Thursday, November 14, 2019

Critique Of The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari Essay examples -- essays resea

Critique Of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari was written by Hans Janowitz and Carl Mayer, and directed by Robert Weine. It was produced in 1919 by Erich Pommer for Decla-Bioscop. 1919 was a year in which the movie industry was transformed into a giant industry. Although the movie was produced in 1919, it was not released in the United States until 1921. A time when film makers were out to prove that film was indeed art. In the year 1921 525 films were released out of those 525, 50 still exist today, one of those 50 is The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. At the time of its release in America, horror films were virtually unheard of because filmakers felt that the subject matter was tasteless or even repulsive, not to mention di...

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