Thursday, October 31, 2019

Uncertainty reduction theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Uncertainty reduction theory - Essay Example I did not want to speak up, because of the fear that I may offend my new friend, but still, I wanted to express my-self. However, through the axioms of the uncertainty reduction theory, I was able to create and maintain a positive relationship with my friend. Thee first principle that was applicable to my relationship, was based on the ideas that Berger proposed, concerning verbal communication. This is the first axiom of uncertainty reduction theory (Rodriguez, 56). According to this axiom, an increase in the level of verbal communication between strangers manages to reduce the rate of uncertainty. This was directly applicable in my relationship, because I constantly maintained a series of verbal communication with my new friend. The next axiom is non-verbal warmth. An increase in non-verbal communication has the capability of reducing uncertainty. This includes smiles, head nods, hugs, etc. These were widely used in my relationships, because I constantly smiled on my new friend, whenever we met. The third and the fourth axioms involved information seeking and self-disclosures. Under information seeking, the parties to the relationship are involved in looking for information about each other. These types of information include the likes, the dislikes, the culture, the age, and other attributes of their friend. This is important because it would help in creating a relationship that is based on the understanding of the other person. Self-disclosure involves disclosing information pertaining to ourselves to each other. This was an important to my case, because I managed to explain to my friend all about my-self, my family, my likes and dislikes. This played a great role in reducing uncertainty between my friend and my-self. Due to my self-disclosure, my friend was able to reciprocate, and disclose more about himself. This brings us to the fifth axiom which is reciprocity (Baxter and Barbara, 108). Under this concept, when the uncertainty is high,

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