitors the driver's road awareness, are a few safety features available on the 2010 E-class. These features set Mercedes ahead of the pack in terms of safety, and the company is banking on its innovation to help it sell some cars.Cannon quickly touched on competing brands and their marketing tactics. He said that Mercedes would not lower its game and that the company would continue to focus on innovation and safety.Mercedes Benz marketing strategy in the United States was once centered on the safety, luxury, and precision engineering of its cars, but due to increase competition in the luxury car industry and changing consumer attitudes about the Mercedes Benz brand that strategy has changed. Now their marketing strategy is more life style oriented and is focused more on presenting the more fun loving, approachable, and energetic side of Mercedes Benz.The evolution of Mercedes Benz’s marketing strategy can be directly connected to the expansion of its target market, which now includes persons twenty five to thirty five years old as well as its initial targets the baby boomers. In order to provide superior customer value to its target market Mercedes Benz has found it necessary to expand its product line up, provide more competitive prices, increase communications with its target market, maintain accessibility to consumers, and continue its excellent customer service.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
White Collar Crime Social Interaction & Conflict Theory
The American dream exists because everybody has a dream of what they want, or what they want to achieve. Americans achieve success through achieving their goals. The American dream is what gives people hope; it allows them to work hard to achieve happiness, and all the things that come with it. Like gaining all the things you want and need in life (Warshauer). The American dream is a big part of America’s culture. The American dream is based on the freedom of the people to pursue their goals through hard work and free chance (Malone). Maybe the American dream doesn’t exist maybe there was no American dream to start with. The American dream is dead for the majority of America†say’s financial guru Suze Orman, she believes that the dream of one day owning your own home and working one job till you retire, well and being able to retire will one day be crushed. Orman says we are on a road leading to poverty and there are no roads coming off of it. This is the e nd of the American dream some say â€Å"it has been sold†says (DCraig), but it’s the start of a new American Dream. The new American dream deals with responsibility, quality, ethics, and creativity while money takes its new place as a means. But the American dream changes and changes in the 20th century, the American Dream was summarized as â€Å"a single family house in the suburbs with a white picket fence around it,†(Leinberger). So the American dream changes with time, as the world changes so does the American dream. The us bureau of labor stats that out of 100 people that started working when they were 25, by the age of 65, 1 percent are wealthy, 4 percent have retired, 3 percent are still working, 63 percent are dependent on social security and charity,29 percent are dead. This represents real people who will most likely never make it to the top. This says that only 5% of the people you see will be finically successful. The worst thing about the American dream is that people would rather be rich and miserable than poor and happy. â€Å"I once said that at a party, and a woman about my age said, â€Å"Well sure I would. If I was rich, I could make myself happy. †â€Å"Nope,†I replied. â€Å"That’s not the deal: You can either be rich and miserable, or poor and happy. Period. So which is it? †She thought about it for several seconds. â€Å"I’d rather be rich. â€Å" Said Francis Hare That’s the problem with the American Dream. It used to be that a person with good work ethic could become anything they wanted and be happy with it. Now it’s about all the money you can make how much you have and you social class. (Hare) Another way to achieve the American dream is through education; education is the key to success, if you don’t have the proper education it’s not likely for a person to succeed in life (Stone). If there is an American dream which means, people pursuing their dreams, then why is the unemployment rate so high? The answer to that question is that the American dream has changed in some people’s eyes. The opinion I share is that the American dream has always existed in Americans dreams hence the â€Å"American Dream†. I think it is what people dream of having which varies from person to person, no one person has the same dream. It also changes from time to time; as new things come out people want them. Most of all people are losing sight of the American dream all they want is money and an easy was to get it, most people are trying to achieve their American dream the easy way through lawsuits or the lottery (Warshauer). So I do think the American dream varies depending on the person. I can see why people think the American dream doesn’t exist. Since there is really no definition for the American Dream or you can’t really put your finger on what it actually is. Lorie A. Johnson says the American dream is getting farther and farther out of reach. Today, people cannot afford to buy a home; people are spending their money on other things to find happiness. But Lorie A. Johnson says that â€Å"in order to be truly happy, Americans need to reject the false American dream and create their own vision of happiness†. Johnson) But the real question is does the American dream still exist? The answer to this question is there is no answer, because it only exists in the people that believe in it and it’s also different from person to person. The American dream only exists in the people that believe in the American dream. For the people that still believe in the American dream, it gives hope of success in their life. For the people that don’t believe in the American dream, they are now slaves to their jobs don’t have goals to achieve. Which makes it harder and harder to believe there is an American Dream? (Malone). The American dream can be said to be many things but one this for sure is that it is not gone. It just changes with the time, if America is still around so will the American dream no matter how bad the economy gets. The American dream is definitely still alive and kicking people just need to know that, the American dream is whatever their dream is or whatever they want to accomplish.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
buy custom Sex and Morality essay
buy custom Sex and Morality essay The purpose of the essay is four-fold. First, the essay will provide a summary based on the general considerations of the principles stating what sources of moral knowledge are, what it means to say that the principles of morality are perennial, why those principles are perennial, and what the fundamental principle of sexual morality is. Second, the work will state the reasons given for the judgments made about premarital sex, homosexuality, and masturbation in specific applications. Third, it will provide a description of how obedience contributes to morality, and lastly, it will draw a conclusion that provides a standpoint on sexuality and morality. Discussion In reference to modern scientific research, sexuality profoundly affects an individual's life since it is among those factors which distinguish human beings. In fact, sex leads to the distinction of a man and woman psychologically, biologically and spiritually, hence, it defines his/her maturity and integration in the society. Sexual matters form the crucial theme that is openly and frequently discussed in books, magazines, reviews, as well as other social media (Seidman, 2003). It is evident that, in the current world people agree that human vocation and dignity can be discovered through own intelligence and values inherent in their nature Moreover, individuals should nurture those values and practice them in their lives, for them to achieve a noticeable development (Greenberg, Bruess Conklin, 2011). In relation to moral matters, an individual cannot personally make a value judgment, since consciously he/she detects a law that he/she cannot impose on him/herself, but ensures his/he r obedience. It is false in the contemporary world for people to assert that it is impossible for a man to find immutable norm in human nature and reveal law that serves certain reasons, which are not expressed in the overall law of charity, as well as value for human dignity. However, divine revelation emphasizes the genuine demands of human nature. This manifests the presence of immutable laws that are innate in the constitutive fundamentals of human nature, and as such, it is exhibited by individuals gifted with reason. Sexual ethics concerns with both Christian life and human fundamental values; thus, its teaching equally pertains to sexuality. Church has unhesitatingly transmitted some norms and principles as a part of its teaching, though worldly morals and opinions ppose them (Adams Pigg, 2005). The principle does not originate from certain culture type, but from divine law and human nature knowledge. Many individuals vindicate premarital sex, but their opinion contravenes Christian doctrine which states that sex should be enjoyed within the confines of marriage, and that premarital sex cannot protect relationships from caprices and whims. In addition, those who practice homosexuality do it in opposition to the Christian teachings and moral sense. The homosexuals should be accorded necessary treatment and understanding in order to overcome their problems and be inculcated to the society successfully. Their blameworthiness will be evaluated with caution. Today, the doctrine maintained by Catholic that masturbation adds up to a grave ethical disorder is denied or doubted. Masturbation, from a psychological and sociological standpoint is regarded as a normal phenomenon that indicates sexual development. Though it cannot be justified that scriptures condemn the sin, the church understands that the New Testament condemns it when it speaks of unchastity, impurity, as well as other vices . Obedience is a virtue that enables someone to be in agreement with, to comply, respect or conform to something. It is the opposite of disobedience. Individuals will only be obedient to someone or of something because of fear of the consequences. Only those who are courageous enough will tend to disobey. For instance, a young child will obey his or her parent just because of the fear of the cane. If it was not of the consequences, the child would have disobeyed the parent. This is referred to as a blind obedience if you are being forced to conform. Many people obey so that they can have peace with themselves whereas others disobey in search of freedom or liberty. Many trouble makers, we say, are courageous because they seek their own independence and self responsibility. When a person is disobedient people tend to shun away from him/her in lonely situations while people, who are aware of the consequences, tend to follow good behavior. Delinquents are always people with bad norms or values that include disobedience. This people, who are usually engaged in risky activities such as burglary, are not only of disobedient but also courageous. Obedience is all about rejecting your own personality when people tend to be submissive, for instance, wives should be submissive to their husbands no matter what they orrder. The wives will only comply with it because they fear their husbands. Obedience in many cases does not involve a lot of questioning and reasoning that will increase the chances of one being manipulated and exploited either by the rest of people or the government. Its only when you are courageous that you question the legality of some actions. For instance, if the government gives an order the citizens, they will have to judge whether it is right or wrong before they obey. Normally, people tend to seek for conformity because they find it easier than disobedience. It does not involve a lot but only social responsibility.For instance, people follow the societal norms and values just because they are a part of the community and any disagreement with the norms can make the ancestral spirits angry. This will bring a curse or suffering among the members of the society. The cost of disobedience is sometimes scary and requires strong people to face it. The Bible states, if one wants to live till the old age, he or she is supposed to obey his or her parents. To be in good terms with the creator, obedience is better than sacrifice, this makes it possible for an individual to relate with the powerful well and be on a saver side both in the earthly living and the life to come. Most people actions are based on the current and future benefits that they derive. Those, who are defiant, are courageous enough to face the consequences just even when they had an opportunity to behave well. Again we find people like Abraham, David, Shadrack, Meshack and Aberdneko in the Bible to be the most courageous people to obey God even if the consequences, they were going to face, was too severe (Fuller, 1964). Their actions were not as a result of fear but the value of Gods teachings in their lives. Conclusion In conclusion, obedience is a moral virtue that we need to uphold even if the consequences are too severe and demanding. Though the goodies that come with disobedience include freedom and independence, they are short-lived. Observance of the ethical law, as well as practice of chastity in the field of sexuality, is endangered. This is because there is a growing tendency to minimize, but not deny, grave sin reality in the lives of people. Based on Christian teachings, moral sin is not only premised on direct and formal resistance to chastity, but it is also found in the opposition of authentic love embodied in moral laws. Buy custom Sex and Morality essay
Sunday, October 20, 2019
About the movie Pulp Fiction and why its great.
About the movie Pulp Fiction and why its great. PULP FICTIONThe film Pulp Fiction is incredible. The movie impresses me in so many ways. In 1995 it won an Oscar for Best Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen. It surely deserved such an honor. Never before has a movie been made with such uniquely twisted displays of plot and story combinations. This film links three interconnected stories that take place in a modern-day apathetic world.Bad language excess violence are the trademarks of this movie but despite how negative they are, they make Pulp Fiction the awesome flick that it is.Pulp Fiction's three intertwining stories are structured to meet and overlap at key points, even though they are not presented in chronological order. Tarantino, the director, writer, genius, arranges his initial scene to merge with his final one in an outstanding conclusion. This is one of the things that got people's, and my, attention. It may or may not have been the first time is has been done but the thing that makes the first scene so differe nt from the last scene, even though they are the same situation, is that it is seen from different points of view.Pulp FictionBeing that you see the same scene from different character's point of view it's almost as if the seen didn't happen before. It's completely different and the viewer isn't left bored.As said, this film is a combination of three main stories. The first one focuses on the "date" between Vincent Vega (John Travolta) and Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman). The second story is about a boxer named Butch Coolidge (Bruce Willis), a boxer who is paid to take a fall during a fight but at last minute decides not to, thus making him a target by the mob boss, and husband of Mia Wallace,
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A Case Study on Branding Bangladesh
Submitted By: Revolution 8th Semester, Session: 2008-09. Date of Submission: 10/12/2012. [pic] REVOLUTION 3rd Batch Session: 2008-09 |Serial: |Name of Students : |Roll No: | |01. |Farjana Nur Purabi |091648 | |02. Anik Kumar Devnath |091654 | |03. |Sheikh Sazzadur Rahman |091664 | |04. |Md. Ashiqur Rahman Rana Biswas |091695 | |05. |Rumana Jahan |091743 | |06. |Md. Masudur Rahman |091750 | |07. |Md. Rabiul Islam |091758 | |08. Md. Mushfiqur Rahman |091759 | |09. |Mohammad Ullah |07882876 | December 10, 2012. Shaikh Rafiqul Islam. Associate Professor. Department of Marketing . Jagannath University. Dhaka-1100. Dear Sir, Here is the assignment you allocated us to prepare on â€Å"Branding Bangladesh†. After researching and studying the current situation of the country based on collected data we have been able to prepare the assignment. All of the major points and insights information associated with the given issue are included here. Besides, we have attempted to include some of our personal assumption, practical experience and idea to make the assignment more fruitful. Thanking you for giving the break accomplishing such an interesting educative task. Hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Group :- Revolution. 8th Semester. 3rd Batch. Session :- 2008-2009 Title Page Country Branding: A Case Study on Branding Bangladesh Tourism Export Brands Culture and Heritage pic][pic] People Investment Foreign and domestic policies [pic] [pic] [pic] Country branding is different in branding from a product. In developing the strategy, it would involve many intricacies and can be a long drawn out process. Branding Bangladesh is all about positioning Bangladesh in the minds of people. Branding Bangladesh is an important concept because it will help the country to understand how publics perceive her across the nations. Those people are consumers, potential tourists, and, most importantly potential investors. In the growth process of Bangladesh they all are participating actively. An effective nation branding campaign accelerates the economic growth of Bangladesh and the citizens feel dignified. It must be remembered that there are around 195 nations in the world; all are aggressively competing for the attention of investors, tourists, and citizens. Therefore, a well-planned nation branding campaign is crucial for the branding of Bangladesh. Table of Contents TOPIC |PAGE | |PART: A (Introductory Part) | | |Preamble |7 | |Objectives |7 | |Methodology |8 | |Limitations |8 | |PART: B (Theoretical Framework/Literature Review) | | |Literature Review |9 | |PART: C | | |Brand Dimensions of Bangladesh |10 | |Strategies for Branding Bangladesh |12 | |Country and Corporate Brands Co-positioning |16 | |Findings at a glance |16 | |PART: D | | |Recommendations |17 | |Conclusion |17 | |References |18 | Creating a branding program for Bangladesh demands an integration policy that most countries do not possess. To boost our commercial success it is very important to take action regarding branding Bangladesh. Branding Bangladesh the government should always observe their global image in countries they aim to target and the stakeholder should collaborate together and agree on a national stratagem. If the stakeholders could unite as one, pin down the purpose and objectives, and fulfill the process, it would reflect the will of one nation. Maintaining continuously the reputation in every sector (Tourism, exports, culture, people, brands and policy) is important to accelerate the task of branding. This assignment aims at clarifying the concepts of branding Bangladesh and argues that for a developing country like Bangladesh, branding is a prerequisite for national development. The specific objectives of this paper are: Review the conceptual and theoretical foundation of nation branding by leading authors in the marketing field; ? Examining and defining Branding Bangladesh and discussing its challenges. ? Attaining insights into branding Bangladesh ? Being familiar on the subject matter for lat er investigation for branding Bangladesh. DATA COLLECTION: Considering the objectives of the assignment, time, types of respondents, we collected both Primary and Secondary data to find out the necessary information regarding the strategies of branding Bangladesh. The sources are mentioned here- PRIMARY DATA: ? Taking personal interview of concerning people of tourism board; ? Discussing with the concerning people of Brand Forum of Bangladesh. SECONDARY DATA: ? Studying different articles and advertisements published in daily newspapers; ? Visiting different websites and journals. While preparing the assignment we faced some problems that were unavoidable and these limitations are mentioned below: ? This assignment was totally an unfamiliar type of assignment to us; ? People of the authority were unwilling to provide full information about our given topic; ? The permitted survey time we have got was very limited; ? We did not get enough concern person to collect necessary information; ? Our communication was confined only to the Dhaka city. Bangladesh has always held great promise. It enjoyed widespread international public support during the war of liberation, not only because its struggle was identifiable, but also due to the fact that it aimed to establish a socio-economic equilibrium and an equitable society where each citizen would have the opportunity to flourish. Another interesting problem the nation faces is that when it is compared to other countries it is invariably compared to nations with drug, mafia, and terrorist problems. While it is true that Bangladesh a huge population, with high unemployment rates, and increasing price inflation, often comparing it to failed or a semi-failed states does not do it justice. The weak status continued till the nineties. Then even Transparency International started ranking us as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. However, the nation’s image started improving post-2000 as did its performance indicators. The major indicators for socio-economic growth include: improvement in health status, increasing literacy, progress in gender balance, enhancement of employment opportunities, building transport and communications facilities, huge increases in media reach amongst rural and urban people, booming ITC businesses, a rise in remittance and agricultural, industrial, and ready-made garments (RMG) booms. In 2006, our global image increased exponentially with Prof. Yunus and Grameen Bank winning the Nobel Peace Prize. That put Bangladesh in a strong position, globally and we cannot let that slip. Therefore, it has become imperative to develop a nation branding campaign to keep us in the global limelight for the right reasons. While branding Bangladesh, the brand strategists must consider two key basic objectives: Firstly, it is crucial to instill pride in Bangladeshis and to persuade our people to be positive and feel dignified about themselves and for their country. The success of the nation branding program strongly depends on their active participation, ownership, and support. They should be proud of their country, culture, and heritage. Secondly, the government should come up with an aggressive but distinct nation branding campaign immediately, it is essential for our progress. Countries like India, Thailand, China, Malaysia, etc started similar branding journeys more than a decade ago and should not lag too far behind. We need a forceful branding campaign for our country so that we can emerge as an Asian Tiger by 2021; which will also mark the 50th year of our independence. Dr. Khalid Hasan is Managing Director, Nielsen Bangladesh and Treasurer AmCham Bangladesh. Acknowledgement: AmCham Bangladesh. Brand Dimensions of Bangladesh Anholt is recognized for Anholt-GfK Nation Brand Index (NBI), and it is based on the same six categories to measure the global perception of a country. The brand of a country is judged based of the six dimensions. In case of branding Bangladesh we might focus on these dimensions and create brand image for Bangladesh. Fig: The Six Dimensions of a national branding Dimension 1: Tourism Tourism is one of the most visible aspects of a country brand because it receives considerable financial support from governments, and is therefore the main marketing tool at the national level. It is a major economic driver through employment, international visitor expenditures, investments, and regional development. Bangladesh Tourism Board has adopted different policies and strategies to promote and champion Bangladesh. It includes brand taglines like â€Å"Beautiful Bangladesh. †Dimension 2: Export brands There is a constant struggle to increase share of exports within the global market. In order to attain this purpose, the quality of exported products or services has to be superior to that of competitors. Export brands represent an important mark for Bangladesh. An increase in exports can raise the self-esteem of a country, which in turn boosts self-confidence and further success. Ten years ago, as a country Bangladesh was little known across the Globe. Today, most of the countries label as the country of high quality garments product and this is mainly due to the performance of our garments industry. Dimension 3: Investments All countries, be they developing or developed, are now striving for an investment-friendly image. Country brand, and everything that it stands for, has a lot to say when it comes to attracting foreign direct investments. In case of Bangladesh it is very good for us that a large number of investors are coming in different sectors. Dimension 4: Foreign and domestic policies. Nations are also judged in accordance with the foreign and domestic policies that their leaders initiate. Foreign and domestic policies must be coordinated so that they would invigorate the national brand. As a country we have to increase the ability to meet the residents’ needs for health, education, human rights, political participation more effectively. Dimension 5: People It is worth mentioning that the branding of a country must start from inside because a country’s brand is most frequently promoted by its people. In 2006, our global image increased exponentially with Prof. Yunus and Grameen Bank winning the Nobel Peace Prize. That put Bangladesh in a strong position, globally and we cannot let that slip. Beside, Sakib-al-hasan, a Bangladeshi cricketer also increases the brand image of our country holding number one position in ICC Cricket ranking. Joining the mission of UN, Bangladesh Army has created a new dimension for Bangladesh and it is obviously a good sign for our country Dimension 6: Culture and Heritage Last but not least, one should not overlook the cultural dimension of a country brand. Culture penetrates all areas of life, including all scientific endeavors. For this reason, culture has turned into the ultimate reference point, a conventionally accepted solution to all problematic questions. Strategies for branding Bangladesh We should take on a more conscious effort in branding country because country images draw out identifications, affect evaluations and purchase decisions. Additionally, countries compete for tourists, foreign investments and talented people. Let us look at this figure- Setting objectives: Branding Bangladesh we have to set clear and distinctive objectives that will help us to accomplish the different task most effectively. Different objectives might be: ? To be a Middle Income Country (MIC) ? 30th largest economy ? Per capita us dollar 6000 ? Economic goal †¢ Agro and labor intensive industry †¢ GDP growth to 10% †¢ Environmental protection Transportation and ship building hub. Performing SWOT analysis: Performing a SWOT analysis for nations is an idea that has been promoted by many others. In his book The Marketing of Nations, Philip Kotler (1997) confirmed the idea that each nation must assess its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) periodically in its five areas of capability: †¢ Government leadership; †¢ Factor endowments; †¢ Industrial organization; †¢ Social cohesion; †¢ Culture, attitudes and values. Based on the guidelines we might perform an effective SWOT analysis that will help to figure out our own most effectively and define the country’s objectives. S- Strength |W- Weakness | | | | |Potential Growth economics, |Lack of Coordination among different groups, | |Successfully meeting the millennium development goal. |Lack of coordination between corporate and country co branding, | | |Insufficient budget. | | | | | | |O- Opportunity |T- Threat | | | | |Positive sovereign credit achieved, |Corruption, | |Making agreement with different countries. |Political instability. | | | | Choosing a Specific direction for distinctive branding For distinctive branding we might choose a specific direction from industries, personalities, natural landmarks or historica l events. This process will help create brand image more effectively. Expanding upon an Umbrella concept: Expanding upon an umbrella concept will help to cover separate branding activities with consistency. Different branding activities will be coordinated through an umbrella concept. Consulting with opinion leaders to look at national strengths and weaknesses and compare those with the research we might do create this concept. Allocating adequate funds to finance each branding activities: To create a successful brand image and create a greater impact regarding brand adequate fund is necessary and concerning people should handle the matter with kin interest Creating Export Control: Creating export controls to ensure exported products are trustworthy and meeting the affirmed performance is necessary for branding Bangladesh. We have good will in foreign market in case of exporting garments products but sometimes it has been seen that due to some reasons our country is branded negatively and to avoid this we need to control export market. Maintaining balance between promise and performance: We will have to be very careful to maintain balance between the promise and performance. Sometimes it has been seen that we can’t afford quality service for the promising things e. g sometimes foreigners come to our country to enjoy heritage sides but due to transportation facility and accommodation facility they don’t get expected performance. This point is the main thing to create a positive brand image for Bangladesh. Performing Activities on a regular basis: Creating positive brand image different campaigns are needed. But we have to keep in mind that these campaigns should be taken consistently and thinking the vision and long run interest of the country. Creating strategy and Working out program to make the strategy tangible through improvement programs, campaigns are important to reinforce the past campaign. Making all the members interactive: Ensuring the cooperation and involvement of representatives of government, business, the arts, education and importantly the media we can make a fruitful effect for Bangladesh. In recent years the growth of Media sectors has constantly drawn our attention and the media might play a crucial role to brand Bangladesh. It is necessary to mobilize all those available forces of politicians, business people, artists, sportsmen and scientists to create a strategy for enhancing the image and reputation of Bangladesh on the international markets, i. e. for creating the national branding strategy. Country and Corporate Brands Co-positioning The concept of countries as brands has been increasingly recognized in the post-modern global world. A strong country brand can provide corporate brands with a unique set of values, which supports their positioning on the international market. Simultaneously, once corporate brands achieve worldwide success, they contribute actively to developing new features of the country brand. A nation’s image can provide competitive advantage to its company/product/service brands. Until and unless Bangladesh has some international brands it will be very difficult to create good brand image for Bangladesh. Consider Finland, a country which was outside the global arena ten years ago, and therefore little known. Today, we label it as the country of high-tech mobile phone technology, and this is mainly due to Nokia’s performance. In Bangladeshi context there are some brands (Square, Walton etc) so the overnment should coordinate to development of the company and in the mean time these companies should take initiatives for the country branding Besides that we might consider the task of Prothom Alo and Airtel Company, who jointly arrange the design of the largest â€Å"Alpona†at Manik Mia Avenue and thus made a new dime nsion for themselves as well as create a good image for Bangladesh in the world. Findings at a glance: ? It is now more critical than ever to create a unique identity for destination because it is now more competitive for survival in the global market. ? Limited budget and little management control create obstacles on the way of creating good brand image for Bangladesh. Political pressures, External environment factors such as economic downturn, natural disasters and pandemics can affect the process of branding Bangladesh. ? A major challenge for Bangladesh is that when the tourists’ visit the destination and found the reality does not match the projected image from the pre-trip information gathered prior to trip, the gap will lead to disappointment and they will become brand terrorists. This would lead to low repeat visitation and damage the brand image indirectly. ? Local governors and mayors have different objectives to promote their own region and cities rather than the n ation. ? Failure of government to control the flow of information through the Internet that shapes the national image. We need to conduct research among the people of Bangladesh, covering different segments, to understand their views and expectations. This will help in understanding the pulse of the nation and giving ownership to everyone, thus, satisfying different target audiences, different needs, and different institutions. The research should be conducted both internally (to understand the country’s socio-economic situation) and externally (global research among the investors and tourists). The findings will help develop a strategic plan on the nation-branding campaign; ? Concerned groups should make regular promotional activities to brand this country; The tourism sector of should be taken under focus to increase international brand value of Bangladesh by capturing large number of tourists; ? Both the government firms and Multinational Firms need to make attention to in crease the international brand value of Bangladesh; ? The key focus should be on the six dimensions which are mentioned earlier in the assignment to make our country value stronger. Country branding is not about constructing slogans. Country branding involves planned communication management and purposeful social engineering. Branding is no longer a choice but a necessity, and the branding is not a function to be performed solely by the state or individual corporations, but an integrative and concerted effort by all concerned stakeholders. If a country is effectively branded â€Å"soft power†can be engendered giving that country vast competitive advantage. However, only few developing countries have articulated and implemented a country branding strategy. The notion of an umbrella country brand inspiring, guiding and feeding commercial brands is a compelling one. Branding of developing countries could unleash a sustainable wealth creation behavior which will greatly help these poor countries break out of their poverty cycle. There is now an opportunity for developing countries to close this gap by turning their attention to employ professionalism in country branding. Books:- ? Kevin Lane Keller (2012-2013), Strategic Brand Management,3rd edition. Philip Kotler, Nation Branding 1997. Publications:- ? Mathias Akotia, CEO – Brand Ghana Office Accra, Ghana,†Country Branding: Promoting Investment, Tourism and Exports through Country Communication Management and Social Engineering†. ? Dr. Khalid H asan, Managing Director, Nielsen Bangladesh and Treasurer AmCham Bangladesh. Acknowledgement: AmCham Bangladesh, â€Å"Nation Branding†. Websites:- ? http://www. bangladeshbrandforum. com ? http://www. thedailystar. net ? http://www. tourismboard. gov. bd ? http://www. interbrand. com â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€THE ENDâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Letter of Transmittal :- Executive Summary PART: A Preamble Objectives Methodology Limitations PART: B Literature Review PART: C Findings Export Brands Tourism Country Brand Investment People Foreign and Domestic polices Culture and Heritage Setting Objectives Step-1 Performing SWOT Analysis Step-2 Expanding upon an Umbrella concept Step-4 Choosing a Specific direction for distinctive branding Step-3 Strategies of Branding Bangladesh Creating Export Control Step-5 Making all the members interactive Step-9 Allocating adequate funds to finance each branding activities Step-6 Maintaining balance between promise and performance Step-7 Performing Activities on a regular basis Step-8 PART: D Recommendation Conclusion References Read also: Padma Bridge A Case Study on Branding Bangladesh Submitted By: Revolution 8th Semester, Session: 2008-09. Date of Submission: 10/12/2012. [pic] REVOLUTION 3rd Batch Session: 2008-09 |Serial: |Name of Students : |Roll No: | |01. |Farjana Nur Purabi |091648 | |02. Anik Kumar Devnath |091654 | |03. |Sheikh Sazzadur Rahman |091664 | |04. |Md. Ashiqur Rahman Rana Biswas |091695 | |05. |Rumana Jahan |091743 | |06. |Md. Masudur Rahman |091750 | |07. |Md. Rabiul Islam |091758 | |08. Md. Mushfiqur Rahman |091759 | |09. |Mohammad Ullah |07882876 | December 10, 2012. Shaikh Rafiqul Islam. Associate Professor. Department of Marketing . Jagannath University. Dhaka-1100. Dear Sir, Here is the assignment you allocated us to prepare on â€Å"Branding Bangladesh†. After researching and studying the current situation of the country based on collected data we have been able to prepare the assignment. All of the major points and insights information associated with the given issue are included here. Besides, we have attempted to include some of our personal assumption, practical experience and idea to make the assignment more fruitful. Thanking you for giving the break accomplishing such an interesting educative task. Hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Group :- Revolution. 8th Semester. 3rd Batch. Session :- 2008-2009 Title Page Country Branding: A Case Study on Branding Bangladesh Tourism Export Brands Culture and Heritage pic][pic] People Investment Foreign and domestic policies [pic] [pic] [pic] Country branding is different in branding from a product. In developing the strategy, it would involve many intricacies and can be a long drawn out process. Branding Bangladesh is all about positioning Bangladesh in the minds of people. Branding Bangladesh is an important concept because it will help the country to understand how publics perceive her across the nations. Those people are consumers, potential tourists, and, most importantly potential investors. In the growth process of Bangladesh they all are participating actively. An effective nation branding campaign accelerates the economic growth of Bangladesh and the citizens feel dignified. It must be remembered that there are around 195 nations in the world; all are aggressively competing for the attention of investors, tourists, and citizens. Therefore, a well-planned nation branding campaign is crucial for the branding of Bangladesh. Table of Contents TOPIC |PAGE | |PART: A (Introductory Part) | | |Preamble |7 | |Objectives |7 | |Methodology |8 | |Limitations |8 | |PART: B (Theoretical Framework/Literature Review) | | |Literature Review |9 | |PART: C | | |Brand Dimensions of Bangladesh |10 | |Strategies for Branding Bangladesh |12 | |Country and Corporate Brands Co-positioning |16 | |Findings at a glance |16 | |PART: D | | |Recommendations |17 | |Conclusion |17 | |References |18 | Creating a branding program for Bangladesh demands an integration policy that most countries do not possess. To boost our commercial success it is very important to take action regarding branding Bangladesh. Branding Bangladesh the government should always observe their global image in countries they aim to target and the stakeholder should collaborate together and agree on a national stratagem. If the stakeholders could unite as one, pin down the purpose and objectives, and fulfill the process, it would reflect the will of one nation. Maintaining continuously the reputation in every sector (Tourism, exports, culture, people, brands and policy) is important to accelerate the task of branding. This assignment aims at clarifying the concepts of branding Bangladesh and argues that for a developing country like Bangladesh, branding is a prerequisite for national development. The specific objectives of this paper are: Review the conceptual and theoretical foundation of nation branding by leading authors in the marketing field; ? Examining and defining Branding Bangladesh and discussing its challenges. ? Attaining insights into branding Bangladesh ? Being familiar on the subject matter for lat er investigation for branding Bangladesh. DATA COLLECTION: Considering the objectives of the assignment, time, types of respondents, we collected both Primary and Secondary data to find out the necessary information regarding the strategies of branding Bangladesh. The sources are mentioned here- PRIMARY DATA: ? Taking personal interview of concerning people of tourism board; ? Discussing with the concerning people of Brand Forum of Bangladesh. SECONDARY DATA: ? Studying different articles and advertisements published in daily newspapers; ? Visiting different websites and journals. While preparing the assignment we faced some problems that were unavoidable and these limitations are mentioned below: ? This assignment was totally an unfamiliar type of assignment to us; ? People of the authority were unwilling to provide full information about our given topic; ? The permitted survey time we have got was very limited; ? We did not get enough concern person to collect necessary information; ? Our communication was confined only to the Dhaka city. Bangladesh has always held great promise. It enjoyed widespread international public support during the war of liberation, not only because its struggle was identifiable, but also due to the fact that it aimed to establish a socio-economic equilibrium and an equitable society where each citizen would have the opportunity to flourish. Another interesting problem the nation faces is that when it is compared to other countries it is invariably compared to nations with drug, mafia, and terrorist problems. While it is true that Bangladesh a huge population, with high unemployment rates, and increasing price inflation, often comparing it to failed or a semi-failed states does not do it justice. The weak status continued till the nineties. Then even Transparency International started ranking us as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. However, the nation’s image started improving post-2000 as did its performance indicators. The major indicators for socio-economic growth include: improvement in health status, increasing literacy, progress in gender balance, enhancement of employment opportunities, building transport and communications facilities, huge increases in media reach amongst rural and urban people, booming ITC businesses, a rise in remittance and agricultural, industrial, and ready-made garments (RMG) booms. In 2006, our global image increased exponentially with Prof. Yunus and Grameen Bank winning the Nobel Peace Prize. That put Bangladesh in a strong position, globally and we cannot let that slip. Therefore, it has become imperative to develop a nation branding campaign to keep us in the global limelight for the right reasons. While branding Bangladesh, the brand strategists must consider two key basic objectives: Firstly, it is crucial to instill pride in Bangladeshis and to persuade our people to be positive and feel dignified about themselves and for their country. The success of the nation branding program strongly depends on their active participation, ownership, and support. They should be proud of their country, culture, and heritage. Secondly, the government should come up with an aggressive but distinct nation branding campaign immediately, it is essential for our progress. Countries like India, Thailand, China, Malaysia, etc started similar branding journeys more than a decade ago and should not lag too far behind. We need a forceful branding campaign for our country so that we can emerge as an Asian Tiger by 2021; which will also mark the 50th year of our independence. Dr. Khalid Hasan is Managing Director, Nielsen Bangladesh and Treasurer AmCham Bangladesh. Acknowledgement: AmCham Bangladesh. Brand Dimensions of Bangladesh Anholt is recognized for Anholt-GfK Nation Brand Index (NBI), and it is based on the same six categories to measure the global perception of a country. The brand of a country is judged based of the six dimensions. In case of branding Bangladesh we might focus on these dimensions and create brand image for Bangladesh. Fig: The Six Dimensions of a national branding Dimension 1: Tourism Tourism is one of the most visible aspects of a country brand because it receives considerable financial support from governments, and is therefore the main marketing tool at the national level. It is a major economic driver through employment, international visitor expenditures, investments, and regional development. Bangladesh Tourism Board has adopted different policies and strategies to promote and champion Bangladesh. It includes brand taglines like â€Å"Beautiful Bangladesh. †Dimension 2: Export brands There is a constant struggle to increase share of exports within the global market. In order to attain this purpose, the quality of exported products or services has to be superior to that of competitors. Export brands represent an important mark for Bangladesh. An increase in exports can raise the self-esteem of a country, which in turn boosts self-confidence and further success. Ten years ago, as a country Bangladesh was little known across the Globe. Today, most of the countries label as the country of high quality garments product and this is mainly due to the performance of our garments industry. Dimension 3: Investments All countries, be they developing or developed, are now striving for an investment-friendly image. Country brand, and everything that it stands for, has a lot to say when it comes to attracting foreign direct investments. In case of Bangladesh it is very good for us that a large number of investors are coming in different sectors. Dimension 4: Foreign and domestic policies. Nations are also judged in accordance with the foreign and domestic policies that their leaders initiate. Foreign and domestic policies must be coordinated so that they would invigorate the national brand. As a country we have to increase the ability to meet the residents’ needs for health, education, human rights, political participation more effectively. Dimension 5: People It is worth mentioning that the branding of a country must start from inside because a country’s brand is most frequently promoted by its people. In 2006, our global image increased exponentially with Prof. Yunus and Grameen Bank winning the Nobel Peace Prize. That put Bangladesh in a strong position, globally and we cannot let that slip. Beside, Sakib-al-hasan, a Bangladeshi cricketer also increases the brand image of our country holding number one position in ICC Cricket ranking. Joining the mission of UN, Bangladesh Army has created a new dimension for Bangladesh and it is obviously a good sign for our country Dimension 6: Culture and Heritage Last but not least, one should not overlook the cultural dimension of a country brand. Culture penetrates all areas of life, including all scientific endeavors. For this reason, culture has turned into the ultimate reference point, a conventionally accepted solution to all problematic questions. Strategies for branding Bangladesh We should take on a more conscious effort in branding country because country images draw out identifications, affect evaluations and purchase decisions. Additionally, countries compete for tourists, foreign investments and talented people. Let us look at this figure- Setting objectives: Branding Bangladesh we have to set clear and distinctive objectives that will help us to accomplish the different task most effectively. Different objectives might be: ? To be a Middle Income Country (MIC) ? 30th largest economy ? Per capita us dollar 6000 ? Economic goal †¢ Agro and labor intensive industry †¢ GDP growth to 10% †¢ Environmental protection Transportation and ship building hub. Performing SWOT analysis: Performing a SWOT analysis for nations is an idea that has been promoted by many others. In his book The Marketing of Nations, Philip Kotler (1997) confirmed the idea that each nation must assess its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) periodically in its five areas of capability: †¢ Government leadership; †¢ Factor endowments; †¢ Industrial organization; †¢ Social cohesion; †¢ Culture, attitudes and values. Based on the guidelines we might perform an effective SWOT analysis that will help to figure out our own most effectively and define the country’s objectives. S- Strength |W- Weakness | | | | |Potential Growth economics, |Lack of Coordination among different groups, | |Successfully meeting the millennium development goal. |Lack of coordination between corporate and country co branding, | | |Insufficient budget. | | | | | | |O- Opportunity |T- Threat | | | | |Positive sovereign credit achieved, |Corruption, | |Making agreement with different countries. |Political instability. | | | | Choosing a Specific direction for distinctive branding For distinctive branding we might choose a specific direction from industries, personalities, natural landmarks or historica l events. This process will help create brand image more effectively. Expanding upon an Umbrella concept: Expanding upon an umbrella concept will help to cover separate branding activities with consistency. Different branding activities will be coordinated through an umbrella concept. Consulting with opinion leaders to look at national strengths and weaknesses and compare those with the research we might do create this concept. Allocating adequate funds to finance each branding activities: To create a successful brand image and create a greater impact regarding brand adequate fund is necessary and concerning people should handle the matter with kin interest Creating Export Control: Creating export controls to ensure exported products are trustworthy and meeting the affirmed performance is necessary for branding Bangladesh. We have good will in foreign market in case of exporting garments products but sometimes it has been seen that due to some reasons our country is branded negatively and to avoid this we need to control export market. Maintaining balance between promise and performance: We will have to be very careful to maintain balance between the promise and performance. Sometimes it has been seen that we can’t afford quality service for the promising things e. g sometimes foreigners come to our country to enjoy heritage sides but due to transportation facility and accommodation facility they don’t get expected performance. This point is the main thing to create a positive brand image for Bangladesh. Performing Activities on a regular basis: Creating positive brand image different campaigns are needed. But we have to keep in mind that these campaigns should be taken consistently and thinking the vision and long run interest of the country. Creating strategy and Working out program to make the strategy tangible through improvement programs, campaigns are important to reinforce the past campaign. Making all the members interactive: Ensuring the cooperation and involvement of representatives of government, business, the arts, education and importantly the media we can make a fruitful effect for Bangladesh. In recent years the growth of Media sectors has constantly drawn our attention and the media might play a crucial role to brand Bangladesh. It is necessary to mobilize all those available forces of politicians, business people, artists, sportsmen and scientists to create a strategy for enhancing the image and reputation of Bangladesh on the international markets, i. e. for creating the national branding strategy. Country and Corporate Brands Co-positioning The concept of countries as brands has been increasingly recognized in the post-modern global world. A strong country brand can provide corporate brands with a unique set of values, which supports their positioning on the international market. Simultaneously, once corporate brands achieve worldwide success, they contribute actively to developing new features of the country brand. A nation’s image can provide competitive advantage to its company/product/service brands. Until and unless Bangladesh has some international brands it will be very difficult to create good brand image for Bangladesh. Consider Finland, a country which was outside the global arena ten years ago, and therefore little known. Today, we label it as the country of high-tech mobile phone technology, and this is mainly due to Nokia’s performance. In Bangladeshi context there are some brands (Square, Walton etc) so the overnment should coordinate to development of the company and in the mean time these companies should take initiatives for the country branding Besides that we might consider the task of Prothom Alo and Airtel Company, who jointly arrange the design of the largest â€Å"Alpona†at Manik Mia Avenue and thus made a new dime nsion for themselves as well as create a good image for Bangladesh in the world. Findings at a glance: ? It is now more critical than ever to create a unique identity for destination because it is now more competitive for survival in the global market. ? Limited budget and little management control create obstacles on the way of creating good brand image for Bangladesh. Political pressures, External environment factors such as economic downturn, natural disasters and pandemics can affect the process of branding Bangladesh. ? A major challenge for Bangladesh is that when the tourists’ visit the destination and found the reality does not match the projected image from the pre-trip information gathered prior to trip, the gap will lead to disappointment and they will become brand terrorists. This would lead to low repeat visitation and damage the brand image indirectly. ? Local governors and mayors have different objectives to promote their own region and cities rather than the n ation. ? Failure of government to control the flow of information through the Internet that shapes the national image. We need to conduct research among the people of Bangladesh, covering different segments, to understand their views and expectations. This will help in understanding the pulse of the nation and giving ownership to everyone, thus, satisfying different target audiences, different needs, and different institutions. The research should be conducted both internally (to understand the country’s socio-economic situation) and externally (global research among the investors and tourists). The findings will help develop a strategic plan on the nation-branding campaign; ? Concerned groups should make regular promotional activities to brand this country; The tourism sector of should be taken under focus to increase international brand value of Bangladesh by capturing large number of tourists; ? Both the government firms and Multinational Firms need to make attention to in crease the international brand value of Bangladesh; ? The key focus should be on the six dimensions which are mentioned earlier in the assignment to make our country value stronger. Country branding is not about constructing slogans. Country branding involves planned communication management and purposeful social engineering. Branding is no longer a choice but a necessity, and the branding is not a function to be performed solely by the state or individual corporations, but an integrative and concerted effort by all concerned stakeholders. If a country is effectively branded â€Å"soft power†can be engendered giving that country vast competitive advantage. However, only few developing countries have articulated and implemented a country branding strategy. The notion of an umbrella country brand inspiring, guiding and feeding commercial brands is a compelling one. Branding of developing countries could unleash a sustainable wealth creation behavior which will greatly help these poor countries break out of their poverty cycle. There is now an opportunity for developing countries to close this gap by turning their attention to employ professionalism in country branding. Books:- ? Kevin Lane Keller (2012-2013), Strategic Brand Management,3rd edition. Philip Kotler, Nation Branding 1997. Publications:- ? Mathias Akotia, CEO – Brand Ghana Office Accra, Ghana,†Country Branding: Promoting Investment, Tourism and Exports through Country Communication Management and Social Engineering†. ? Dr. Khalid H asan, Managing Director, Nielsen Bangladesh and Treasurer AmCham Bangladesh. Acknowledgement: AmCham Bangladesh, â€Å"Nation Branding†. Websites:- ? http://www. bangladeshbrandforum. com ? http://www. thedailystar. net ? http://www. tourismboard. gov. bd ? http://www. interbrand. com â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€THE ENDâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Letter of Transmittal :- Executive Summary PART: A Preamble Objectives Methodology Limitations PART: B Literature Review PART: C Findings Export Brands Tourism Country Brand Investment People Foreign and Domestic polices Culture and Heritage Setting Objectives Step-1 Performing SWOT Analysis Step-2 Expanding upon an Umbrella concept Step-4 Choosing a Specific direction for distinctive branding Step-3 Strategies of Branding Bangladesh Creating Export Control Step-5 Making all the members interactive Step-9 Allocating adequate funds to finance each branding activities Step-6 Maintaining balance between promise and performance Step-7 Performing Activities on a regular basis Step-8 PART: D Recommendation Conclusion References Read also: Padma Bridge
Friday, October 18, 2019
Building matrices ( to answer my PICO question) Assignment
Building matrices ( to answer my PICO question) - Assignment Example It would have been externally valid if it had selected a sample that would represent a larger population. However, it might be still useful as a primary source. The study yielded reliable and valid results, but it would have been improved by ensuring that a study group instead of the caregivers controlled the medications. Additionally, most caregivers are family members who have les education on the actual purpose of drug administration. Adler, G., Mueller, B., & Articus, K. (2014). The transdermal formulation of rivastigmine improves caregiver burden and treatment adherence of patients with Alzheimers disease under daily practice conditions. Int J Clin Pract, 68(4), 465-470. doi:10.1111/ijcp.12374 Arranz, F., & LÃÆ' ³pez-Pousa, S. (2013). Characteristics of patients with Alzheimer’s disease who switch to rivastigmine transdermal patches in routine clinical practice. PPA, 47. doi:10.2147/ppa.s38719 Andrade-dos-Santos, G., Canineu, P., Pardi, P., & GonÃÆ' §alves, I. (2011). Influence of Rivastigmine transdermal on butyrylcholinesterase levels in patients with Alzheimerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s disease. Alzheimers & Dementia, 5(4), 332-336. Gauthier, S., Robillard, A., Cohen, S., Black, S., Sampalis, J., & Colizza, D. et al. (2013). Real-life effectiveness and tolerability of the rivastigmine transdermal patch in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s disease: the EMBRACE study. Curr Med Res Opin, 29(8), 989-1000. doi:10.1185/03007995.2013.802230 Moretti, D., Frisoni, G., Binetti, G., & Zanetti, O. (2014). Comparison of the effects of transdermal and oral rivastigmine on cognitive function and EEG markers in patients with AlzheimerÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s disease. Frontiers In Aging Neuroscience, 6.
Accountability of Police Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Accountability of Police - Essay Example Police is the government department that guarantees through the use of force if needed, the peaceful and lawful existence of the citizens of the country. Since this department can use force to get its way through, this gets misused at many an occasion resulting in a large scale anti police sentiments. The responsibility of the police force is clearly spelt out in the law (HMSO, nd) when the force was created. This law has been undergoing rapid changes with the change in the way people worked and the level of civil and human rights that was envisaged for the people. With more relaxation in public laws and increase in the human rights consciousness, it is important for the police force also to modernize (Leigh, A., Mundy, G. and Tuffin, R. 1999). They need to change their perception in line with the needs of the civil society.Police Accountability has increased over a period of time along with the increase in civil rights movements and human rights activism. Police was and continues to be subservient to Judiciary in most of the countries. However, there are specific on site decisions that the police could take not withstanding any directions from the court. For instance, during a riot or arson, police can take a balanced decision to ensure that the peace and the property of law abiding citizens of the country are not damaged and the public property is not ransacked. However, the onus of proving that such an action was needed in order to maintain peace becomes the responsibility of the police. Such similar acts of the police mark their accountability to the public and are answerable in a court of law. It is therefore, important for the police to realise this specific feature set in law. Whether it is shooting down an 'unknown' terrorist on the tube who turns out to be an innocent migrant or when a black woman is arrested after a long drawn midnight struggle when she is repeatedly hit by three or four strong policemen, the accountability of the police come into foc us. Without reference to any race or sex, police are accountable for their actions like any other person in the country. Brixton Riots and Lord Scarman Report Brixton Riots left a long scar on the police and the administration in general. As the Scarman report pointed out, the 'complex, social and economic factors' created the violent protest that burnt the area. This was more a fight against the police, mostly, rather than the other agencies of the government. Scarman report further went ahead to say that there was a clear racial discrimination. There was a loss of confidence in the police force and in their methods of policing. There was a strong dislike among the black population for discriminatory tendencies in the police force. The report suggests that if there had been more of ethnic minorities in the police force such discriminatory tendencies would not have arisen. The accountability of the police in such an incident was pretty limited. Internal and External Discipline The police force is expected to be disciplined both internally and externally. In cases like that of the Brixton Riots where a continuous and ongoing lack of confidence in Police comes out in the form of riots, Police could not build the friendship that is required. The racial orientation of the police in Britain has long been under question. Therefore, it is only right that the police discipline themselves internally and then ensure that there is an external discipline as well. The racial prejudices that the police carry with them are inbuilt and have long significance. This cannot be offset within a matter of years or even centuries. And to set right this
Article Review (Shopping for Privacy on the Internet) Coursework
Article Review (Shopping for Privacy on the Internet) - Coursework Example He emphasized the fact that consumers would not be handed privacy on a silver platter but rather they must become vigilant in their demand for Web site operators to adhere to their demand for privacy. Professors Pitt and Watson (2007) respond to Nehf’s (2007) article by utilizing an ‘ecosystem approach’ to explore the various elements of privacy. Not only do they examine relations amongst the three main participants in the privacy interactions, namely, ‘citizen/consumer/investor, government and corporation’ but also the reasons for the lack of success of the market system to protect the privacy of all stakeholders. Nehf (2007) commences his article by emphasizing that the brunt of the responsibility of protecting consumer privacy is in the hands of the individual. The individual is the one who has to attempt to reduce the risks involved in submitting personal information to any public site. Particularly, on the World Wide Web the customer’s personal information may be used by unscrupulous Web site organizers. Although ‘federal (and a few state) laws’ limit the utilization of some personal information, these restrictions are full of exceptions and many of the internet transactions are not even ‘subject to state or federal privacy laws’(Nehf 2007, p.351- 352). Interestingly, Nehf (2007) highlighted the superficial form of concern that online businesses appear to have in protecting the privacy of their consumers. These businesses profess to collect a minute amount of data on the customer which will be kept safe from predators vandalizing this data. Consistent with this apparent concern for the protection of consumers’ privacy by online businesses, consumers also are genuinely concerned with ‘identity theft’ and the possible humiliation of having their private affairs published for all and sundry to peruse. Thus, consumers attempt to protect themselves by submitting as little information as possible to these
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Digital Journalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Digital Journalism - Essay Example The changing face of journalism and mass communication is the rise of web 2.0. This is the rise of a new form of technology that allows people to not only read information online, but they can also contribute to the subject of discussion. The main characteristic is that he pages are not static, such that one reads information and contributes her opinion on the topic of discussion. The user can also store information, and social bookmarking abilities. This is the example of facebook and other social networking sites that allow for users to share information and share ideas (Fuchs 2011). Web 2.0 has an audience. The audience comprises of those who read the information on the sites and contribute. The rise of blogging has given a different dimension to the practice of web 2.0. The sites have their own audience comprising of people who visit the sites and share information. Those who participate in the blogging sites and other commentary sites comprise the audience of the sites. This platform has an impact on mainstream media as bloggers and other users can gather information and share it on these platforms, making the role of main stream media greatly diminished. Additionally, the users of web 2.0 can use the platform to confirm or deny the information carried on mainstream media, making it essential for journalists to always confirm their work before sharing (Dahlberg & Siapera 2007). It thus, increases accountability. The web 2.0 media are also cheaper ways of advertising and can carry more advertising messages as opposed to mainstream media. This means that the business that is the main source of revenue for mainstream media is being diverted. The use of the web 2.0 platform can also allow users to post information that is targeted at a specific audience based on the target audience of the blog. This increases precision of the message and
Role Of The Internet In Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Role Of The Internet In Business - Essay Example The Internet helped business in enhancing communication facilities. It is easy for Bill Gates to control his business activities in China or India, staying in New York. The Internet provides instant chat, audio and video conferencing like communication facilities so that it is easy for an executive in America to communicate instantly with his subordinates in any parts of the world. Outsourcing is a new concept developed across business circle because of the development of Internet-related technologies. It should be noted that in America and European countries, the labor cost is extremely high whereas, in India or China, it is extremely low. Thus, Chinese and Indian products are cheaper in the international market compared to that of America or Europe. This is really a problem for American and European companies. Outsourcing helps, these companies to exploit the cheap labor in overseas markets so that they can compete effectively with Indian and Chinese companies. The development of E-commerce is another contribution of the internet to the business world. Online business is growing much rapidly than offline business according to many studies. Offline business cannot provide the convenience of online business. For example, in order to purchase certain commodities, a consumer has to visit shopping malls. For employed people, it is difficult to spend too much time for shopping purposes. Such people can purchase goods while resting at home with the help of internet. Moreover, e-commerce helps a person to purchase goods from the international market. In other words, he can search for better options with the help of the internet before purchasing a certain item from the global market. Such facilities are not provided by offline businesses. Advertising is a major business function, which helps organizations to promote their product.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Article Review (Shopping for Privacy on the Internet) Coursework
Article Review (Shopping for Privacy on the Internet) - Coursework Example He emphasized the fact that consumers would not be handed privacy on a silver platter but rather they must become vigilant in their demand for Web site operators to adhere to their demand for privacy. Professors Pitt and Watson (2007) respond to Nehf’s (2007) article by utilizing an ‘ecosystem approach’ to explore the various elements of privacy. Not only do they examine relations amongst the three main participants in the privacy interactions, namely, ‘citizen/consumer/investor, government and corporation’ but also the reasons for the lack of success of the market system to protect the privacy of all stakeholders. Nehf (2007) commences his article by emphasizing that the brunt of the responsibility of protecting consumer privacy is in the hands of the individual. The individual is the one who has to attempt to reduce the risks involved in submitting personal information to any public site. Particularly, on the World Wide Web the customer’s personal information may be used by unscrupulous Web site organizers. Although ‘federal (and a few state) laws’ limit the utilization of some personal information, these restrictions are full of exceptions and many of the internet transactions are not even ‘subject to state or federal privacy laws’(Nehf 2007, p.351- 352). Interestingly, Nehf (2007) highlighted the superficial form of concern that online businesses appear to have in protecting the privacy of their consumers. These businesses profess to collect a minute amount of data on the customer which will be kept safe from predators vandalizing this data. Consistent with this apparent concern for the protection of consumers’ privacy by online businesses, consumers also are genuinely concerned with ‘identity theft’ and the possible humiliation of having their private affairs published for all and sundry to peruse. Thus, consumers attempt to protect themselves by submitting as little information as possible to these
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